***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Congrats on finishing up work Vegas, I highly recommend maternity leave :)

Woke up this morning thinking, yay, my spd isn't that bad! Then what did I go and do? Moved furniture around, paying for it now!

Have our bedside crib set up beside me, I can't believe we'll have a baby in there in a week!
Littletwix thats naughty
Could you imagine if you went into labour tonight youd be doubly knackered
Gotta take it easy
Although i dunno what it is but theres an inbuilt thing for us heavily pregnant women to keep making changes to our home (nest)
I know- Classic nesting behaviour! Dh had said he'd do it on Saturday morning, and I know he would have, I just couldn't wait. It had to be done NOW! :)
Im still waiting on this nesting thing haha

Pah ha!! Gail you've been the worst with a new kitchen going in!!! It's just good management not doing the actual physical work...

LG which bedside crib did you get? I got the chicco one and it's fab.
I've not actually done anything really though Fliss!
I've not cleaned or sorted or anything
Thats all been my mum and hubby
I've just made big decisions on wanting it done and how its to look!
Im waiting for this sudden urge to get loads done and clean clean clean lol
I've been scrubbing and hoovering today, as well as having to take my tinker kitty to the vets. He's either been fighting or got it caught but he's got a poorly tail and is feeling sorry for himself. Kids and pets ay?!

I've saved cleaning the bathroom for tomorrow, just in case it does start things off. Having curry for tea and saw a friend who told me to have some nookie. Haven't got to tell me twice love!

How is everybody else feeling today?
Sex and nipple stimulation is probably your best bet carrie xx
eventually after all the torment of early labour I'v had my baby girl at 10.08am this morning, weighting 6lb 8oz. Florence Beau was born, very quickly, narrowly avoiding a home birth!
We got home at 5pm and she is just amazing. Piper is taking her big sister role so far so good, perhaps a little too hands on LOL.

Best of luck to all fellow October Mummies to be.

Laura xx
Oh yay! Congratulations Laura well done honey x at last another little girly in the group. Beautiful name. Looking forward to a piccie :)
Congrats laura! What a lovely name. Finally finished work today girls. What a relief and so exited to get everything sorted ready for little man to arrive! :)
Everytime I don't come on here I miss another baby lol!!! Congrats laura on your wee girlie :)
Congratulations Laura!

Ladies, meet Nina. She was born today at 12 noon delivered via forceps. Got her shoulder stuck in my pelvis and suddenly room was full of people... one was pulling her out with forceps, one was pushing on the side of my belly and two more stretching my legs. Ho estly I felt like they were distroying my lady bits!!!

Nina is fine, has a few marks on her face but nothing major. I ended up with both internal and external stiches. But she is totally worth it x


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Aaaaaahhhhh babies everywhere! ! Congratulations on your little ladies, wish mine would hurry up now so I know what team I'm on! Xx
Congratulations Laura and Karolina, its lovely they were born so close together x

Just a few days till I meet my little girl - feeling excited now x

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