***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Yeah...my hubby would never let a pregnant woman stand.

My house is spotless at the moment after we had a viewing today...although things have been stuffed in random places so it's not baby ready.

I wouldnt mind sharing a birthday with the little one...although I'm hoping he comes on his own before then as would like to experience natural labour. They will all be here soon x
Oooh that's positive news Laura!! If it's not something you've experienced over the past few weeks then I think it could be the start of something :) xx
I'v been having bad cramps on and off tri 3 pretty badly so I'm not getting myself too excited. Nothing at all during the night and this morning.
I'd like a natural labour this time too. I'm hoping to go myself and things just progress. I really didn't mind my induction last time, but it did just take a couple of days.
Morning Ladies! Hows everyone today?
I am booked for a sweep on Wednesday if no baby by then. I don't think she will be here before then - still no sign of plug or cramps... :(
Do you get offered sweeps before 40 weeks if it's a second pregnancy? I wasn't offered one until I was over 40 weeks with my 1st.
I have my 38 week midwife appt next week and would love to be offered some! I'm just wondering if they just leave you until due date.
That's good that you're booked in for a sweep karolina, hopefully it moves things along for you :) you hear of plenty of girls with no plug loss or symptoms that go straight into labour so who knows you could be one of them!

I think they only offer sweeps before 40 weeks if there's a medical reason to do so, I could be wrong on that though!

I've my second (attempted) sweep on Monday when I'll be 38+2 but there's a medical reason for that. There's no way my doctor would do one before 40 weeks otherwise :)
Is anyone getting the flu vaccine while still waiting to give birth? I don't know if I should get it on Monday or wait for the baby to be born first???? X
Is anyone getting the flu vaccine while still waiting to give birth? I don't know if I should get it on Monday or wait for the baby to be born first???? X

I was going to speak to my midwife about this. As I am so far on, I would really like it. But will I have time to get it. And I don't usually fall into a criteria that gets the flu jag, unless a new mother does? I'll need to try and get it sharp as I might not be eligible after baby comes.
Is anyone getting the flu vaccine while still waiting to give birth? I don't know if I should get it on Monday or wait for the baby to be born first???? X

I was going to speak to my midwife about this. As I am so far on, I would really like it. But will I have time to get it. And I don't usually fall into a criteria that gets the flu jag, unless a new mother does? I'll need to try and get it sharp as I might not be eligible after baby comes.

Hi ladies, I had it last week - now have stinking cold and water infection :( all pregnant women (and new mums) are eligable, and it could just be coincidence that I have this now as I have two older kids who have had runny noses for a week.
I'm off to get my flu jab tomorrow morning, I was going to go get it anyway, but the midwife said I should definitely get it so I'm all in!

Just been to the coast, to play crazy golf, go to the amusements Eat hot doughnuts and salted caramel ice cream with my sister. Makes me excited for a family holiday next year already lol!

Starting to get impatient already, this is terrible! RLT and pineapple juice by the gallon, gonna start the squat challenge tomorrow :-)
Ok! I booked mine for Wednesday, hope it won't give me flu like symptoms right before baby comes!!

Squat challange? Do tell more :lol:
You can get one of those squat challenges that lasts a month and it gets harder towards the end of the month, but I found one on pinterest that is as simple as doing 50 a day, and up to 100 if you are feeling up to it. Doing proper sumo squats is meant to help baby move down more, so helping to push against the cervix and get things going.

Plus it will work ya booty in the meantime ;-)
I cried in the car when i finished work today
Thats me done for a year
I feel sad. Its no longer MY team :(

I done absolutely bugger all all day... It was a bit of a non event actually
I had to hand my pass in on finishing aswell..thats a bit sad. No way of getting past those gates before next october unless i can day release passes for a return to work type meeting!
So i can't even pop in to say hi or whatever.
Ah well

New life. New chapter. New routines...
I'll get there! X
I've been having some cramping this afternoon. Nothing very regular, just random on/off. Strong enough to make me take notice. It has me wondering if it's just braxton hicks really ramping up, if it's just gas (doesn't feel like it though) or if it's the start of something. It's probably just a false alarm, to be honest.
Gail, I wanted to say happy last day at work but you don't sound too happy :( At least now you will have some extra time to get organised and rest. And I'm sure everything will fall into place next year x

Petchy, I hope it is a start of something for you! No one likes false alarms x

I have so much time on my hands that I just don't know what to do with myslef! Today I baked lemon drizzle cake. I am now spread on the sofa watching a movie. This is great :lol:
I've been having period pains today and feeling sick and then tired then full of energy cleaning my sofa, lost a bit of plug this morning too.

Seem to remember it taking about a week or 2 after feeling similar before I went into labour last time. I'd quite like it to wait until next weekend so my ds can have an uninterrupted birthday weekend this weekend!!!
I've not had braxton hicks or anything so far, but this evening I do believe someone has started practising their escape. ...

doesn't hurt at all, but periodically my belly gets rock hard then relaxes again. Bubba is happily wriggling around too so no worries, would like to see something with a bit more substance though so I can start experiencing this properly!
Im just soft karolina
I get attached to people. I'll miss them lol
Its just sad when you feel like you're gonna become a stranger

All sounding promising ladies

I've felt sick last 2 days and have had a bad head all day that hasn't shifted with painkillers
Fell asleep about half 6 for 3 hours and now wide awake!!
It'll be a long night ! X
I fell asleep just after I posted and woke up on the sofa about 15 mins ago to hubby wrapping presents and putting balloons and banners up for tomorrow, bless him!!!
Looks like I'm in the early stages of labour, going to be a long process I suspect. Have lost some more plug and have irregular contractions, very painful and uncomfortable. I'v got the gym ball out and had a couple of baths. Phoned hospital and they said to keep an eye on things, especially babies movements... Here goes!

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