***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Isn't he just absolutely gorgeous though :love: it's made me so broody to meet mine!!! Huge congrats Fliss xxx
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I had a lovely chilled out evening, made my hubby do the hypnobirthing CD with me and it was nice as afterwards we sat and had a lovely chat about the birth......then I spotted a spider bigger than my hand run out from between my feet, to say I nearly want into spontaneous labour is an understatement lol, so now not so relaxed :rofl:
Congratulations again fliss!:) wow, first October baby, who will be next???
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happy for some of you other ladies to go before me. See what placenta is doing tomorrow.
37 weeks today! Just been to see the midwife, all seems well. Head now fully engaged and I keep losing bits of my plug every day, so it really is just a waiting game now!!!
Congratulations on the 1st October baby - very exciting and a little scary!

Does he have a name yet? Mum and baby doing okay?
Morning ladies :-)

I can't get a photo uploaded onto pf but it's on the fb group.

Can't get over how quick he came after waters broken, it was an intense ride but baby cuddles been totally worth it and don't even have a scratch. Going home later today so will put a proper labour story on at some point. Hang in there everyone. I'm looking forward to seeing all these Oct babies!
I think georgesmum next
Then shelly!

I think we might be adding Petchy to that list lol!!

I had BH last night with 'Fanny daggers' that was fun!!

I'm not losing any plug, bumps still pretty high too, my thinking is ill be hanging on next week to be induced lol xx
Awrr lovely news Fliss, I'll look forward to reading that bet you can't wait to get home now :)

I agree with Mrs S I reckon Georgesmum and Shelly next, I'm too on/off for any sort of certainty. Last night I felt like shouting really loudly with songs on the radio It's like I'm a pressure cooker haha. Then I was convinced I'd need to ring the hosp at 5am when I could hardly move on waking up - but now, guess what- feeling fine again! Even feeling a bit more energetic today so I'm going to my mums for a bit with Cora and see what the day brings. Good to hear others are gearing up now exciting stuff. Hope you all have a fab day x
I just had my first aquanatal class this morning
It was brilliant
I wish I'd started going much sooner!!
Although - those 5 minutes of trying to put my socks on afterwards was far harder than the effort of the whole hours class combined!

36 weeks today!
6 weeks to go lol
I also agree with MrsS, Georgesmum and Shelley next! How many weeks were you when you had your little girl Stacey? It was before 40 weeks wasn't it?
Yes she was born at 39 weeks...but I don't want to get my hopes up any more after being teased with imminent signs then nada. What will be will be. I am struggling through this bit loads more than last time, but just hoping that it all helps towards the big day x

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