***** October 2015 Mummies ******

That sounds really uncomfortable Mrs S I'd be giving the G.P a ring for a script for that. I've never had piles so can't chip in with experience on this one sorry x
Yes, 8 am for induction. Can't believe I only have 2 days left!!

Brilliant! I thought I was bad with 12 days until induction lol!

Are they inducing you early for a specific reason? (Sorry being nosey lol)

My sisters just had her 2nd baby girl today, a whopping 11lb7oz!!! Xx
Thats eye watering michelle
Did she go it on g&a?
If so then shes my hero lol
Fliss u made me laugh, when you said your husband was worried about the handshake! I honestly don't know how I would manage sex at this point, I'm so tired & so big im not really sure it would be possible! I can imaging the look on the MW faces if you asked for some alone time lol! Still not long till Tuesday, my friend went in 3cm dilated for induction & they just broke her waters & put her on drip to speed things up & baby was here within 5hrs! Hopefully it will be nice & quick for you once your in.
MrsS143 have you tried annusol cream, it helps to shrink the piles so you can put them back in. Also if you take laculose to soften stools so your not straining at all this can help too, also nice loose cotton undies, nothing with a string which might touch off the affected area.
I've tried bongella on my tongue & it helps a little, so hoping theses blisters/ulcers clear up soon. Am so tired today & emotional too, fell like crying & I have no idea why. BP is still behaving woohoo, so looking like I might even get a few more days mat leave before baby makes an appearance. Not feeling remotely labourish yet & baby is still oblique, think I could be waiting another little while before baby makes an appearance!
Congratulations Aunty Shelly wowzers 11.7! Was she born naturally?

Aaah I am pretty melty at the sight of little new borns at the moment - every week someone brings there's in to preg yoga at the end for a chat about their labour story, etc and I go all glossy eyed at the little bundles of loveliness :) we will all have our mini me's soon too
Wasnt sure if i could use anusol etc
Dont need lactulose its soft. I think bubs just squishes my bowel such that it makes it really big in shape that its gotta come out that way
I swear its gotta be like pushing a baby out my bumhole its that sore lol
Haha! They tried inducing her since Tue after a failed sweep due to cervix being closed!

She wasn't dialating during induction so they let her out yesterday & back in this morning for CS! Such a big girl though no wonder she needed CS! I've not seen her yet though lol

Oh Gail that sounds awful :( hopefully you can get some relief!

Shona I had ulcers early on down both sides of my tongue & along roof of mouth, I rinsed with hot salty water & they cleared quickly xx
Shelley thanks for tip, will definately try the hot salty water to see if it helps clear things up.
MrsS143 I was recommended Annusol last time I was pregnant as I had terrible piles, not as bad this time, but still have some on stand by as I found it worked really well & was also quite soothing!
Oh the glamour of being heavily pregnant!
Mini moan - I can't believe I had a show on Thursday and now .....nothing :wall2: feeling deflated after a bit of (false) excitement .....sigh

Like many of you, with my first I didn't have any of these warning signs yet, I think it's a bit mean when it's just a tease
Shelley that was one big baby your sister had, does it run in the family?
Gail, anusol or germaloids are fine to use. Prescription stuff for piles is much stronger and most of the time not needed. I have a nice packet of germaloids suppositories keeping things nice and shrunken down.

Congratulations Aunty Shelley, amazing weight baby! My consultant gets twitchy as I had 4 mc before the last 2 pregnancies (this makes it higher chance placenta will fail suddenly at the end) and I'm anticoagulated with heparin (they found i have sticky blood)which makes things tricky. Plus baby is big now.

Stacey, totally with you, thought I was going to have a baby on Thursday after that show and the contractions. Stupid teasing body!! I was crying most of yesterday aafternoon and went to bed at 7pm in a fit of hissy over it all.
Well I've had a shitty day today :( can't post on here so will put it on fb but am so drained tonight :(
Sorry everyone else has been having a tough time too what with 2 bumped heads, piles, willy shaking fears, upcoming inductions and false starts!!!!!
In a few weeks we'll all be loved up and possibly moaning about stitches and tiredness lol but eeh I can't wait :)
Stacey hopefully IT kicks off again for you :)

Shona not really, on my hubby's side yeah - they're all +10lbs!! Think that's shybthey now want to try the sweep before my induction as in past 3 weeks I've went from measuring ok to measuring 3 weeks ahead (2 of those were just last week).

Fliss glad they are looking after you :) can't wait to see 1st Oct baby being born!!

Please tell me there's other mummies that haven't given much thought to names yet lol xx
Thankyou xx I wonder if it's because we are second time mums maybe? I've thought of my little girls name now but we only decided deffo on her middle name on Thurs. We like Sophia Christine :)
Im pretty miserable
Im lying here with an icepack between my bumcheeks
I have heartburn
I feel sick
I'm getting booted in the ribs
AND Ive got toothache. Its just a throbbing pain to tip me over the edge

Im hoping the icepack helps shrink them
Every time i cough its makes you clench which is so painful
And rolling over in bed is a horrible task too

P.S. i dunno how anyone could comfortably have sex atm!!
Been awake since 4 with stupid contractions again! Grrrr! Not getting closer together or more regular etc so same old rubbish.

Ha, Shelley, still no decision on name here either but we did this last time, had a list and waited to see what she looked like!
Gail, I really feel for you!! I've been using Anusol and even tho the pikes is still there I don't feel any pain anymore x

Fliss, you are so close! Hope the early wake up with contractions turns into a baby later today x

38 weeks today!!!!!
Please tell me there's other mummies that haven't given much thought to names yet lol xx

Weve had a name and been using it for the past 19 weeks
Its more of a default mind you but its stuck now!

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