***** October 2015 Mummies ******

I rang
She was just boredly replying... " Nooo... Thats fine"
Its been 6 solid hours nearly
I cant sleep
I've even tried rocking/swaying to get him to sleep
Hes not having any of it x
I only worried because of count the kicks charity
And that its outwith his normal pattern
Its just really unusual for him
That...and... I wouldnt expect a newborn to be awake this much consecutively being active the entire time (or so it feels anyway)

And i keep hearing that clicking noise like joints cracking or bubbles popping!
How is the LO, Gail? Did he settle down during the night? x
Eventually i fell asleep
But that was after 7 hours solid thrashing about
Im now paranoid about it becoming reduced movements... Just in case it indicates somethings wrong
We'll just have to wait and see
These babes like to worry us x
Morning ladies, quick update, I went into MAU on mon night around 9pm as tightenings/ cramps had really racked up a notch. When they checked my I was 3cm dilated & BP was up, so they admitted me straight to delivery suite. I was on constant monitoring due to being a VBAC, by 4am had only gotten to 3/4 cm dilated so they decided to break my waters, after that contractions ramped up to about 3/4 in 10 min & got very intense, at 10am I was 6/7cm dilated. Around 11:30/12 noon I was finding that the contractions were really coming on top of one another & I was finding it difficult to deal with the pain, also getting the urge to push with each one, so MW said she would check before we decided what pain medication to opt for. I was 9.5/10cm & cervix was thin. MW said usually at that point recommended leaving contractions go for an hour before beginning to push, baby likely to arrive 2hrs after that! I almost cried could not last another 3hrs. Told her was finding it difficult not to push! Then she changed her mind & said push if u need to, so I started pushing with contractions, pain was truly horrendous but MW said she could see baby coming. So after roughly 1hr pushing Cillian Jones was born at 13:13pm, weighing 7lbs 11oz. I'm very bruised & needed quite a few stitches, but delighted with my VBAC on gas & air & delighted with our little man. X
Shelly, don't try to stick to breast milk just for the sake of it
You've done brilliant so far, expressing and all! Formulas are not evil like some mw are trying to make them look x

Shellly, I completely agree with this too. My first boy was lactose intolerant and I could not face changing my diet etc after the delivery I had had and a traumatic final few weeks. I felt so guilty! But I put him on formula and hey presto! He was brilliant! Loved it!

With 2nd I fed him for first two weeks, much to my toddlers disgust (he would scream every time I had to feed) so he also went into formula very early on.

This time I'll do whatever works for our house, it's all about this little person becoming part of the family, they are not going to remember if they were breastfed or bottle fed, but they will remember you doing your best for them right from the get go :) xxxx
Morning ladies, quick update, I went into MAU on mon night around 9pm as tightenings/ cramps had really racked up a notch. When they checked my I was 3cm dilated & BP was up, so they admitted me straight to delivery suite. I was on constant monitoring due to being a VBAC, by 4am had only gotten to 3/4 cm dilated so they decided to break my waters, after that contractions ramped up to about 3/4 in 10 min & got very intense, at 10am I was 6/7cm dilated. Around 11:30/12 noon I was finding that the contractions were really coming on top of one another & I was finding it difficult to deal with the pain, also getting the urge to push with each one, so MW said she would check before we decided what pain medication to opt for. I was 9.5/10cm & cervix was thin. MW said usually at that point recommended leaving contractions go for an hour before beginning to push, baby likely to arrive 2hrs after that! I almost cried could not last another 3hrs. Told her was finding it difficult not to push! Then she changed her mind & said push if u need to, so I started pushing with contractions, pain was truly horrendous but MW said she could see baby coming. So after roughly 1hr pushing Cillian Jones was born at 13:13pm, weighing 7lbs 11oz. I'm very bruised & needed quite a few stitches, but delighted with my VBAC on gas & air & delighted with our little man. X

wow! What a story!!! Glad baby is here :)
Gail I'v had 'extreme' movements quite a lot, to the point the pain gets unbearable and I'v felt like she's doing damage in there. I do believe it's perfectly normal. I remember with my 1st as well. But always phone for advice.
Sharmon, once again- huge congratulations! And you did it on gas and air only! Well done x

Before I've been saying I would like to try going with g&n only but NOW I will gladly take epidural as soon as they offer!!!! I am so bad at this! x
The pain i could live with laura
It was more the duration with no breaks
I thought to myself... If he was on the outside kicking and flailing his arms about this much... Would i think its normal. The answer was no. Surely hed be asleep at some point already lol
Wow Sharmon congratulations!! Love the name too. Hope you get some time to recover after that experience!

Shelley I'm with everyone else on the bf thing. I had a really tough time with my little girl who had undiagnosed tongue tie for 7 weeks! I persevered but it really did taint those first few weeks - I was so miserable. I had to express a bottle a day to give my shredded nipples a rest, which was so hard to fit in, but I was scared of the "devil" formula.

We switched to formula at 7 months and it was amazing! Hubby could help, it seemed to fill her up more and I had a sense of freedom!

This time I've already bought a perfect prep machine and some formula, we'll be combi feeding from the first couple of weeks.

You sound like you're doing amazing!

Mrs I hope your movements return to normal, sounds exhausting xx
As of yesterday I've started to feel constantly tired and emotional, but can't nap; weird! This afternoon I've felt so tired that I'm almost spaced out. I also feel ever so slightly sicky, and have no appetite whatsoever. Anybody else experienced this?
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As of yesterday I've started to feel constantly tired and emotional, but can't nap; weird! This afternoon I've felt so tired that I'm almost spaced out. I also feel ever so slightly sicky, and have no appetite whatsoever. Anybody else experienced this?

This is exactly me!!!! I've been like this since Monday and had the odd mild contraction too but nothing consistent. I feel so rotten with the tiredness and emotion and sickness and not eating!!! I keep saying to hubby I just need this baby out now it's making me feel really chlostrophobic
I think I have updated the front page now ladies, for those of you that have your gorgeous little bundles, and they really are gorgeous!! well done, congratulations :)

Birthing vibes to those that are overdue, baby will be here very soon and life will go on fast forward before you know it!

For those, like me, that will still be here in November!! :) hang in there, I am sure I will be here until the very end :)

Hope everyone is feeling OK this evening. xx
Last day of work tom girls! Eeeek I'm so exited :)
Ugh I've been sick 3 times tonight now can't keep anything down :( I've had 9 months of sickness or nausea I'll be glad to see the back of it!!!

Congrats on starting mat leave Vegas :)
Bunny I don't particularly fancy anything, but I still manage to Wolf down silly amounts of food! I'll be glad for my appetite to return to normal.

Getting some serious fanny daggers tonight, debating going for a nice warm bubble bath then to bed. ...

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