***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Good morning you lovely lot :)

That was sweet of your family&friends Shelly.

Hopefully your midwife will quash some of your fears Petchy, I thought I'd be a stressball when it got to this point as my previous labour experience wasn't very positive either...except I'm not at all I feel quite confident and ready for it, swatting up on hypno-birthing has really helped me feel relaxed. Also knowing that certain things are deffo not to happen in my plan that didn't suit me last time (induction) is a relief..

Ouch little twix not envious of your shift today! At least you are nearly at the finishing line now, hope you can take it as easy as possible and they can make exceptions for a heavily preggers lady.

I'm at the midwife's in a bit, I'm glad as I want to tell her everything that's been happening - I've usually not got much to say but I have this time! Hopefully she examines me and says 'oooh look at you, you'll be having your baby today' ..haha doubt it

Come on now little poppet - mummy has been a good host for 38 weeks and now I want prosecco and stilton and to get my body back in shape!!
I'm so excited for you Fliss! Can't wait to read how it's all going tomorrow! Eeeee :D x
Come on now little poppet - mummy has been a good host for 38 weeks and now I want prosecco and stilton and to get my body back in shape!!

Amen Stacey :)

I have 2 blocks of amazing stilton in the fridge already :lol:

Let us know what the MW has to say. I don't want to be lonely over in baby section for too long!!!
Fliss at this rate I think they'll be a few in the baby section not far behind you :lol: , glad you're all sorted for tomorrow, it's exciting stuff!!

How many of us are FTM? Xx
Fliss - I am sooooo excited for you!!! I can't wait to get the first October baby here, I think you will spark off a domino effect :)

Well I have decided to do several things to use my time wisely, I have finally! set up my website for our business! take a look, see what you think?


I have been offered a Springer pup!! I have always had Springers so I know what I am doing, but am I mad to take on a puppy so near to baby?

I work best under preassure....

Fingers crossed for all you beautiful ladies bringing their little babies into the world over the next few weeks! so so exciting.

I will be on here daily now :)
Woke up to the most AMAZING autumn weather today. So I defied my whale-like state and went for a hike... Not sure if my pelvis will thank me for it later, pretty sure I will pay for it, but it was bliss for the rest of my body - and mind! It's a 6k round trip that usually takes me about an hour to walk or 35-40 mins to jog. Took me 2 hours to waddle :P

Wow it's looking gorgeous where you are Petchy

Well another underwhelming appointment today.. but I suppose I shouldn't be disappointed as everything appears to be going well, bp good, baby measuring well, etc she did say "wow you're baby is really low, I mean really really low -no wonder you have all this pressure" - but she didn't do an internal examination or anything and wrote 3/5 engaged same as the other week and just told me what I already know about calling the hospital when in labour or if waters go/bleeding or scar tenderness. I don't know what I was expecting her to say really I suppose I wanted her to say yep you're in labour get to the hospital or something? More waiting for me then :/ ....sigh. I felt myself getting really irritable waiting as well, my patience levels which are usually really good have gone out the window. That's it I'm not going out again now unless it's to have a baby
Sticking my head in to say hello! I'm almost halfway there with my day and so far not so bad :) a colleague got a bit narky with me for running over on my session and into her time though (2 minutes!). I was like wtf? I'm 9 months pregnant you cow!! I won't let any snottiness ruffle my pregnant feathers.

Petchy I can't believe you went for a hour hike you complete madwoman! My groin would be in bits after that. Hopefully the gravity works it's magic on your little one's head :)

Mumagain - springer spaniels are so full of beans but if you've always had them you don't need me to tell you this! There is nothing cuter than a puppy (apart from a newborn baby of course!). You're going to have double cuteness :)

I can understand why your appointment was a bit of a disappointment Stacey. You want that baby outta there! Maybe she's wrong with the 3/5 engaged? certainly sounds like it's more engaged than it was before. I wonder how accurate their estimations can be by palpation only?? Surely there's a lot of guesswork involved?

I've been told a few times now my bump has dropped. I'd love for this little guy to come on his own accord and side-step induction altogether... sigh
Aw Stacey, sorry it was a rubbish apt! Have you seen the thread by rosebud though?? 7cm when she got up there??!! Wow, I'm now hoping for this :lol:. My tolerance is definitely less this time, I think its having a toddler to think about at the same time.

Sara, love your website.

Petchy, can't believe its such nice weather, horrible here, drizzle all day so far.
Yes now that does sound promising - hopefully because she is already so low down and in the right position it shouldn't take too long at all once labour really kicks in. I guess I wanted a bit more insight into how long I've got until it starts but because I'm not for any intervention and being left alone there's no definite answer. When I asked her about slow labour signs she just said 'well, you are 38 weeks along so this can happen for some, if it becomes too unbearable phone the hospital and for anything else phone the hospital'. I'm just feeling a bit fed up today, I'll be alright though x things are about to get very exciting round here so that will keep me distracted.

I don't think I'll be able to have a labour thread done peeps as I'm one of a strange kind that doesn't have a mobile phone (own choice)...what I will do though if anything kicks off and I'm able to update from my partners phone I will. I'm usually on here everyday so if I disappear then take it as good news! Obvs I will keep everything updated that happens beforehand..if I need to call hospital or something
Hi ladies
I hope those that want things to get going that they get a move on

My kitchen isn't being started to get fitted for another fortnight so he needs to stay put til after then
I need to get my washing machine plumbed back in as i need to rewash all the baby bedding and all my couch cushion covers - they really are thick in dust its disgusting!!
So i need probably 3 weeks before I can even consider him being ready to come lol

My old silver stretch marks are starting to get taught
Theyre expanding and getting bigger
My stretch marks are getting stretch marks!!
I thought it was the one thing i was gonna be lucky with and not get lol
Petchy - What a gorgeous pic :) hope you are not aching too much now.

Fliss - Thank you :) I hope you are getting some more regular tightenings. Delivery vibes heading your way...
& to you Stacey, fingers crossed! not LEGS!! haha

Gail - Stretch marks at this point, you lucky lady! with number one I think I got them at 9 weeks!! eek! they do fade and almost dissapear afterwards so don't worry too much :)

Hope you're all having a lovely evening. only 9 days left of September ladies! :)
good evening. Just had a bit of a scare. Placenta is starting to malfunction and his heart rate had dropped. Doctor was about to send me to delivery Aaaaaaahhhh. Fortunately his heart rate is normal again so emergency over. They have started me on steroids to mature his lungs and now we are back to waiting again.
Oh barbara
How scary for you

Come on little baby
Get those lungs strong
Your mummy wantsbto meet you amd have you safe!!
Come on October babies!!! You can't keep teasing and making us all wait! :lol:

I wish the weather was better here, haven't been for a walk since Friday and my body is starting to protest (swollen ankles, sore back etc). I will be going for a walk tomorrow even if it rains!

I am absolutely exhausted sorting out our house and setting up babies things :( Not much left tho so fingers crossed we will be done on Wednesday.

I am getting loads of BH and pressure down below but nothing too interesting, still haven't lost any plug bleh!

Also been told by several people that bump had dropped. Midwife on wednesday x
Oh no Barbara! Hope your LO stops scaring you like this! Glad all ended ok x
Itll be all go go go for us soon
Then the labour threads
Then the late night feed threads cos we are bored
Then the how can i help this threads
Then the is this normal threads
Barbara this little 1 is putting you through the mill! Glad to her his heartbeat is steady now.

Hope everyone feeling good, hubby not impressed with me earlier came home & I was standing on edge of bath sanding the ceiling over my head with the electric sander .... I'm in the bad books :( lol xx
How scary, Barbara! Does that mean they'll want him out as soon as the steroids have had time to work then?

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