***** October 2015 Mummies ******

So are you more or less just going naturally then fliss?
Can you not be left longer? Xx
Gosh, Fliss! 5 DAYS!!! How do you manage to contain the excitement?!?! Can't wait to see your labour thread, if you are doing one :)
Yes it's all building up to the grand finale so am not moaning (yet) will be interested to see what the midwife says on Mon when she examines me again..

ooooh Fliss I'm excited for you :D
The sense of excitement on the thread is palpable these days! Fliss I can't believe your baby is going to be here in a week!

I was convinced my waters had broken in bed last night, I got an elastic band popping sensation from my bump but then no waters!

My pubic bone is sooooo sore today, turning over in bed this morning was excruciating. Thankfully once I was up and about it was slightly better. Sat down through a whole class today, thank god for my trusty clicker! No classes tomorrow or Friday, there's no way I'm coming into the office...any work I need to do can be done from home :)
So are you more or less just going naturally then fliss?
Can you not be left longer? Xx

If I don't go by Tuesday I'm booked into labour ward for them breaking my waters to get the party started.

Gail, I probably could be left a bit longer but with combination of big baby, on blood thinners and the history of 4 mc makes consultant keen to get him out safely ASAP now he's fully cooked. If cervix wasn't so favourable then I might want to push on but I think I'll just need a little nudge anyway.

My bump bud from last time is going to do me a labour thread :-)

Bit scared how close it is now :shock:
Well im very excited for you
FX you don't need a jump start and he just comes willingly

Was your last birth straight forward? You got anything strongly in mind of how youd like it to go?

I feel bad Ive still not packed my hospital bag or done my birth plan lol
Having done obstetrics for the standard 6 months junior training I'm very skeptical about making a birth plan! I just went with the flow last time. Waters went at 39 weeks but couldn't get contractions going on my own so had the drip. Epidural was fab by 2nd day and Jess arrived on day 3. I'll settle for just shorter this time :lol:

I don't really mind the how just baby here safe and me in tact if possible!!
I know that any birth plan can go out of the window, so rather than writing a mega one, I've just made note of some of the things I definitely would like and some of the things I definitely wouldn't. just tried to keep it as vague as poss!
I'm not doing a birth plan this time - I sat down with o/h and we did one for our first little lady but it went out the window soon as any intervention was required. I will just tell them my wishes/decisions at the time ..
Finally finished work!! I've worked over my weeks hours in 3 days!! On holiday now & baby being induced in 2 weeks.

The gifts we got from work today were phenomenal - I can't believe how generous folk have been!

Although finished work I'm the treasurer for a charity do looks like I'll be working in there offices next week hehe!!

Fliss your so close!! Exciting times on our thread.

Hope everyone is well xx
Birth plan wise all I've done for both times was say a definite no to having any trainee Dr's observing, but a yes to a trainee midwife (was told by my mw last time that trainee Dr's can only watch which goes against my hypnobirthing about not being disturbed with too many superfluous people in the room, whereas a trainee mw is as good as a proper mw and you get more 1 on 1 attention as they can spend more time with you actually helping!)
The other bits on my plan were anyone in the room is to talk to hubby first not to me as I'll be concentrating on the hypnobirthing unless it's an emergency, that I want the placenta injection and that I want the vit K for the baby.
Everything else is play by ear!!!
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Been up since 5am with irreguar cramps and now just lost what must be my entire plug. Having done it over 3days last time, today was the most disgusting thing ever. Thought my waters had gone but no just a ton of blood streaked plug. Urg! Now just to see if contractions get more paunful and regular.

Ha! I've agreed to do an hours teaching with the junior docs at 12.30 today at the hosptial :lol: At least I'll be inthe right place. Going to take notes with me just in case!
Fliss!! It is really happening! If you are lucky you may be getting newborn cuddles this weekend :love:

Two more days at work for me. I have so little to do at this point that I am super-duper bored grr! I am secretly hoping they will let me leave early tomorrow since it is my last day :lol:
How exciting, Fliss!!! :D Will be stalking for updates!
oh my word KHTW, are you sure we aren't the same person?! I'm replying whilst at my desk; PF has been open solidly for the past 2 weeks ha ha!

I'm so ready to finish now. Emotionally I've only had one blubbering breakdown, and that was at home. I'm known for being quite strong at work, and I think they are all going to try and get me to crumble tomorrow. Think it might be quite easy! I asked my manager if they were planning to make a fuss tomorrow, and she simply said I just have to wait and see.

ah crap.
Fliss I think you are a little bit bonkers going in to do some training haha! But yes at least you are in the right building. Sounds like we are presenting similarly at the moment, I think you are a bit ahead of me though I'm slow coaching behind :D

Great news on peeps finishing work - for those that didn't catch my other thread this morning I'm now losing pink mucus - rang up and they said it does indeedy sound like my show but I can stay at home for now until things progress further. oooohh she's making plans this little one - I wish my birthing ball would hurry up and arrive, I'm dead conscious of sitting with pelvis tilted forward now
oh my word KHTW, are you sure we aren't the same person?! I'm replying whilst at my desk; PF has been open solidly for the past 2 weeks ha ha!

I'm so ready to finish now. Emotionally I've only had one blubbering breakdown, and that was at home. I'm known for being quite strong at work, and I think they are all going to try and get me to crumble tomorrow. Think it might be quite easy! I asked my manager if they were planning to make a fuss tomorrow, and she simply said I just have to wait and see.

ah crap.

Oh God, I am so ready to leeeeeeeeeaaaaave!!! Kind of kicking myself for not sticking to the original agreement and leaving this Wednesday passed! I still remember myself say "no point finishing mid week, may as well stay till Friday". WHAT WAS I THINKING?!

Haha! This is funny but I am also seen as a strong character at work and absolutely hate any sort of fuss, so I am secretly hoping to be able to say a quiet goodbye to everyone and leave :oooo:
To try to get the little baba in a good position -in prep for labour. If you sit with knees below hips, upright back and a slight tilt forward this helps gravity along and the baby will naturally try to get in this position if they are playing nicley - ideally for labour you want your baby to be central anterior with back of head against your tummy then the contractions flow over the head smoothly - we can help a little with positioning ourselves sitting on the birthing ball or leaning forwards over a bed/chair are also good positions - bad positions which can be counter-active are leaning backwards or going against gravity - of course babies often have other ideas and it doesn't work to plan but no harm in trying I guess...

Better get my ball in from the garden lol. Haven't bounced at all this time.

No change here. Irregular mild contractions and more plug (don't know how it's possible, where's it all been stashed up there??!!). I've been a doc 13 yrs and 3 clinical years in med school. Thought I'd seen everything the human body is capable of!!!

Finished packing hospital bag and now cleaning windows :eh:

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