***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Aside from the house being the way it is and needing a deep clean...
I've gotta finish packing my hospital bag, get the cars valeted, get the carseat set up (its still in the box) wash the bedding for his moses basket (i've no washing machine til next wednesday though), dig out the steriliser and breast pumps and id quite like to shave my legs and bits probably beforehand haha. I'll probably need help with that though
I dunno what else im missing
Ooh. I wanted to sort the freezer out and batch cook some meals. But I've no cooker yet so gotta wait for that aswell!
Haha I just booked a leg wax at local salon, I can no longer tackle the fuzz myself, hope my waters don't go while I'm on the table lol!
LOL my MIL has booked me a pre-baby pamper day next week. Eyebrow, leg and bikini wax. Pedicure and manicure.

My bags are packed. All washing done. My house is really ready. Waiting patiently on this little miss arriving!!!
I've got all my waxes and pedicure booked for Tuesday, everything is washed and ready to go, car seats are in the cars already and bags are good to go. Just waiting on the last piece of the puzzle :-)
I still have a bit to do: fridge didn't get done today...

Crib has arrived and hubby will need to assemble that, wash curtains, clean out cutlery drawer, clean out magazine and things from under coffee table, Cook extra dinners, wash sofa covers...I'm not normally this neurotic!
Gail you have an excuse! Once your kitchen is done it will all fall into place LOL
The kitchen being ripped out was my idea though
Talk about timing!
Yup Gail, you definateluly have a valid excuse :lol:

All done here as well. Definately need to shave legs and do my neils and toes (good luck to me!)

LauraJ, can I adopt your MIL :lol:
The midwife asked us not to wear nail polish
Well... Not shellac type stuff or acrylics
Or to leave pne finger spare
Both to check colour and to stick a clip on for monitoring
My nails are dead short and look crap anyway. They only look nice if I've got acrylics on to lengthen them

I got weighed at midwife appt today
My bmi is too high for a waterbirth :( im gutted
Sorry to hear about you bmp, Gail. I really don't get how bmi can allow or not for a water birth?!

I was only planning to put a clear neil varnish. I hope that'll be ok?
My MIL is a keeper, she's such a lovely thoughtful woman.
I'm just going for a nice nude colour. So I'm sure a clear would be fine.

Sorry about the water birth Gail, it's annoying how they set limits for things like this, but I know why they do it.
My BMI I high this pregnancy and it's not affected it in the slightest. That I know of. Maybe a bit more tired and sore but perhaps that's the toddler I'm running after. LOL.
I think they basically say that a high BMI is a high risk pregnancy, and there is more chance of complications etc so it's not safe for a woman of a high BMI to be in the pool.
Its if its over 32 its to do with manual handling if something was to go wrong when you're in the pool

I think normal polish is ok
Theyve got acetone if for some reason you need to have it removed
Others dont come off as easy x
Do any of you still have loads you still need to do??

Gail, don't worry your not the only 1 who's a little bit unorganised ha ha. We're in the middle of decorating our bedroom so the whole house it pretty much upside down. It's nearly done though which is a relief. Got baby hospital bag to pack and tonnes more baby washing to do. organise and tidy whole house, get car valated, pick up pram and car seat from mams and get oh to put together and fit car seat, sort baby bedding for travel cot kept in sitting room and crib in our bedroom, defrost freezer, sort prep machine, bottles and steriliser stuff in the kitchen. everything is still in boxes. there will be lots more I've missed off. ha ha

Had 36 week midwife app today and just found out they induce at 41 weeks now not 42 which freaked me out a bit ha. I've worked out if I go over and have to be induced it will be 4th nov so likely to be born bonfire night!
Yay for finally being in October! Looking forward to hearing about all of your new babies on the way oooh wonder who is next! x
I thought it was 42 vegas
If so itd go into guy fawkes for me at the latest
Now we are into October i just wanted pop in to wish you ladies all the best and congratulations to those who have already given birth xxx
I thought it was 42 vegas
If so itd go into guy fawkes for me at the latest

Well that's what I thought but not for my hospital. They induce at 41 weeks now. Apparently it's quite new and have only been doing it a few months but they will no longer let you go over 41. I'm not complaining cos it means I will get to meet him earlier but it was just a bit of a shock hearing I defo won't go over 41 weeks ahhhh!! Ha ha :)
I'v just started to loose some plug, and get some cramps. I don't think it means much. I felt some pressure and period cramps most of the day but I think it's just been babies head!

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