***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Been to see the MW this morning, everything is looking good. Baby is 2/5 engaged at present and estimated to be weighing 7lb1oz with still 3 weeks until due date! Still ever so slightly back to back, but bubba has flipped over and is now skirting on the other side! Gonna have a little fidget bum methinks!
Thanks ladies! Safe to say I'm a little nervous!!

On delivery ward & in delivery room, waiting on officially being admitted though, said they'll get me examined & break my waters! I'll update as I can xx

Good luck - so exciting!! Thinking of you :) xx
Just had a peek at the notes MW left at the hospital and it says 2/5 engaged. Any idea what it means? X
It means they can feel 2/5ths of babies head, so 3/5ths are in your pelvis. It means baby is in the right place, and nice and low.
Ok so which do I eat...chocolate trifle, tiramisu or toffee apple crumble pie???? All 3 are sat in my fridge calling to me lol!!!
Anyone that is trying for a vbac, do you know if you can change your mind at 36 weeks? I've said that I will go up to 4 days overdue but now I really don't want to go overdue at all and I'm worried they will say I have to. I've got the consultant on the 6th to book c-section in if I don't go naturally before, I had a growth scan on Friday and babies belly is right at the top of the chart, estimated weight is 6lb 3oz at 35 weeks and I've got quite a lot of fluid :-/ xx
I've no idea first time mum- there are a few girls on here hoping for vbacs that should know more than me.

Had my sweep this evening, wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world and have been crampy since but I'm not hoping for much because she said I wasn't dilated. It was more of a roughing me around the place...argh

When she was examing me she said I'd a lot of fluid and thought my waters had gone. Thankfully an amniosense test was negative got to go home. She was going to keep me in if it was positive. Wasn't at all prepared for that! Still need to clean, clean clean!

Another sweep will be done next week and then I'll be induced if that doesn't work :)
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Since coming to bed I'm really pretty bloody miserable
I've got chronic heartburn tonight. Ranitidine hasnt touched it
Its making me feel rather sick actually
Im getting pains/cramps around my front and back
My piles are actually killimg me and getting bigger despite using anusol internally and externally daily for the past week
I still keep feeling like im getting the odd shortness of breath even though I'm lying down
And to top it off one of the cats dropped a live mouse on the floor and its ran under the bed (hes probably brought it in exchange for some wet food - i didnt feed them any meat the past 2 days! )

So that alongside being told I've no role to come back to in work, a skip company taking 380 quid out of our account without permission, 3 bank machines being out of service on the way home (flooring gets laid tomorrow) , the shower broke this morning (maybe iit's the boiler, not sure yet) and to top it off hubby is going to be ill soon i can see it building in him hes so run down and worn out

I declare today a crap day :(
I just spewed
It was just acid
Lots of it
It even came out my nose
By god it stings :(
Gail, oh no! It sounds horrible, all of it! You should see your GP about heartburn and piles, maybe there is something else they can prescribe? And feed your cats some wet food!! ;) Hope your hubby doesn't get too ill... maybe all he needs is a day off? Re.work, how come there is no role you can come back to? How about your current position? If you cannot come back to your current role, they are obligated to put you in a similar, same-pay position...

Littletwix, hope the swip works for you and you don't need to be induced, fingers crossed x

Ftm, no idea about vbac but a few others were considering it so i'm sure you will get a reply soon x

I had a dream last night that my waters broke! I was so happy about it. But instead I woke up with two huge cold sores on my top lip!!! Just great!

I think I will do some more washing today and maybe prepare a going-to-hospital clothes for me and OH. I've ordered some new bedding, hope it comes today so I can wash it and have it ready for before we head to hospital. I don't know why but I have this feeling it will happen this week... probably wishful thinking :lol:
I'm sorry to hear you're having such a rough time MrsS, I hope you feel a bit better soon.

Yes, any news from Shelley?! I hope she's doing ok!

Karolina I like the sound of your day, I'll be up to similar. Lots of odd jobs to keep me busy! Strangely I've been awake since 5am so I suspect I might fade by about lunch time :)
Shelleys little boy is here! Pic on fb. Callum and 8 lb :-) He is gorgeous with a full barnet of hair!
Glad to hear they are both fine!!! Congratulations Shelly xxx

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