***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Went to the hospital yesterday as bubba was being very sleepy, was given a cup of ice after half an hour and the little tinker went nuts!

Just been for a walk to see a friend, and have sat down with 2 tins of pineapple and a cup of raspberry leaf tea. One of two things will happen; braxton hicks will rank up again, or I'll get more exercise in running up the stairs to the loo. ....
Carrie, I read somewhere that only fresh pineaple supposed to work - is this true? It would be much easier to buy cans!! :) x

Good thing that you got baby checked, better safe than sorry x
My tummy hurts today
As in... My whole bump
I cant bend forward or twist its too painful
I dunno why but its not nice x
Sounds like we are all having one of those days!!! My period pains have gone from being just there all the time to very definite waves with breaks in between. Starting to feel quite contraction like gulp. Although I'm not getting my hopes up just yet as they are quite sporadic and mild.
Khtw I think you're right, but I was feeling lazy and fancied tinned fruit so thought it was the logical choice lol! Just made a chilli for tea, hoping I've made it quite spicy.

The next potential thing that could help might be my waxes tomorrow; the pain and horror might have an effect!
Do you think my appetite will go back to normal as soon as hes born?
I used to eat most things. I've become incredibly fussy this pregnancy
I cant look at meat or anything. Veg. Boak.
Im living off of crap. Not because i crave or enjoy it. But its the only thing im not turning my nose up at!
Still having this cramping, was every 5min this morning & like Laura it takes my breath away! Then stopped for a while, came back but it's now only about 1 every 10min. I'm due in hospital tomorrow to see consultant & have stretch & sweep, but if pains get any worse I might just go in & get checked, as I'm VBAC (hopefully) & have history of preeclampsia! Am feeling rather uncomfortable, really hope this is it & baby arrives soon, could not be doing with a week of this! Between pains I feel ok, pains are mainly front lower bump & a little bit on my back, baby seems to be wriggling about in between!
Thinking of going in to get checked, prob a silly question but who do I ring is it MAU or delivery suite? You would think I would know given this is my second baby lol!
Probably delivery i would imagine although itd likely be maternity you got assessed on first?
Laura fingers crossed you don't need the sweep and you go into established labour well before then. You're going to be knackered if this keeps up :(

Bunny you're very sweet to get that spa package for your husband, I'd say he'll be delighted with it. Hopefully it helps him de-stress.

Karolina - sounds like things are gearing up for you!

I had my internal exam earlier today and things were a lot more favourable and she could do the sweep. Yikes it was uncomfortable! She also did another growth scan and he's estimated to weigh 3500g at the moment. Assuming the sweep doesn't kick everything off she gave me two options - induce at the end of this week or wait until next Monday. She advised waiting until next Monday as it'll hopefully be an easier induction if we wait longer and he won't have grown too much in that time. So that's the plan! if no baby arrives before then I'm being induced in a week. It's kind of hard to get my head around it all!

I know lots of people find inductions really hard but I'm kind of excited about it all :)

I definitely feel like things are changing for me, way more braxton hicks and lots of crazy cramps.
Sooo I checked my BP on the home monitor and I got a reading of 150/100 which got me a bit freaked out. I called the ward and here I am now waiting for them to check it... God, I hope my monitor was having a shit day! X
Jeepers that's high!! Mine was 140/110 when it was checked at my appointment today but the next readings were normal - 120/70. Maybe it's just a blip??

Sorry if this is TMI but I'm getting a bit of bloody show/brown discharge after my sweep today. Could this be the start of something? Sitting here bouncing on my ball like a jack in the box. From what I read online it can mean absolutely nothing at all! I'm hoping it means something though :)
I really hope it was a blip but after my 2 last readings with MW were high and the home monitor showing high reading several times I had to get it checked. Hope they send me home x

Yay that sounds promissing! Some discharge is better than none, it must mean something! Fingers crossed x
Blood pressure checked at hospital... 180/95!!! I am staying in :/

MW says she thinks I am in early labour and they may even do a sweep for me tonight x
Ah you poor girls.
Come on next wave of October babies!! Sounds like a few are on their way now.

I found it a complete relief in the end. False starts are so totally exhausting. Whilst a new baby is tiring its so much easier than all the end of pregnancy brings.

I'm watching and cheering from the goal post for you all. Xxx
Blood pressure checked at hospital... 180/95!!! I am staying in :/

MW says she thinks I am in early labour and they may even do a sweep for me tonight x

Oh my! Glad your in hospital. Best place just now.
Definitely the best place for you! That's sky high. I'll be checking in to see how you're doing.

Hopefully one of us will be over in the baby thread soon fliss:) I reckon we'll see the next October baby very shortly. I'm probably a bit behind the others though :)
Hoping there be a little boom of babies arriving! You all sound so close to labour! Good luck Ladies xx
Just had an internal examination done, it was by far more painfull than I've imagined! Good thing the MW is so lovely and gentle!

She could feel the head, cervix is soft but only 1cm & not enough for a sweep. Will see what the night may bring x

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