***** October 2015 Mummies ******

I think most do, I know ours did we got the whole package and it was defo cheaper than you've been quoted!! Considering it was in the harsh hospital lighting and I'd not long since given birth she did a fab job like that b&W one I put on your fb post.

I use pixie photo a lot as they give you one print free and cost £4 for the shoot, they are always in a shop somewhere like mothercare. The get expensive when you start buying the other photos but I usually only get the free one and one other.

Also white box photography are brilliant, they pop up all over the place too, my son's playgroup book them in every November and you book a slot with them and pay a session price of between £20-£40 then they just snap away with props and poses you want, at the end you get all the photos they took straight on to a disc and you can do what you like with them!
Woah they are some hefty prices ladies! Because my friend is wanting to try out some skills she's recently learnt, she's not charging for her time and I get a 8x10 print of my choice as a thankyou. The newborn shoot will be £180 for 5 hours and 10 prints I think.

I really don't like the proper posed ones, I find some of them a bit creepy. We're gonna go for ones that are more as if we don't know the photographer is there, more candid if you like. Because it's something she's only added to her repertoire in the last year, we have been sitting together going through the different things we like and don't, so I'm not being forced in to particular shots which is nice.

She did warn me last night that I could potentially go in to labour in the next 48 hours due to one of the particular poses you do with your feet and how it means you end up holding your hips.interesting. .......!
We're splurging on a proper newborn photo session this time. I never had the money to pay for it with my DS, so this time we're doing sibling photos at the same time. It's expensive but I know we'll have a gorgeous result (this is the photographer we're using, I know her through work http://mittlillestudio.no)

39 weeks today. No signs of imminent labour. Had a massive incident of hefty braxton hicks yesterday afternoon, but that's about it.

Looking fab petchy

I tried looking at your photographer
Didn't understand a word haha
Potential TMI post:

Had my sweep on Monday, had brown discharge on Monday evening, a little bit yesterday and now quite a bit today. I had assumed that the sweep had done nothing, is it possible for things to kick off 48 hours after a sweep?

I had assumed that if things had started by now they wouldn't start at all! what do you girls think?
Littletwix, not an expert either but perhaps soemthing is starting regardless of the sweep tou had on Monday? Maybe it is simply your time :) Fingers crossed x
Only from my own experience - a sweep is an aid to stretch and stimulate the cervix into action, it doesn't necessarily start labour off, but it does encourage your body to start labour a little sooner (if it works, who knows!) it sounds very positive that the plug has come away, that means your cervix is thinning and getting ready for the big day :) when that will be, only your body knows that. But all these signs sound really good to me. With both my boys I lost plug two days before going into labour. Xxxx
A "stretch and sweep" can only be done if cervix is already starting to dilate. If you imagine a small hole they wiggle a finger inside (stretch) and then try to push the sac the baby is in away from the cervix with a sweeping motion. This releases natural prostaglandin like the pessaries used for induction. It's more painful if your cervix is less soft and open.
Does that help?
brilliant Fliss! It's all such a mine field... I guess there's only one thing for sure, they have to come out at some point eeeek!! Xx
Thanks girls, I'm pretty sure it was a sweep I got because she mentioned it would release prostaglandin. I didn't get stats on effacement etc, but she did say my cervix was posterior :-/

I'd say I'm looking at induction next Monday, gah!
Gosh Twix, I hope you won't need one! Mine is dragging badly. Cervix still not favourable. I got a stretch and sweep an hour ago, hope it makes things happen?! Also started to loose brown discharge x

Fun fact - this examination wasn't painfull (done by the same mw)!
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Callum & I were back at he hospital today for blood results to see if his jaundice is getting worse (midwife referred us) , been sent home to wait on phone call to say if we need to be re-admitted for treatment.

Pead told us that its breastfed jaundice, this is making me want to change him to a bottle, speaking to a girl while we were waiting & she's the same - her kids now 4 weeks & in/out due to this. Callum won't latch on so I'm exclusively expressing which is hard going .... Right now I'm not seeing the benefits of breastfeeding!! Pead in hospital words were pretty much you've did it for over 1 week, he's had the best of you lol. Anyone had experience of this? Xx
Sorry your having trouble with jaundice Shelly. I'v no experience with that situation but the pead made similar comments to me when my daughter ended up back in hospital because she had lost too much weight because I was trying to breastfeed. The 1st week of her life wasn't exactly how I planned it, and looking back its my biggest regret. I will feed for 3-5 days and then switch to bottle.
Shelly, don't try to stick to breast milk just for the sake of it
You've done brilliant so far, expressing and all! Formulas are not evil like some mw are trying to make them look x
Shelly, don't try to stick to breast milk just for the sake of it
You've done brilliant so far, expressing and all! Formulas are not evil like some mw are trying to make them look x

Totally agree with this!! You've done great so far Shelly and it's important not to put pressure or guilt on yourself especially when it comes to feeding, pressuring yourself will eventually break you and affect how much you enjoy this time with Callum. If they recommend it try formula for a bit you can always keep expressing to keep your supply going and try again when he's better, but to be honest you've done enough with what you've managed so far to be proud!!

I persevered bf first time and it was awful, ds had a terrible latch it was agony and it took 10 times the feeds to keep him at a good weight in the beginning. It really clouded what should have been a lovely bonding time all I could think was I MUST breast feed and I didn't enjoy his first few weeks at all but I felt I'd harm him if I gave up like formula was poison. This time if I'm not feeling it then it's straight on to formula with the odd expressed top up. I'm putting no pressure on at all.

They say keep an eye on movement and pattern etc
Hes been going mental for 4 or 5 hours solid now
I know they worry about reduced movement. But what about increased above the norm? Is it an issue?
Best to call and ask midwife/ward, just to see what they say to that. I read somewhere that it could be a sign of disstress but mine has crazy outburst like that all the time and seem to be fine. Either way you can't go wrong with asking x

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