***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Well i gave in and bought some Anusol cream
The pharmacist suggested cream over pessary as theyre external
I actually had a look for the first time. Theyre huge! Like 2 massive grapes!! No wonder I'm sore and miserable
No idea how or why the body needs to have this happen to it cos its not helpful to anyone lol :(
It still hurts like a mofo but hoping itll start working soon. Apparently it absorbs quick so we shall see
Dreading work tomorrow as I can barely sit upright. Wouldnt be so bad if they could go back in but i think im beyond that point now... X

Hi Gail..I had a really really bad visitor 2 weeks ago. I went to the doctors and they prescribed me something to shrink it. Get some toddler training wipes to use after going to the loo. I tried to push this one back in and it just made it worse. Really feel for you as they were that painful they kept me awake at night in agony.

However...mine stopped hurting after about 1.5 weeks and now it has completely disappeared again. Nothing external at all and it was huge. So yours will do the same, I'm sure. What you have is probably a thrombosed one which means there is blood gathering in them...this will be reabsorbed by your body and then the pain will subside.

I'm the same Carrie - constantly trying to sit with my pelvis titled forward as my little girl was back to back last time (they discovered whilst doing the c-section). I have found that there's no way in hell I can lean backwards now! It's so uncomfortable I can't bear it so at least there's that!
No signs here. Baby is head down and has been for a while. Lost quite a bit of plug a few weeks back but nothing lately.
They will allow me to get to 41 weeks if I'm still managing GD with diet and exercise. If meds are needed (being checked weekly) then baby will be here between 38 and 39 weeks. xx
Spoke to the doctor. I have to stay the night at hospital and will get a scan tomorrow. Once that is done my options will be reviewed. Ah well, at least I willl know tomorrow x
Thank you B Bride will put your update on the list. Kh fingers crossed you only have to stay in one night hun get sleeping upside down or something hehe. Hope the scan is positive tommo xx
KHTW, that's so annoying that you've to stay in. Do you have stuff with you for overnight? Fingers crossed all goes well at your scan tomorrow. I hope you get some sleep in there x

Stacey, that's pretty much accurate for me. Not sure if it's worth adding I'm getting the 37 week sweep as my little one is measuring big :)
Spoke to the doctor. I have to stay the night at hospital and will get a scan tomorrow. Once that is done my options will be reviewed. Ah well, at least I willl know tomorrow x

Try and get some rest...sorry they havnt been able to give you answers. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. xx

Thanks staceymo...that list must have taken you some time :)

Well, tonight is first proper night of hip pain. It's been uncomfortable most nights but I've been able to get to sleep. Not tonight! Got up 4 times between 12 and 3.30 and eventually thought bugger it! Now on the sofa which is slightly more comfortable, but still got that familiar ache. Defo will be going for a walk this morning to loosen it off.

Last night I suddenly found I was sweaty, now I'm finding that all my piercings are very tender, weird!
No problemo, gives me something to do whilst off work ruminating on labour, edited for you littletwix.

Sounds ouch Carrie, hope you got back to sleep eventually. I've been on/off the sofa too over the past few days. I'm lucky if I get 3 hours in a row at the moment but it's been like that for ages now..I was the same last pregnancy with the disturbed sleep...was much better once baby arrived. Fingers crossed for a sleepy baby this time too!
Thank you, Ladies x Sleeping in hospital sucks! The two girls I share the room with watched TV until 11pm and then woke up and started yapping at 6am (who does that?!).

Should be getting the scan between 12 and 4pm but midwife said it is very unlikely they will let me go home :( xx

Carrie, sorry your hip is sore, I know the feeling. Switching from side to side often helps me x
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Ah no Karolina. Why are they saying you are being kept in? If your baby's breech surely they'd give you a date for a section and let you go home??

I'm feeling miserable today :( I can empathise with your hip pain Carrie. My groin is so so so sore. Turning in bed is excruciating and I'm walking like an old person. Only today and tomorrow in work...I keep repeating that to myself. If this sweep works on Monday I'm fecked, I'll have had no break between finishing work and baby arriving. I need a rest!

Think I'm going to get myself a hot choc and a scone to cheer myself up. Even if it is a bit of a walk to the canteen!

Thanks Stacey for updating that for me :)
Littletwix, you are also in pain :( That sucks... why things have to get so uncomfortable towards the end?!

With the baby being positioned this way, if the waters go there is a risk of cord prolapse which is very dangerous for the baby. They already instructed me that if my waters go I must go on my hands and knees and keep my bum up in the air and shout for the nurse :shock:

Getting scanned now and hopefully will see consultant before 10. I WANT TO GO HOME! x
Oh bummer sounds like we are all getting really fed up now. Rubbish that you might not get a rest littletwix, you weren't to know things would pan out this way with finishing work.

I didn't realise that was such a risk KH sounds scary! Hopefully you will have more of an idea of a plan soon today x
Oh my gosh Karolina, that is scary. Best of luck with your scan, let us know how you get on x
I hope you get to go home today, Karolina! Fingers crossed!
Now listen to this... just had the scan done and the baby is head down!!!!! Wtf?!?!?!

Has it just turned? Or did all midwifes get it wrong?! The baby is lying exactly in the same position as 2 weeks ago at the scan! Confused.com
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Oh that's great news, a bit of a scare but it's all good.Scans know best, get yourself a gym ball on the way home! x
I have one, been sitting on it for a week now! I just can't believe the baby is positioned right - such a relief!!!! x
Great news Karolina, my guess is mw made a mistake- relax now x Thanks Stacey for the long update- great idea x

Cant for the next October baby!

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