***** October 2015 Mummies ******

I've been doing more batch cooking and washing, I guess a little bit domesticated lol! I can't sit down for 20 minutes without stiffening up, sound like I'm old before my time!

Only 26 days to go, I'm really hoping little one comes early, I'm now starting to feel impatient to see their little face for the first time :-)
For the ladies not on Facebook

Update ladies - Sweep went well, 2-3 cm dilated already, MW thinks I'll go into labour myself this weekend - failing that my induction has been moved forward to Monday!!! Baby should be here soon & she reckons it has a head of hair she could feel.

Hubby has sent me for a bath as he thinks we'll be in tonight & I've to concerve energy lol!! I want to get my hair washed too before I go in :). Xx
Woo hoo Shelly, another October baby! Can't wait for an update x
Bums can really feel like heads.... who knew until pregnancy.

I'm cheering you all from the sidelines here.
End of pregnancy is so tough.

Had to take Xander back to hospital today as he's jaundiced and not peeing. My milk just isn't coming in still so I've been advised to top him up until milk comes in. Very impressed with the hospital: saw a paediatrician and lactation consultant and done within an hour. Got a plan for keeping him well and hopefully still be able to bf. Managed to lock myself out but that's another story!

Hope Xander is feeling better Fliss xx
Brilliant news about baby turning!! These naughty babies.

How are you feeling now Shelley? All sounds really promising that little one is ready.

Started packing hospital bag...
I think i need a suitcase!?
Contractions had ramped up a fair bit but now died back down!! Xx

sending labour dust your way!!! :dance:

I have a small cabin suitcase packed and Rowan will have his changing bag (going to pack this tomorrow)...I had to stay in hospital for 3 nights with Oliver due to suspected sepsis (me)...so I have packed again for a similar stay due to the GD.

Wow so much action! I think we're gunna have more babies pretty soon!

I had my last day of work today - am hoping for a couple of week's rest now before baby's arrival... Well as much rest as 2yo will allow!

Hope everyone's feeling well - and good labour vibes Shelly! x
Gail, I've packe mine and baby stuff in a cabin size suitcase and oh is going to have his little bag with clothes and snacks.

I think I've developed thrush :cry: Can I use the external cream or not while pregnant??

We are having an evening out tomorrow for in laws wedding anniversary, would be funny if waters went during dinner :lol:
Had my last day of work today - yaaaaaay! Was a long one, and hard but all done now :) delighted.

Shelley thanks a mill for your sweep update, sounds like things are kicking off! I'll be stalking - octo baby no. 2 here we come!

I've got the largest cabin size bag and then another large ish rucksack for the delivery suite MrsS. So much stuff! I've also got another one going into the boot with extra nappies, pjs, baby clothes etc.

Oddly I'd LOADS of energy today as well, maybe I was psyched because it was my last day? Yesterday I felt like i'd a steamroller go over me, will probably feel like that again after all the activity today :) swings and roundabouts!

Night night everyone x
I've woken up with a bit of a cold coming, happy days! Hope it doesn't develop in to anything more than a sniffle.

Has anyone else found their OH getting very gooey and sweet the closer due date gets? It's very out of character for him but it's lovely! I'm getting the most bump watching and feeling over the past week than I have all pregnancy bless him!
Snap Carrie
Although i think it's cos im much bigger and you can see movements easily from outside when he kicks
He said he will miss my bump and that it makes me look good lol
Yep, Carrie, same is happening here, its funny and strange and sweet all at the same time :) x

Hows everyone today?
Shelled hope it ramps up again soon

Karolina you're fine using canestan cream or even pessaries but avoid the oral tablet.

Better night here and Xander doing much better. I slept on my front last night and it was amazing!!!
I had a really funny turn in Wilkos just there

I was looking at fitted sheets and i got really bad pressure down low then as i was walking back my legs started to tingle and feel like they were going to give way
My chest started feeling really heavy and hurt high up in the middle
Then my vision started going dark from the outside in
And my hearing sounded like the volume was turned right down
I had to sit down in the middle of the cycling accessories aisle
It was scary. I've never had that happen before
I feel a bit sick and fuzzy and still have that sensation in my chest
I don't like it :(

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