***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Woohoo, Laura!! Good luck, keep us updated x
I hope it doesnt drag on too long laura

How far on are you now?

I still feel sick
I think its gonna be back for the duration
I can only think hormones have ramped up or something

I dropped my car off to be valeted this morning
So by tea time I'll have it back and will have the car seat out the box and installed :)
Hi guys since yesterday my cm has gone a slightly darker colour. Instead of white it's got a beige tinge not quite brown. What do u think? Anything to worry about?
I'm 38 weeks tomorrow. I don't know what to do for the best, I'm really lightheaded shakey and dizzy and just want to lay about. Getting out of breath so easy, but I know I should be up and about walking etc but I just don't feel up to it at all. My head is pounding.
Laura - take some paracetimol, it probably won't do much but it might help. Drink as much as you can too, that will make you get up and down allot just for toilet purposes :)

Vegas - sounds like plug to me, nothing to worry about unless it's bright red, just your body getting ready :)

Oh how rxxiting ladies!! I'm still at the stage where I feel like I'm going to be pregnant FOREVER!! :) xx
I just had my flu jab
Seen a sign for it in asda pharmacy
I just walked up and asked about it and got it there and then
I hope it works this year. Although shouldn't complain as it was when we both had the flu and were off work in january that we got pregnant LOL!
That's great you can get it in Asda pharmacy. I need to speak to my midwife about mine.
Totally free
He actually had 2 brands behind the counter
1 approved for use in pregnancy and 1 for everybody else
I just walked up and asked about it
They just put my name address dob and GP details on a form and that was it
To be fair i noticed in tesco theyre only charging £9 for if youre not eligible but theirs said not suitable for in pregnancy that one
Either way its not dear x
Thanks! I am getting mine on Wednesday but OH needs his too so perhaps we can both get it in ASDA or Boots x
Best of luck Laura! I hope it's not too long and drawn out for you!

I'm feeling a bit like you mumagain, even though I won't be let go to 40 weeks I feel like I've been pregnant for an eternity! Absolutely no signs of anything gearing up despite my sweep on Monday, no plug loss...I am getting Braxton Hicks now and they can be a bit more painful. Lots of fanny daggers but I've been getting those for weeks...

Heading out tonight which will keep my mind off things if nothing else. The thought of sitting in a restaurant doesn't appeal to me but I'm sure I'll enjoy myself once I'm there.
Good luck Laura, looking forward to updates!

My local surgery had a drop in session for flu jabs today, it was like a scene from night of the living dead! !! There were 5 nurses working to get all the over 65s through and they were still waiting half an hour.i just walked up, got jabbed and left. You could see them shuffle racing across the car park to beat each other in to the queue!

Bumped in to a friend today whose friend was due 2 days before me and had her little girl on Monday. Crazy!
I have way too much time on my hands! Baked lemon drizzle cake yesterday and this today! I will be huge by the the time baby pops out :lol:


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I was thinking of making lemon drizzle cake today actually :) what's the one in the pic?? Chocolate biscuit cake?
Just checking in for a nosey ladies looks like your babies are all still cooking nicely...any further news LauraJane? If you feel shaky and dizzy but can't put it down to anything ring the assessment unit and update them. Fingers crossed for a speedy progression x
I rolled over onto my left arm during the night (the one i got the flu jab on)
I let out a yelp cos it hurt and I wasnt expecting it /half asleep
Hubby jumped up thinking it was a contraction hahahah
Itd be a long noisy night if thats the noise I made to early labour pains haha
So it is finally here... my due date!! No sign of the baby tho!

Last night was a bit weird. The baby was super active 4 times after/before bathroom trip. And I mean she was moving so much it was actually hurting!

Gail, sore arm during nights sucks! Hope the pain goes away quickly. I have decided to get the jab after the baby is here... I don't know... somehow I don't want to take it while still pregnant! I am a bit of a weirdo, I know :)

Littletwix, it's an apple pie :)
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Its not that sore
Just tender
But when you roll over like youre trying to manoeuvre a whale ...sometimes you dont move so majestically that you could deem it as a gentle placement of ones arm lol
Id rather get it and hope he gets the protection from it x

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