***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Good luck for today Fliss! So exciting! Sorry about your scare Barbara - hoping your both are doing well today.

Shelly - hoping the sweep works for you so you can skip induction! Make the most of the next few days.

Littletwix- great news that baby's growth as slowed down a bit- hopefully by the time baby arrives your have a nice average weight!

I got my booking in appointment tomorrow for section -still not pack my hospital bag - is everyone sorted? xx
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Oooh it is exciting isn't it! I wish things would move forward over here but I reckon I'm just going to have to try and chill and accept the waiting game..my original prediction was for 28th so maybe I was onto something then as nothing seems to be happening now.

I bet there's not many Sept mummies left to go now then it'll just be us lot :shock:
Fliss - Hope all is going well lovely lady - good luck xx

Barbara - I hope he stays nice and calm now, good luck. Thinking of you xx

Wowsers ladies, most of you are so close now! I'm having to keep my eyes peeled to make sure I don't miss anything!

Have just transfered hospital - I was going to Addenbrookes (you may have seen on the news it has gone to "special measures") I live very near Hinchingbrooke which has an outstanding reputation so have quickly whipped my care over to them! MW's at the Rosie are great, but they are so short staffed, it is so sad. I had both my others there so this will be a different experience all together.

GOOD LUCK - Hugs to all - hope everyone is starting to get geared up for this baby boom :) xx
It makes me a bit sad that some of you could potentially have 6 week olds before I have my wee Eli!
Gail I always look at your avatar and wonder if it knows something we don't know! it says you only have 12 days to go! so you never know :) xx
Dyou know... I've never been able to get it to work right!
It's always been well off. The maths doesnt add up to anything lol

I cant go in 12 days
My kitchen doesnt even come for another 13 lol
Ladies we are getting so close! Fliss may already be getting baby cuddles awwwww :)

The house cleaning is nearly over and I am exhausted! Got some baby toys of OH's sister so will be giving the a bit of clean today and tomorrow and after that I am doing NOTHING until I start labouring :lol:
I'm on day 2 of mat leave, and today I went for a fat pizza hut buffet lunch, then we went for a tour of the MLBU at hospital. It's really nice, and I'm so glad it was easy to find. Really just wanted to know so we aren't walking round lost when the time comes. OH was really impressed with how much more homely it felt compared to the rest of the hospital; he hates them so if he's happy I'm happy!

Had my last antenatal class yesterday, I asked the MW running it to have a feel of baby as I had felt movement in some really weird places. Shefound bubs is defo very much had down, with knees poking out slightly as she felt bubs was slightly back to back. Have been and bought a ball today to try help, and will either go for a walk or swim every day. I took mum to the class, and after speaking to her about her experience, and having a feel of my belly, the MW said she would not be surprised if I went early and fast.argh!
Woop first October baby is here! Just seen Fliss labour thread updated!!! It's really happening now xx
Yay great news for Fliss! We have our first October baby ladies :D
Eek felicity is our first October mummy
Can't wait for pics!
First baby for the October mums is here safe and well yippee! front page updated, I look forwarded to adding more soon :) xx Well done Fliss, he is a stunner! :)
Well done, Fliss! Huge congrats on your new baby :) x x x

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