***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Fantastic news! I guess the MW just made a mistake, huh? :D
fab news. The midwives keep mistaking babies bottom for his head so you never know. Always best to be careful though. Glad its all well.
What a relief! get home and get relaxing :) and maybe a bit of ball bouncing too. I'd say you're wrecked after that ordeal :)
Thats brilliant news Karolina :) what a relief for you!!!!!

I have no update :( just hip pain, lots of weeing, fanny stabs and what feels like a head grinding in my pelvis. No plug, no Braxton hicks, just lots and lots of hard kicks and movement. I'm still early days though and went 9 days over last time. I've got a growth scan a week today because of being on 2 fragmin injections a day. Should get confirmation of weight and if engaged then. So far (touch wood) I've no issues that would make them want to interfere and bring it out early so I guess at the moment I'm just at nature's mercy and am more than happy with that :)
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Thanks Grils! I am so happy to be at home!

I was checked by 3 midwifes and a consultant yesterday and they all said the baby was oblique... not sure if they all got it wrong or... the cheeky monkey turned head down last night!!! Either way I hope it stays head down and in pelvis ;) x
Babies can turn i suppose
Either that or your baby has a funny shaped bum!!
Karolina, I was exactly the same last week, told bubs was oblique breech! He's actually 2/5 engaged!! I think it must be quite difficult to tell a head from a bum, but what a relief to know their facing the right way! :) yipeeee xx
Karolina, I was exactly the same last week, told bubs was oblique breech! He's actually 2/5 engaged!! I think it must be quite difficult to tell a head from a bum, but what a relief to know their facing the right way! :) yipeeee xx

Hi same thing happened to me, last week I was told baby was oblique & had midwife appointment on mon & today & baby looks to be engaged now, said today that baby's head was further down than it was on Monday, so hoping this is a sign that labour is nearing as I'm getting fed up waiting now.
BP still holding around 135/85, so still looking ok for VBAC for moment x
I asked MW the other week what was sticking into my right rib, she said with how hard it was it must have been babies head, at this point I'm like great - babies been head down for weeks & now it turns. Was booked for scan that day anyway, popped off for scan & it turns out it was a bum not a head, baby must have a Beyoncé bum :lo:

Today I'm convinced there's OAPs waiting on hip replacements who's hips are in better condition than mine!! In saying that I decuded while hubby was at work yesterday to redecorate bathroom complete with new floor tiles .... As you can imagine, in bad books ... Again!!

MW in an hour to see if they can do a sweep xx
Shelly! Bad, bad girl! The more work you do the worse your hip pain is going to be (speaking from experienc) - stop it ;)

I see the MW mistaking heads for bums is a common occurance then, oh dear! I am already not looking forward to my appointment on Wednesday!

Single digit today! Woohooo! (Yet, no sigh of baby comming anytime soon) x
I've woken up with period type cramping today - nothing that makes me shout "yay! baby!", but hopefully a sign things are gearing up :)
So jealous, Petchy! Hope it is a sigh of baby comming soooon :)
Ooh Petchy keep us updated :) that's how mine started last time and I had him the next morning!!
KHTW happy single digit day :love:
...and Shelly a big TUT from me lol :rofl: your hips will never get better decorating and tiling a bathroom!!!!!! Sit down!!!! :rofl:
She needs to wait until after my spa treatment tomorrow!!!
Bums can really feel like heads.... who knew until pregnancy.

I'm cheering you all from the sidelines here.
End of pregnancy is so tough.

Had to take Xander back to hospital today as he's jaundiced and not peeing. My milk just isn't coming in still so I've been advised to top him up until milk comes in. Very impressed with the hospital: saw a paediatrician and lactation consultant and done within an hour. Got a plan for keeping him well and hopefully still be able to bf. Managed to lock myself out but that's another story!
Had to take Xander back to hospital today as he's jaundiced and not peeing. My milk just isn't coming in still so I've been advised to top him up until milk comes in. Very impressed with the hospital: saw a paediatrician and lactation consultant and done within an hour. Got a plan for keeping him well and hopefully still be able to bf. Managed to lock myself out but that's another story!

Here's a tip for you with regards to increasing and maintaining your milk supply even when topping up: use an SNS (supplemental nursing system) like this one from Medela: http://www.medela.com/UK/en/breastfeeding/products/breastmilk-feeding/special-feeding-devices.html

Basically what it is is a bottle that you fill with formula or expressed milk, ang hang it round your neck. You then attach the very thin and soft feeding tube and tape it in place next to your nipple. Baby will then get the needed top-up, but at the same time will stimulate your breast so that your milk supply is maintained and the risk of nipple confusion is diminished :)
Fab link petchy thanks. I'm hoping to just need 24 hrs until milk in and they've given me special cups to use to avoid nipple confusion. Seeing them Sunday again.
I had a sudden burst of (rare) energy after lunch, and ended up cleaning the entire downstairs - living room, kitchen, hallway, downstairs loo - and then did two loads of washing. Just the opposite of what I SHOULD be doing, I'm sure! It's ramped my braxton hicks right up, a couple have been slightly painful even. Definitely leaving the upstairs for my OH to clean when he gets home
I wouldnt mind some of your energy burst
Mines hasnt made evdn the slightest appearance lol

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