***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Congrats again karolina :) and congratulations Laura! Two babies in one day, yay ;) xxx
Congrats Laura & Karelian, wonderful news. Kareolina snap on those stitches, they are so worth it though! Laura can't believe u almost had a home birth! October babies are coming thick & fast now x
My theory was correct! Another baby lol!!
Congrats Karolina sorry it was a bit more traumatic than you would have liked but she is absolutely beautiful :) :love:
Congratulations Laura!

Ladies, meet Nina. She was born today at 12 noon delivered via forceps. Got her shoulder stuck in my pelvis and suddenly room was full of people... one was pulling her out with forceps, one was pushing on the side of my belly and two more stretching my legs. Ho estly I felt like they were distroying my lady bits!!!

Nina is fine, has a few marks on her face but nothing major. I ended up with both internal and external stiches. But she is totally worth it x

Congratulations Karolina, she's gorgeous! Snap on the birth, that's what happened with Calkum too, the wee scab from his forceps fell off 6 days after he was born and now you don't see it at all. The stitches are fun :(

Ladies embarrassing thing here, I have a bit of poop I can't pass at all, it's in the back passage & I can feel it but it feels like it's too big to pass or it's stuck!! Most umcomfertable & sore, any hints & tips ? Xx
I know I seem to often be telling people to put things up their bums but glycerin suppository would work like a charm for that shelley. Glycerin softens the blockage and helps to get stuck poo out. Chemist do them without prescription too. X
I'm so shattered today it's unreal! Up at 7, popped to the shop briefly, had some lunch and a bounce on my ball, decided I needed a nap at 12.30, and was there for 2 hours! I'm still tired now!
Well, we had a quick visit to the labour ward today, as little miss has been very quiet the past two days. So I rang up and we were advised to come in for a check on a "better safe than sorry" basis. All was well though. Perfectly normal CTG. And of course, after we got home she's been back to normal activity levels, the cheeky monkey!

Trace showed that I'm having fairly regular and strong braxton hicks or early labour contractions though, even though I don't feel most of them. I was monitored for 30 minutes and the trace showed 7 or 8 peaks at regular intervals. Fascinating!
Glad everything is ok petchy, at least you don't have too much longer to wait :-)

been having mild contractions every now and then over the past couple of days, just feeling like period pains and not lasting too long, and have just discovered the beginnings of a bloody show. Happy days!
I still have zero appetite, am barely forcing food down :( still feel sick but seem to have stopped vomiting thank god. Keep getting period pains but really random and sporadic. Think I might have lost a bit more plug today but it wasn't brown or bloody was (tmi) yellow and snot like and very stringy. Ugh.
I'm exhausted but sleeping all the time, literally, napping most of the day, early night and lie ins (hubby & family a godsend helping look after my little boy for me)
I feel like this has gone on all week and I just want things to either get started or go away!!!!
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I've been wiped out too Rachael
I fortunately don't have a little one to run around after x
Same here no appetite - just got that acid feeling in my throat- oh and going to the toilet is feeling painful, luckily my lo's are being very good at the moment.

Hope your all feeling better soon or getting near to baby cuddles x
Congrats on baby Nina. What a lovely name.

I am on cloud 9.

I guess all the early pains, contractions and braxton hicks really did something!
I'd been having niggles all night, but nothing too exciting. I was just over 2 hours from me realising I was in actual labour to her making an appearance. We only just made it to hospital. I was in for less than 5 mins before I was pushing, it's all so blurry. But midwife I seen today said I can request my notes. Has anyone done this before, and had your midwife go over it?
I know a few who have gone over their notes

Thats blooming quick though laura!
It's standard here to go over your notes after giving birth. And especially if it was a traumatic or very fast labour. I think part of why I struggled so much to come to terms with my previous birth experience was because I never got that "debrief". I'm very glad I went to the trouble of requesting my notes when I first found out I was pregnant this time. (I'm sure it was only hassle because I don't live in the uk anymore and couldn't come in to verify my identity in person) I've read them several times, cried loads and gone through them with my midwife too. It's made a huge difference!
Have had a terrible night! Felt like I had trapped wind and body was contracting for three hours! I hoped it would ramp up into something, but nothing :( looks like I'm in for a few weeks of sheer uncomfort :( poops!

Hope you're all feeling better than this!

I found out at MW appt last week that I delivered both my boys back 2 back, and likely this one too! I didn't know anything about my second labour, so it definitely helps to go through it :) (back 2 back isn't as bad as they make it seem, if anyone else is heading that way. My 2nd popped out quite quickly!)

I was never mentioned about getting to have the midwife go over my notes last time, but I think I'd like to this time. Try and fill in some of the blurry bits LOL.
I was in tears after giving birth because I heard the midwife making a comment about 'all the paperwork that goes with this one' because I delivered in a room not on the labour ward. I don't understand that either so want to know what she ment.
Florence is just perfect. Enjoying my snuggles. My daughter doesn't seem too bothered at all. She's much more laid back about it all than I expected.
I'd say the MWs have a lot more admin to do when you're not in a delivery suite. Health and safety issues, things like that. It's probably nothing to worry about. :) Florence is a very pretty name by the way xx

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