Fliss u made me laugh, when you said your husband was worried about the handshake! I honestly don't know how I would manage sex at this point, I'm so tired & so big im not really sure it would be possible! I can imaging the look on the MW faces if you asked for some alone time lol! Still not long till Tuesday, my friend went in 3cm dilated for induction & they just broke her waters & put her on drip to speed things up & baby was here within 5hrs! Hopefully it will be nice & quick for you once your in.
MrsS143 have you tried annusol cream, it helps to shrink the piles so you can put them back in. Also if you take laculose to soften stools so your not straining at all this can help too, also nice loose cotton undies, nothing with a string which might touch off the affected area.
I've tried bongella on my tongue & it helps a little, so hoping theses blisters/ulcers clear up soon. Am so tired today & emotional too, fell like crying & I have no idea why. BP is still behaving woohoo, so looking like I might even get a few more days mat leave before baby makes an appearance. Not feeling remotely labourish yet & baby is still oblique, think I could be waiting another little while before baby makes an appearance!