***** October 2015 Mummies ******

I'll start an October mummies thread then :-) I can update as the babies arrive during feeds :)
I'll start an October mummies thread then :-) I can update as the babies arrive during feeds :)

Sounds good Fliss- hopefully there be a few more babies arriving in the next week.

At the moment all I can think of what am I going to do when I go into hospital, as no ones offered to help out with the girls, so may have to be on my own during section. Basically I need a consultant to do my section and there's only a Wednesday afternoon slot, been a few fall outs with family as well etc x
Oh no cas
You not close with any neighbours or that even?
Perhaps a paid in babysitter?
They've all moved, plus my 2los are really hard work so puts people off. We do know a child minder so hoping she have some space seriously I would pay anything!
Cas, I nearly ended up on my own as Jess got sent home from nursery with a temp the day I was induced. Thankfully my mum was able to take over earlier than planned and hubby got back in time. Bit tense though! It's really tough having to factor all this in. I'd be shamelessly help begging from friends and neighbours if no family around. In the end even the best laid plans don't go according to the plan!
I know its so hard when you got los to think off, thankfully your mum was there in the end to have Jess. This will be my 4th section but it doesn't make it less scarier. I hoped we would get a morning slot or better a Saturday slot but hospital thinks it be too risky without a consultant there x

Update - OH asked his family to help out but they seem a bit put out taking time of work.
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I know its so hard when you got los to think off, thankfully your mum was there in the end to have Jess. This will be my 4th section but it doesn't make it less scarier. I hoped we would get a morning slot or better a Saturday slot but hospital thinks it be too risky without a consultant there x

Update - OH asked his family to help out but they seem a bit put out taking time of work.

Oh Cas that's terrible, hopefully someone will come to your aid. My family are all based in Dublin so they can't help out, but we're really lucky in that OHs parents are on call to look after little one whenever things kick off! My FIL is retired, so also helps out with little one when I have to go to MW twice a week & MIL will prob call in sick to work if anything happens & she is supposed to be working. MIL is fairly intense & can rub me up wrong way sometimes but is so good with helping out whenever we need it that I cannot complain.
Really don't feel like anything is happening though, no plug loss or anything! Went out for Indian, went for a spicy curry, but no real joy, few twinges, but I think I was just windy due to spicy food, even tried good old fashioned sex (it was difficult, given my current size, sorry tmi) & nada, starting to think I might go over lol
Think im gonna phone the hospital after dinner
My legs still feel funny like yesterday again...
They feel weak like theyre gonna give way and periodically i cant getba full breath in. Just 1 or 2 though. Then its fine
Think hes just lying on a nerve or should i go get my bp looked t?
Gail, call them. Maybe worth investing in a digital BP monitor?
Cas I hope you get something sorted, try not to stress.

Gail don't take any chances & get it checked! Better being safe.

I rang them
They said it sounded like low blood pressure
But they don't do anything for low bp
She sounded quite dismissive actually
I've to go up at 730 but it was a case of 'if youre really worried we can always check you' in a very inconvenienced voice :(
Stuff them, don't you care how inconviencied they feel, this is your baby & your peace of mind!

Hope it goes well, let us know xx
Thanks ladies, I'm sure it sort itself out. Oh Gail hope your ok agree with everyone else get yourself checked out- keep us updated x

Shelly- anymore progress? x
Nope Cas, lost lots of plug today, irregular contractions, feel like baby ready to fall out foof but still here lol!

Hopefully makes induction tomorrow easier xx
Gail, go get checked for your own peace of mind even if it is low BP, you will sleep better knowing for definate. Keep us posted x
Nope Cas, lost lots of plug today, irregular contractions, feel like baby ready to fall out foof but still here lol!

Hopefully makes induction tomorrow easier xx

Yeah hopefully it be a quick induction, I found induction didn't work just cos baby wasn't ready, but you sound so close x Good luck x
Gail, don't worry about tone of voice, they wouldn't offer to check you if they thought waste of time.

Shelley, good luck tomorrow, sounds like you'll just need a little nudge. Look forward to adding you to October mummies :-)
Nope Cas, lost lots of plug today, irregular contractions, feel like baby ready to fall out foof but still here lol!

Hopefully makes induction tomorrow easier xx

Yeah hopefully it be a quick induction, I found induction didn't work just cos baby wasn't ready, but you sound so close x Good luck x

I'm really hoping it works, MW in Friday said that the stage I was at she could have burst my waters there & then, hoping its a good sign.

Baby is moving tonnes tonight, it's maybe packing it's bags for tomorrow's eviction lol!! Xx
Just realised baby could be here in matter of hours & poor wee sausage still doesn't have a name :lol: xx
Shelly! Good luck for tomorrow, can't wait to hear the good news x

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