***** October 2015 Mummies ******

MrsS I got one of those popping/cracking things the other night and thought it was my waters. Dr Google tells me it can be bubbles in your fluid or even the babies joints cracking. Either way nothing to be worried about, mad!

It wasn't so much a worry it was just a bit minging sounding
I hate the sound of knuckles cracking and it was just like that lol

Im another rugby world cup widower xx
Great news for all leaving work/ having lovely leaving doo's, etc. Glad you are feeling more relaxed Mum again and good that you have a date now Georges mum :)

Feeling your pain Fliss I'm stuck in slow limbo too - at least you have a couple of days before they break your waters sounds like you are definitely ready for it!

I had to rush out to get my little girl earlier from nursery after I was informed she had bumped her head (she's fine no problems there) but the adrenaline/stress just shattered me I was shaking feeling like I had low blood sugars when I got back in - luckily my mum was around to come with me - certainly confirms that there is deffo something cracking off, I'm not going out alone again now and just intending to rest up as much as poss whilst dealing with what feels like constant braxton hicks (tiring)

Stacey moo hope your little girl is ok. I spent most of yesterday evening in children's hospital with my little girl as she bumped her head too! She is 20months & we have been trying to teach her how to go up & down stairs safely (as its a struggle for me to carry her now). She was coming down with Hubbie when I heard her cry, she slipped & banged her head on skirting board ( the only corner on the entire staircase), then promptly vomited & lump size of an egg (well half an egg) appeared on her forehead! Doctor was lovely, checked her swelling & responsiveness & sent us on r way thankfully & bump was much reduced this morning!
Flies sounds like ur really near, hope it happens naturally for you soon. So nice to hear that everyone's work is making a fuss of them! Girls who work with me organised cake & bought us lots of beautiful john Lewis baby gear, was really touched & one colleague crouched a comforter.
On a more annoying note, I've gotten a cold off my little one & have also developed lots of lumps/ blisters which feel like mouth ulcers along sides of my tongue! Anyone else suffering with anything like this? Unsure if it's pregnancy related or just down to my being rundown!
Oh dear Sharmon - how bizzare that we both had our little girls in the wars yesterday! Thankfully everyone's ok but that sort of scare I could do without right now! Feeling super sensitive at the moment and my heart dropped when she called from the nursery to say 'we are obliged to inform parents when there has been a head injury' I was imagining all sorts - they said not to panic but you just can't help it! I thought I might've started mild contractions yesterday but maybe that little scare has shook me out of the zone a bit.

Everything is nice and calm and fine again today and have my o/h around this weekend so can do some total relaxing. I'm responding well to the hypnobirthing cd and it puts me in a trance - so will get more practice of that in today :) Hope everyone else is feeling ok xx
On a more annoying note, I've gotten a cold off my little one & have also developed lots of lumps/ blisters which feel like mouth ulcers along sides of my tongue! Anyone else suffering with anything like this? Unsure if it's pregnancy related or just down to my being rundown!

Yesterday i got sores all in my mouth and across my tongue too!
I've started with a cold aswell and have been quite phlegmy
I put it down to stress of everything going on at once x
Oh dear! Glad to hear your little girls are ok! X

Fliss, Stacey - come on! We would like to see a baby arrive this weekend :lol:

Any special plans for this weekend? We will be sorting out our bedroom and setting up crib!! Eeekkkk!! So excited :love:
Its been lovely to see so many ladies finishing work and/or being treated by colleagues so well.

Stacey, we need to make a pact here.... c'mon babies!! I went to bed at 7pm last night, my mum is here now so helping with Jess, I feel like such a big fat useless lump. Doing anything more than pottering around the house now brings on horrible hip pain. I can't even go for a nice long walk to try and kick start things as have to use crutches now out and about. Crutches are only slightly less embarrassing than falling over and being like a turtle flipped on its back :lol:.

All my contractions have stopped now. I think it will be Tuesday before anything happens now. Thank you for all your support though ladies, I don't know what I'd do not being able to pop on here for the support. :)
Oh fliss
That puts my suggestion of trying starjumps out the window then!

Cant believe how stop start its being for you

I think ill pack hospital bag this weekend x
Ladies quick question red raspberry leaf tea, can you drink it if you have high blood pressure? Wondering if anyone knows. Xx
Oh no Fliss are you on crutches now too - bugger! big fat yes to a pact I'd be over the moon if things got cracking for us now I really would! Sending 'get a wiggle on' vibes...If you are housebound why don't you sneekily put a few suggestions in so your mum could take little one out for the afternoon and spend some time with just your hubby ;)

Not sure on the RLT for high blood pressure, I'd be turning to the oracle that is Google for that one...
Hmm according to Emma's Diaries you shouldn't drink RLT if you have high blood pressure. Just need to get bouncing on my ball lol! Xx
Oh no Fliss are you on crutches now too - bugger! big fat yes to a pact I'd be over the moon if things got cracking for us now I really would! Sending 'get a wiggle on' vibes...If you are housebound why don't you sneekily put a few suggestions in so your mum could take little one out for the afternoon and spend some time with just your hubby ;)

Not sure on the RLT for high blood pressure, I'd be turning to the oracle that is Google for that one...

Not even sure how we'd dtd. Plus hubby is totally freaked out by the idea after the consultant doing my sweep said she could "shake hands" with the baby. I'm sure he thinks he might get the end of his willy grabbed!! :lol:

Sending wiggleon vibes right back :)

I'd say no to RLT for the ladies with high bp.
Any advice on piles?
Theyre bad. I think I'll need to go see the GP at this rate. It hurts constantly and nothing stops the stinging really
haha! Fair enough I suppose you can't blame him for having that thought in his mind! In this book I've been reading It says in true 70's hippy fashion to choose 'hugs before drugs' haha (cringe)..by which they basically mean try nipple stimulation, sex, reaching orgasm, to release oxytocin and even states to ask for some private time whilst in hospital/birthing centre to do this and that the staff should be understanding....erm can you imagine how they would react to that! Yeah lets take a 'do not disturb' sign so me and o/h can get busy ...I can't see that going down to well to be honest!
Any advice on piles?
Theyre bad. I think I'll need to go see the GP at this rate. It hurts constantly and nothing stops the stinging really

What have you tried already Gail?

Tee hee Stacey, can't see that going down well in hospital. I'm doing the oxytocin stimulation with lots of baby head sniffing.... few friends and my neighbour just had babies :) Hubby is giving lots of cuddles but I think sexy stuff is off, I just feel so unsexy anyway and I know he is freaked out by the hand shake comment!
Thanks Fliss, only had 1 cup so no more for me lol!!

Fliss have you already had a sweep? Any other ladies had a sweep? I was surprised they wanted to give me 1 next week (I'll be 38 weeks), they're hoping that the sweep is enough to bring on labour before induction the following week, bring FTM I'm not sure how effective it will be at all lol xx
Had a sweep last Monday, was already 2 cm dilated then. Hoping at least when I go in on Tues to be 3 - 4 cm with all the contractions and plug loss then they can just pop waters and get the party started without too much fuss.

They can only do sweep if you are dilated a bit. If cervix is shut then it's a no no.
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Yip, MW hoping that they can do it Friday at my appointment, fingers crossed xx
Any advice on piles?
Theyre bad. I think I'll need to go see the GP at this rate. It hurts constantly and nothing stops the stinging really

What have you tried already Gail?

Tried eating plenty fiber. Not straining and only going when i know I'll go. Using wet wipes gently. Pushing them back in. Problem is it feels like what comes out is too big to what it normally should be and i cant seem to push them in anymore. At least not fully anyway. So it constantly stings/burns
I cant even sit properly today
I've been laying down all day because of it... :(

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