Gail, oh no! It sounds horrible, all of it! You should see your GP about heartburn and piles, maybe there is something else they can prescribe? And feed your cats some wet food!!

Hope your hubby doesn't get too ill... maybe all he needs is a day off?, how come there is no role you can come back to? How about your current position? If you cannot come back to your current role, they are obligated to put you in a similar, same-pay position...
Littletwix, hope the swip works for you and you don't need to be induced, fingers crossed x
Ftm, no idea about vbac but a few others were considering it so i'm sure you will get a reply soon x
I had a dream last night that my waters broke! I was so happy about it. But instead I woke up with two huge cold sores on my top lip!!! Just great!
I think I will do some more washing today and maybe prepare a going-to-hospital clothes for me and OH. I've ordered some new bedding, hope it comes today so I can wash it and have it ready for before we head to hospital. I don't know why but I have this feeling it will happen this week... probably wishful thinking