***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Good Luck for tomorrow Shelly! i had a really positive induction and my cervix was super closed. They couldnt even do a sweep. When I told them my waters had gone, she didnt believe me because there were 4 of us being induced in the ward and they had bet that I would be last to go! :) I was first.

Will be thinking of you. what time is it booked for?

I am 37 weeks tomorrow...officially full term :)

Me and hubby went for a walk this afternoon and have also tried some good old fashioned sex...i'm not in a rush but every little helps.

Is anyone trying raspberry leaf tea? I have a meeting with diabetic consultant tomorrow so will ask if I can start drinking it xx
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Is anyone trying raspberry leaf tea? I have a meeting with diabetic consultant tomorrow so will ask if I can drinking it xx

I've started 2 cups a day from week 37 and from tomorrow I will increase to 3 cups. I love the taste of it xx
I've to be at the ward for 8am tomorrow, starting to get a little nervous.

I'll keep yous all updated xx
Good luck tomorrow Shelly xxx

I'm doing raspberry leaf tea too, I also did it last time and it worked for me (I think) as I barely had to push :) every little helps I say!!!

No sign of anything here but baby slammed it's head in my pelvis while I was out walking and I ended up down on one knee from the pain. It was a nuclear fanny dagger of epic proportions!!! Then tonight the little monkey kicked a cup of tea out of my hand that I'd been casually resting on myself :rofl:
Thanks for all the tortoise comments it made me feel better, gradually coming to terms with the guilt that I did the right thing. House feels strange without him but hoping I can get in the spare room tomorrow without getting too upset to start making it into a nursery for the babba.
Oh and MrsS don't worry about inconveniencing anyone, if you are at all concerned then you get yourself over there because it's always better to be safe and wrong than sorry you didn't get checked. I hate the term 'its their job' but in this case it is and in pregnancy things can turn so quickly that I'm sure they'd rather check a million false scares than miss one genuine and if not then they are in the wrong career!!
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Good luck tomorrow Shelly xxx

I'm doing raspberry leaf tea too, I also did it last time and it worked for me (I think) as I barely had to push :) every little helps I say!!!

No sign of anything here but baby slammed it's head in my pelvis while I was out walking and I ended up down on one knee from the pain. It was a nuclear fanny dagger of epic proportions!!! Then tonight the little monkey kicked a cup of tea out of my hand that I'd been casually resting on myself :rofl:

Good kicker then? My little one hates me resting anything on my bump too. I think he may have changed position too (hope not, as he was head down) x

Nuclear fanny dagger!! amazing :lol:

Only get chance to come on here in the evenings, so will be keeping an eye out on facebook for an update Shelly :) Will be thinking of you xx
Yep it's been a sod of a kicker this one, I was nearly knocked off the sofa by a kick last week when taking a nap it shook my body so much!!!!! Ha ha it was nuclear, worse than a normal one and they are bad enough, felt like it was giving me 'the peoples elbow' in there. Darned WWE wannabe!!!
Well my bp is fine
Temperature is fine
Urine is fine
Elis heart rate is fine
They took some blood to check iron too. Just incase
I didnt feel listened to. They kept saying sometimes you get dizzy when you stand up quickly. Im not getting 'dizzy'
And its not when i stand up... The symptoms compound themselves when I'm standING
They shouldve done my bp whilst stood up. Cos after a few mins my legs start tingling and my breathing starts to get shorter
Nevermind... If im lucky I'll have low iron., pop a few pills and jobs a good'un.... X
Good luck tomorrow Shelly

Bunny how funny
Doesn't sound good though

If it makes you feel better i wince when i sit cos my piles are bigger! No pain no gain lol
Thats great news that everything is okay. Baby may be on a nerve or pressing on the big artery when you're stood up. (the one that can be compressed if you sleep on your back)

If you're still not happy or concerned then keep on at them....nothing is a bother or insignificant when it is you and your babies health.

Just be extra careful you have something close to hold onto when stood up.
Good luck today Shelly! Will be stocking for an update :hugs:
39 weeks. Can it be sticking out anymore?! ;)


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Thanks ladies! Safe to say I'm a little nervous!!

On delivery ward & in delivery room, waiting on officially being admitted though, said they'll get me examined & break my waters! I'll update as I can xx
Sounds like you're not going to be hanging around. Once they broke my waters, contractions were established within an hour so it was all go. So excited for you, will look out for an update later. Its such a surreal experience having a baby, in a good way! Wishing you all luck for a smooth and quick labour. xxx
Best of luck Shelley! i hope it's a speedy labour for you! I'll be checking in for updates.

KHTW, your bump has definitely dropped! Mine is looking like that at the moment :)

I've my sweep late this afternoon, not too optimistic it'll do anything because I'm only 37 weeks. I'm also in a bit of denial as well, I've loads of things that need to be done before he arrives!
Good luck with your sweep littletwix! Don't worry, I don't think we will ever be 100% ready :lol:

I will be seeing my MW on Wednesday 39+3, do you think she would agree to do a sweep? X

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