***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Yay, congratulations Shelley!!

Over the space of twelve hours yesterday I developed a stinking cold, not impressed! Bubba seems to be a little lazy this morning, I don't know whether my being under the weather would have an effect? ? Trying all the usual tricks until lunchtime to try and perk if up, then we'll give the hospital a tinkle if needed.

my friend is a professional photographer and has been doing some maternity and newborn courses, so I've agreed to be her Guinea pig, and will be having a maternity shoot next Tuesday :-) I'm excited, I'm hoping it's going to help me feel beautiful in pregnancy as so far I've mostly felt a bit gross lol
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Im going to my doctor this afternoon khtw
At work i will have a job of some description
Itll be within the company at the same grade but not same team
The team needs to decrease headcount and will disappear eventually. Its served its purpose it seems
Hubby will take some time off i think. But he will get ill from it. Its like getting ill when you go on holiday cos your immune system relaxes!

Sorry about the coldsores
I've been having them throughout.
Hope they clear in time so you can kiss your baby x
Excellent news, congrats Shelley! Looking forward to hearing the details :)

Ooo, a freebie maternity shoot, that's pretty cool Carrie. Will your other half be taking part as well? Definitely get in touch with the hospital if the movements don't pick up.

I was told yesterday by my consultant that she wouldn't let me go over 39 weeks. I never actually asked her exactly what she meant by this i.e. say induced at 38+5 or would she induce at about 39+5???

but when I rang her secretary this morning to clarify she said she'd wait until my appointment next Monday (38+2) to decide. Gah! should've known she'd take a wait and see approach. I'll be getting my next sweep and growth scan on Monday so I suppose it makes sense. I'm an impatient little one...attempted sweep has definitely done nada!

I've lots of jobs to keep me busy in the meantime which is good. Napped there for two whole hours. Feel great now :)
Carrie, free photoshoot sounds amazing! I would love one but it is too expensive... Perhaps I will get hubby to take a couple of shots for me :)

Gail, it sucks you won't get to go back to your team but at least you will have a job to go back to, that's always good :)

Littletwix, agrhh I bet you would want to know the date!! Not long till you find out tho :)

I had such a busy morning! Twice tried to lie down on the sofa to get some rest and the first time ASDA shopping turned up and the second postman came with delivery! I am finally on the sofa now :lol:
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Just rang the hospital, they suggested that because I'm feeling crappy it may be effecting what I'm feeling slightly, so gotta wait until is usually active in the evening and if it hasn't picked up to call back and they'll think about getting me up there.

I'm so lucky that it's worked out she's doing the training around the time I can use it, and I'm glad I can help her out too. We shall see what the outcome is!
So pleased for Shelly- I wonder who will be next?

The photo shoot sounds fab Carrie, hope baby perks up soon- don't hesitate if you think something isn't right.

I had mw today, my last appointment! Baby's measuring up a bit small but I think she's just tucked up well-she thinks I might be in early labour- but I don't think anything will happen x
Do you ever get it sometimes where your heart just hurts?
Mines feels a bit like that
Bloody hormones
Been busy spending quality time with my sister and niece over the past few days, so not been on here much.

Congrats to Shelly!

Gail, that day you described would have had me in tears!!!
first_time_mum, not got much advice about your vbac question, I'm afraid... Going for a vbac myself but an elective section has never even been mentioned...
First_time_mum the consultant I spoke to said my best chance of VBAC woul be to allow me to go up to 10days over, I mentioned I was concerned going over incase placenta malfunctioned again or I got preeclampsia again but they have just advised me to be super vigilant in relation to baby's movements & to go into hospital if I feel ill in any capacity! I'm sure if you express your concerns they will book you in for an earlier induction or section.
Managed to have a veggie day today, feeling much better for it, still no sign of baby arriving yet, think I've started to loose plug & felt a little periody earlier but it passed & now nothing, grrrrr!
Hi girls! How many Oct babies have they been now. Making a start on my hospital bag eeek! :)
3 babies vegas
Fliss, stacey and shelly!
Georgesmum next i think:)
I've got a health visitor coming in the morning, seems pointless as it's baby number 2 I know what I'm doing lol!!!

Also got my final growth scan on Thursday so last chance to see babba before it gets here :) hoping it's a good size but not too big and that they can tell me it's engaged!!!

Last 2 days I've needed the loo a lot so feeling quite cleared out iykwim!!! No sign of plug though but plenty of brutal fanny stabs. I've told baby to wait a bit longer as it's ds 4th birthday on Saturday and I don't want him to have to share it or take his cards down too soon each year lol!!!

Also I foolishly downed a can of Dr Pepper today and since then I've been in absolute agony like a stitch pain all over and down my side so think I've given myself trapped gas! Sat here trying to burp and trump while apologising every 30 secs to husband for being so unladylike!! :rofl: the pain is excruciating though so I need to release it somehow!!!
I will either pop this friday or next friday. I reckon someone else will get in before me. How exciting!!!!!!
There is some serious queue jumping happening here :lol:
I'm keeping score over in baby and toddler section but its mostly me talking to myself on the thread otherwise!!
Ello ladies, sorry I've not been in to update - callum was born 28/09/15 @ 19.22 weighing 8lb 0oz 52cm long ultimately forcefully by forceps in the end. He's here, here's safe & he's perfect - hubby & I can't take our eyes off him lol!!

We're still in hospital as I had a fair bit of blood loss & some stitching - were hopeful to get home today.

I'll try & put picture up but you know how temperamental this board is lol!!

Sorry for que jumping - hope everyone feeling well xx
Happy days Shelly! Lovely to hear you're all recovering well.

Officially 37 weeks today, time to start breaking out the pineapple and gym ball. ...!

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