***** October 2015 Mummies ******

I'm due at hospital on Tuesday & consultant has suggested I get a stretch & sweep, to see if it moves things along to give me my best chance of getting my VBAC! Hoping things happen naturally before then though! I know each day is going to drag now. Hubbie is poised for action & every time I make a noise or take a deep breath asks me if it's starting! He asked earlier if he had to go to work tomorrow lol!
Congrats to everyone who's on their edd :) not long now!!! I'm chuffed I'm 37 and fully cooked now. Just want this baby evicted now, little bugger is not in my good books, was up early with painful period pains and been so tired and sore all bloody day. Then I managed to some how pull a Sunday roast out of my arse and was sat enjoying it (had zero appetite and barely eaten for last 3 days) then mid mouthful with no warning threw the entire lot back up, every last tasty morsel that I'd slaved over grrrrrr!!! now I'm sat hungry with period pains and horrific acid reflux thinking ungenerous thoughts about pregnancy!!!!
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Congrats to everyone who's on their edd :) not long now!!! I'm chuffed I'm 37 and fully cooked now. Just want this baby evicted now, little bugger is not in my good books, was up early with painful period pains and been so tired and sore all bloody day. Then I managed to some how pull a Sunday roast out of my arse and was sat enjoying it (had zero appetite and barely eaten for last 3 days) then mid mouthful with no warning threw the entire lot back up every last tasty morsel that I'd slaved over grrrrrr!!! now I'm sat hungry with period pains and horrific acid reflux thinking ungenerous thoughts about pregnancy!!!!

Bunnykins, not being funny but sounds like you might be skipping the Q & going into labour! Pity about your lovely roast, but vomiting & period pains sounds like little ones escape could be imminent! X
Sharmon, my hubby keeps saying to LO 'hurry up, I would really like my 2 weeks off to start already' :lol: I don't think he quite realises it is not going to be a holiday for him ;)

Bunny, sorry you feel crap but if it results in LO arriving I bet you won't be complaing x But this Q jumping is no fair :lol:
Bunnykins, not being funny but sounds like you might be skipping the Q & going into labour! Pity about your lovely roast, but vomiting & period pains sounds like little ones escape could be imminent! X

:oooo: :shock: :faint: oh god do you think so?! I'd be happy if it did come now though, ooh fingers crossed!!!
Bunny, fingers crossed! Keep us updated x

Gail, I feel your pain! I was in agony last night :shock:
He can stay put lol
Til at least another week anyway!!
Wow, seriously don't feel great today, have had period like cramps through the night & still have them this morning, not sure if it's BH or the start of something. Also seemed v wet/mucosy when I went to toilet this am (sorry tmi)! Feeling bit sorry for myself as my toddler is a mass of energy & I feel like I can barely move!
Bunnykins how u feeling today any more period pains?
Karolina, this is our second so my hubbie should def know this isn't going to be a holiday! Though as I BF last time he got off quite lightly!
Sounds like things might be kicking off for you Sharmon!

I've been feeling period-y/achy back for the last day as well. I was getting loads of braxton hicks last night too. Drank a load of water and they eased off a bit. I thought maybe something was happening but it's gone away now apart from a bit of a sore back.

Growth scan, another attempted sweep and will probably get my plan for induction today :)
I'm still hanging on in.
Still getting regular contractions. But nothing to actually get excited about. Got to about 1 in 10mins during the night, I had a walk about the house and a bath and they slowed down again.
I have made an appointment to see my midwife today to see what she suggests.

I guess I'm a bit shocked they just leave you, I really thought they might help out LOL. Maybe my wishful thinking!!!
Aw girls, I am so jealous! Something is at least going on for yous! I have nothing new to report. Nothing planned for today so still in my bed, relaxing. May go for a walk later.

Laura, that's insane! How can they leave you like this?! Good idea booking MW x
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They wont bring you in until you're in established labour laura although by all means call up and see if it's worth examining you to see if there's been any progression

My kitchens getting fitted today
I feel crap though. Feeling sick and my bump hurts when I bend forward :(
Yeah that's what they said. This part of labour can last day, even weeks!!!! And they can't do anything until I'm getting contractions 3 in 10 mins which they class as established labour.
I'm just really really sore and the pains are quite breathtaking. I guess this is all doing some good though, and hopefully when she does decide to come it will be quick and easy LOL that's wishful thinking. I'd choose my induction 10 times over than this!!!
Oh Laura, you poor thing x Really hope the little one stops teasing you and comes out soon! Fingers crossed you find a way to manage the pain until you can go in x
My midwife has booked me back in to see her on Friday. She said if nothing has happened by then I can have a sweep done.
Thinking of you laura, that must be so frustrating :(

I've had a few 'loose' clearouts today (tmi lol!) still got period pains and a bit of back ache but nothing concrete. Think it means baby is defo getting ready but I reckon I've maybe got another week or two of this. Hubby is so stressed at the moment I'm really worried about him, he's in the middle of a restructure at work, hopefully he'll have a job at the end of it but who knows, and theres a few other things he's dealing with. I felt so awful for him when he came home for lunch as I can't do anything to help him and being pregnant I'm causing some of the stress too lol! So I've just booked him an hour and a half spa package for next Wednesday evening, facial, massage, light snack, pedicure, was on offer so only cost £60!! I'm so excited to treat him and put a smile on his face :) just hope that's not the day I go into labour lol!!
Bunny, it sucks for your hubby, he must be stressed. You are the best wife for booking that treat for him, I'm sure it will relax him x

You know how I've been getting loads of BH that I could mainly feel in my upper belly. Well today I can also feel them in my uterus... I hope this means something?! X

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