***** October 2015 Mummies ******

My work didn't prepare anything... well, in fairness I am not meant to be on maternity leave until next Friday but have been signed off and have been in to tie up all the loose ends etc. I'm not btoo bothered about being made a fuss over, but it would be nice to not be practically scowled at by my co-owner for not lasting till the bitter end. Sigh.

Last time my colleagues were lovely, I got cards, pressies, balloons, cake... and they all treated me to a pub lunch on my last day, everyone came along - from management right through to the cleaning lady and the guys on the factory floor!
ah that's nice Petchy! :)

We are all going to Prezzo for a meal straight after work which will be lovely, my desk was ready for me when I came in this morning and there is a culture for cards for all occasions around here........... Last time someone went on maternity leave, she had a card and there was a whip-round to get some Mothercare vouchers. I think that's lovely, but the bit I don't like is when they make everyone stand round my desk to give it to me and want me to make a speech. A SPEECH?! I'll be coming back, a speech seems far too final so I'm refusing! Besides, surely this is just trying to get an emotional response out of an easy target?! Not playing fair!
Hope you enjoy your last day Karolina! Enjoy your meal Carrie too. Looking forward to some baby news very soon, good luck Stacey and Fliss you both sound so close.

I'm started to feel so nervous about C/section just came on all of sudden, I know what to expect etc just starting to feel very real now!
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It is really starting to feel very real! I was looking at my countdown app showing 16 days till DD and it got me freaked out a bit... ONLY 16 days?! x

Still at work. I was hoping to leave early but it doesn't look like it, darn! ;)
Only 16 days that's crazy! You did great working so long! I'm just finding the wks and days are flying by x
Can't wait for all these beautiful babies to start arriving!!!!!! I should have the date for my c section some time today.
Just back from this weeks appointment, measuring 40 weeks, blood pressure slightly elevated but not too concerned. They want to try a sweep next Friday (if possible) to see if they can bring on labour before my induction date in 2 weeks!! Could possibly end up a Sept mummy too lol xx

My lovely work colleagues had my desk & office all decorated & 1 of the girls made a lovely cake that way blue & pink squares through the inside of it, got very generous gifts from work (cot mobile, cot night light, bedtime teddy, £80 Mothercare vouchers, £100 Next vouchers, £75 cash for babies bank & lovely big bouquet of flowers for me. Card said Michelle keep calm and waddle on haha!!

Looks like most of us are finishing/finished up this week :)!

Can't wait for all these beautiful babies to start arriving!!!!!! I should have the date for my c section some time today.

It be nice having a date, I get mine on Wednesday- feeling nervous now!

Shelly, how generous are your work friends! Some lovely gifts and so excited that your so close to baby cuddles x
Sooo... my sneaky colleagues managed to surprise me with a cake, £300 worth of vouchers and some baby clothes!!! It was nice that they gathered all together to wish me luck. Obviously my face was the colour of a beetroot but apart from that it was really nice :)

Currently setting up my out of office message and a bye bye message to all and must say it makes me feel a bit sad! x
Well - all I can say is thank goodness for Babybond! Hysteria well and truly over here - phew!!!!!

Baby is not only definitely a boy, he is also very comfortably head down, very well down!!!!! I'm so so happy! I intend to enjoy the next few weeks without any worries now!

It's all getting very exciting now! Xxxx
Glad to hear you are in correct launch position Sara.

I'm having a total melt down this afternoon. Been getting irregular contraction, feel sick and puked once. If I'm going to go into labour I wish I would just go already :wall2: Totally exhausted from last 10 days of false starts. Apart from anything else fed up of being in pain now.

Carrie and Karolina, sounds like you work with fab generous people. Hope you enjoy some feet up time now. X
Well - all I can say is thank goodness for Babybond! Hysteria well and truly over here - phew!!!!!

Baby is not only definitely a boy, he is also very comfortably head down, very well down!!!!! I'm so so happy! I intend to enjoy the next few weeks without any worries now!

It's all getting very exciting now! Xxxx

That is brilliant news :) :dance:
Oh Fliss I feel for you, it must be awful I can't even imagine having all those false starts you must be fed up :(
Oh Fliss, poor you!! That's horrid. Have you got any coca cola? Needs to be full fat, let it go flat and then drink that. It helps settle tummy... Poor you :( virtual hugs xx
For those of you on facebook i posted my lovely gifts from mynworm buddies
I honestly didnt expect it
I feel a bit daft about getting upset over thinking they werent bothered about me leaving lol. Its usually me that sorts all these kinda things out so really it was a shock that theyd done something for ME!!

I seen a really cute newborn Halloween outfit yesterday
There was a lovely pumpkin one and a a skeleton one haha
Didnt wanna buy it incase i jinx myself lol

I've been getting a lot of pressure really low down
Its horrible
I cant really sit in the car comfortably because of it. Think its a sign hes getting lower into position?

I heard a weird clicking noise earlier in my belly
It sounded like when you crack a joint. It was weird!?!

Lucky ladies all finishing up
I have 2 weeks left. Starting to feel quite sad to be leaving. I'll miss them all and having some company !

Got the kitchen installation date in
It should go in w/c 5th October so should be done when i hit 38 weeks!!
Great news for all leaving work/ having lovely leaving doo's, etc. Glad you are feeling more relaxed Mum again and good that you have a date now Georges mum :)

Feeling your pain Fliss I'm stuck in slow limbo too - at least you have a couple of days before they break your waters sounds like you are definitely ready for it!

I had to rush out to get my little girl earlier from nursery after I was informed she had bumped her head (she's fine no problems there) but the adrenaline/stress just shattered me I was shaking feeling like I had low blood sugars when I got back in - luckily my mum was around to come with me - certainly confirms that there is deffo something cracking off, I'm not going out alone again now and just intending to rest up as much as poss whilst dealing with what feels like constant braxton hicks (tiring)
So exciting, so much happening on here. Well done on finishing up work girls, another milestone met!

Mumagain, that's brilliant news about your little one, yay for feeling better!

I'm sorry fliss you've had so many false starts, can you keep yourself distracted in anyway? And you too Stacey, I hope things kick off for you soon!

ugh rugby world cup has started, I'm going to be subjected to this for the next few weeks! it's not going to help my crankiness :)
MrsS I got one of those popping/cracking things the other night and thought it was my waters. Dr Google tells me it can be bubbles in your fluid or even the babies joints cracking. Either way nothing to be worried about, mad!

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