***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Yes she was born at 39 weeks...but I don't want to get my hopes up any more after being teased with imminent signs then nada. What will be will be. I am struggling through this bit loads more than last time, but just hoping that it all helps towards the big day x

It's such a horrible waiting game isn't it? Having that as a benchmark definitely must make things a bit more difficult. Distractions, distractions is what we need!

I had always thought I'd go over because that's what runs in my family but I don't think I'll be let go over my due date because of the size of this buster :)
I am away to check the facebook page then x

Just been to see the midwife and the baby has turned oblique! She sent me to hospital to get re-examined and they may want to keep me in until baby turns into the right position :( xx
I am away to check the facebook page then x

Just been to see the midwife and the baby has turned oblique! She sent me to hospital to get re-examined and they may want to keep me in until baby turns into the right position :( xx

Whaaatt?? noooo, I take it they'll scan you at the hospital??
I know it really sucks! To be honest I reckon I could get my head around waiting a little longer as some peeps do if I didn't consistently feel like I was about to explode...my brain says somethings about to happen everyday because of how I feel ..it's exhausting! I've tried reading and watching a film but it doesn't work...music helps a bit though I think that, and being able to talk about it is what's keeping me sane..not experienced any of this before so I'm always wondering if it's normal or not.

Oh no Kh naughty baby! At least they have found out beforehand. Keep us updated xx
Hospital midwife has confirmed LO is oblique :( The doc will come to see me in the next 2hrs and we will hopefully come up with a plan then. I really hope they won't ask me to stay in for any longer then one night! x
Oh gosh will you opt for them assisting to turn or are you not sure yet? x
I have no idea... don't know the first thing about the process involving them helping baby turn... would you go for it?
Oh no Karolina! Girl in work had her baby turned as baby was breech - she found it ok & baby stayed correct way round. They may offer you section before your date...? Keep us updated.

May be adding Karolina into the list now :lol: xx
I've been googling peoples experience with turning baby and there is more negative than positive posts... yhhh! I may opt for c-section if I get the choice. Will keep you all updated x
It's a tricky one isn't it! I guess if they said that the baby was in quite an easy position to turn I would consider it ?? or maybe opt for waiting and trying my best to help it along before ...fingers crossed your baby turns hun look up positions to help it along. If you do book in for a section then you still have time for your baby to turn before then so it might be last minute change of plans for you. Eeek just goes to show anything could happen in these last days/weeks. x
We need a list of everyones updated plans so we can keep track of everything!!
My sister had her baby turned, her personal experience was horrific and then baby turned back anyway and had to be given a section. Hope you get some answers from the doctor!
definitely so confused about peoples new plans.

i have had two women in with me who were oblique and their babies turned and they were sent home. I hope same happens for you. Fingers crossed!!! X x x x
I'm going to be really sad and read posts back and make a note of who is doing what, correct me if I'm wrong....hold on...
definitely so confused about peoples new plans.

i have had two women in with me who were oblique and their babies turned and they were sent home. I hope same happens for you. Fingers crossed!!! X x x x

Sounds positive! How long were they in the hospital for? x
Ok here goes - I only went back to page 69, so apologies if I've missed anything - also I've just noted anything that sounds llike signs of labour/early labour-related or plans for birth so have missed out late pregnancy complaints - not intentional if anyones missed off just purely looking at potential baby arriving updates - in order of due dates:

KHTW - due date 4/10 - lots of B/H, bump dropped, currently in hospital awaiting plan from docs reg oblique positioning

Sharmon - due date 4/10 - intense pain, tired, raised B/P. For VBAC. baby in oblique position? Not currently experiencing any other signs of imminent labour.

Shelly - due date 6/10 - Having B/H & 'fanny daggers', raised B/P no other labour signs. Plan for a sweep Friday 25th/9 then induction week commencing 28th/9

Stacey - due date 6/10 - Having intense pressure/B/H, losing plug, bloody show 6 days ago, baby engaged . Currently waiting for things to progress into established labour, no plans for induction. For VBAC.

Clairethehair - due date 7/10 - Measuring ahead. Plug has gone.

Petchy - due date 17/10 - For VBAC. Baby fully engaged, losing plug. Showing signs of gearing up.

Littletwix - due date 17/10 - Bump dropped. Showing signs of gearing up. Baby measuring big. 37 week sweep planned for Mon 28th.

Bonfire Bride - due date 19/10- Baby in head down position, plug loss. Currently managing GD well, no other signs of labour yet.

CarrieMarshall - due date 21/10 - Baby in head down position. ? back to back. Midwife reports looks promising for early labour

Mrs S - due date 21/10 - Baby in head down position, lots of pressure on bladder. No other early labour signs to report yet

Cas2015 - due date 22/10 - planned c-section on 14th /10

Mumagain - due date 26/10 - Baby deeply engaged.

Georgesmum - due date 30/10 - Currently in hospital for treatment for P/E signs/prevention. Baby now on steroid injections, birth of baby potentially imminent. A/W plan for induction early October.
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Feel free to correct it or add updates guys..but that's a brief run down from past 10 pages. Hope I've not missed anything important off! x
Anyone else get a strange 'popping' when they pee?

Hubby's fed up waiting on baby LOL!

If Fridays sweep doesn't happen/doesn't move anything I'll be shitting myself this time next week!! Xx
Stacey you've got me bang on, thank you.

I'm currently perched on the edge of the sofa with pelvis tilted and my knees low as is advised. Will be starting up swimming again some point this week and walking every day to try help. Blown up the ball and am going to Try kneeling on the floor and leaning on it rather than sitting on it as is quite small. Fingers crossed I will find that bubs has moved at my MW apt on Monday. ..

I have suddenly starting sweating like a trooper tonight; it's horrible!
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