***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Yeah I get the bit about passing antibodies to baby but somehow I feel a bit uneasy about injections containing live viruses. Ehh I'll probably leave it to faith, jab is booked for wednesday, perhaps I will have her before ;)
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Happy due date Karolina, hope you aren't kept waiting too long

Any news Laura? Slow labours are the worst, I hated the last 2 weeks felt so unwell.

Keep checking in you ladies. Xander and I doing a bit better. Combi feeding is the way forward atm. He's happier and put on some weight, but still a little way to go to get him back to birth weight. He's sleeping better than Jess though :lol:, she's a bit unsettled as my mum went home on Friday.
According to the nhs website it doesnt contain a live virus khtw? X
Oh my goodness!!! I cannot believe they are allowed to leave you in 'labour' for this long.
I ended up at the maternity unit to get a checked up last night. They have said its definetley contractions I and having and I am 3cm dilated. The contractions were coming every 12 mins last night, then went to 8mins and then stopped. But there on and off all day and night. I'm having loads of baths and using my ball. I'v not lost anymore plug and don't feel like the sweep has done anything. Gosh my induction was so much easier than this. But I'm 38 weeks today!
I hope it progresses quickly from here love
2 girls at my antenatal had your ongoing slow labour contractions for 3 days each :(
I feel your pain Laura, I was so glad I had an early induction date, I just needed the tiniest of nudges in the end, they just popped my waters which were bulging through 3cm dilated cervix! Sounds like you won't be long though. X
I just can't believe they just leave you, and say this is normal. The contractions are really really breath taking.
Oh poor you! :( it sucks when it's slow like this... I'm sending some speeding up vibes your way :) good luck Hun xx
Good luck Laura- really hope it speeds up for you, it is shocking how they expect you to get on with it.

Happy due date Karolina, hope your baby doesn't keep you waiting too long. I'm not having the flu jab either but need to have the whooping cough asap- b4 Thursday.

How's everyone else today?
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I've been very lazy cas
Very very lazy
Im going to my mums later for homemade mince and totties
Cant wait!!
I'm having a lazy day too, just feel so tired-
Enjoy your mince totties!
I thought wed get energy to be scrubbing skirting and all sorts
I was looking forward to it
Feeling sorry for you at the moment Laura get some heat on your back if that helps..I didn't get chance to use my tens machine but would be getting it out now to see if that helps x hopefully it either subsides enough for you to get some sleep or ramps up enough for established labour...if it becomes unbearable I'd go back to the hospital as you might suddenly become more dilated than you think! Good luck hun you'll have a littlle bundle soon! You next by the sounds of things eek!
Any updates Laura? I'd definitely go back in if you're feeling this rotten. Do you have a tens machine you can use?

Happy due date Karolina :)

I haven't been that lazy, cleaned a sideboard, washed sofa cushions and made a lemon drizzle cake. I used Paul Hollywood's recipe, absolutely delish! Only a bit left! I'm going to have put so much weight on...oh well!
Oh Laura I hope things speed up for u & labour is not too long & drawn out! Karolina do you think baby might make an appearance soon? Can't believe we've finally made it to 40weeks, woohooo! I thought something was happening last night for about an hour had some major tightenings & had to go to bed for a lie down, but then it all just stopped, boo! We spent the day at tatton park today, walked a few miles, had nice lunch, was a lovely day, hoping the exercise might move things along, really wanted to do something to distract myself from the fact that it was my edd! Hope something happens naturally over next few days & I get my VBAC, anyone else got any movement?
Oh laura I hope things have progressed for you, it's awful when they won't do anything they left my sister days without any pain relief as said she wasn't dilated enough but she was begging them just for some gas and air.
Happy due date Sharmon! Things were happening to me last night too; lots of tightenings and drilling into my pelvis but it turned out to be nothing. Was out today, walked a lot but still no sign of LO.

I am booked for a sweep on Wednesday but hope baby comes before that!

Fingers crossed you can get your VBAC x

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