***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Karolina, I was getting loads of BH in my last week of work. You are pushing it working so late on, although I totally get it! More rest has helped me loads. I wouldn't worry unless they get painful.

Had a pretty chilled out day, Hubby is picking up Jess from nursery too so lounging around this pm has been wonderful. Changed all the beds this morning and keeping on top of the laundry.
I've been getting sometimes, what feels like constant B/H with hot flushes and increased heart rate for a spell - been having those on and off for a few weeks now. Some days I feel so heavy and stiff with pressure that I feel ready to pop, then other days I'm not so bad and have more energy.

I didn't have my own natural labour start at home last time either LJC from what I gather you don't need to go anywhere until your timed contractions are every 3/4 mins or 4 in ten mins but it would be wise to notify them when contractions start anyway so you are on the radar and they can get your notes etc...that's what I'm planning on doing anyway. I'll be letting my o/h know soon as poss if he is working or maybe leave him to sleep a bit longer if at home and I'm managing them ok.

My plan is for my little girl to stay with my mum so it's just me and o/h trying to get in the zone of things with the hypnobirthing technique during labour - I want to try and be as calm as poss - if my little girl is asleep I'll leave her in bed for as long as poss and if we need to rush off to hosp in the middle of the night my mum can just taxi it to mine. I'm hoping we have plenty of warning to arrange things once contractions start, ideally my contractions start at a reasonable time say 5/6am or something then my o/h can take my little girl to mums that morning whilst I'm still ok - but you just never know do you?

My yoga teacher(also a midwife) says it takes on average about 30-60 mins per cm to get from 1-4 when in labour then things speed up in active labour (after 4cm) - but then there are peeps who are already 2/3 cm dilated before they go into labour or people who get to hospital and are 7cm after a few insignificant cramps - everyones different which is bit inconvenient when trying to arrange childcare haha x
34 week check up - urine infection, baby breech, booked in 1st October and if he's still breech then I will be scanned and booked in for 39 week elective c section!!

Not quite what I was expecting �� has anyone experienced breech baby turn this late on? I'm trying to read up on wether I will be able to feel him turn...
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Ooh not had any experience with that one mum again but I know a lady in my last NCT group had a breech baby that just turned himself before the big day and she said she hadn't noticed when. Comon little one get doing some hand stands :D

Oh yes I forgot to bet ...I reckon our group will have 3 new babies in Sept (mine on the 28th ha) majority in Oct and 2 in Nov
Don't know what happened there! Was trying to say I'm in the same position Mumagain. Having a scan on thurs to check position - let's hope both our babies move soon! Xx
So had MW round to check me again today, urine is still ok & BP holding around 130/90, so they are leaving me be & coming to check me again on Thursday, so fingers crossed everything remains same.
Mum again I was breech with my little girl till 36+5, she turned on her own in middle of night, I woke up feeling v ill & could feel all movement, there was really no mistaking it, my mum said I was actually same & turned very late on. So still plenty of time for baby to turn, there are websites which tell you about different moves you can do to try to entice baby to move. X
I've been getting sometimes, what feels like constant B/H with hot flushes and increased heart rate for a spell - been having those on and off for a few weeks now. Some days I feel so heavy and stiff with pressure that I feel ready to pop, then other days I'm not so bad and have more energy.

I didn't have my own natural labour start at home last time either LJC from what I gather you don't need to go anywhere until your timed contractions are every 3/4 mins or 4 in ten mins but it would be wise to notify them when contractions start anyway so you are on the radar and they can get your notes etc...that's what I'm planning on doing anyway. I'll be letting my o/h know soon as poss if he is working or maybe leave him to sleep a bit longer if at home and I'm managing them ok.

My plan is for my little girl to stay with my mum so it's just me and o/h trying to get in the zone of things with the hypnobirthing technique during labour - I want to try and be as calm as poss - if my little girl is asleep I'll leave her in bed for as long as poss and if we need to rush off to hosp in the middle of the night my mum can just taxi it to mine. I'm hoping we have plenty of warning to arrange things once contractions start, ideally my contractions start at a reasonable time say 5/6am or something then my o/h can take my little girl to mums that morning whilst I'm still ok - but you just never know do you?

My yoga teacher(also a midwife) says it takes on average about 30-60 mins per cm to get from 1-4 when in labour then things speed up in active labour (after 4cm) - but then there are peeps who are already 2/3 cm dilated before they go into labour or people who get to hospital and are 7cm after a few insignificant cramps - everyones different which is bit inconvenient when trying to arrange childcare haha x

The thing that worries me is when I was induced, they obviously have a rough idea of time on progress. I went faster than expected. I dilated pretty quickly. I think I'll speak to my midwife about it next time. LOL. My MIL would come round in a heartbeat so I'm not too worried about no-one for my daughter. I just don't want to scare her.
Morning Ladies! How is everyone today??

For the first time yesterday I spent the evening lying on the sofa instead of sitting down... I just couldn't get comfortable and the baby seemed to be determined to drill a hole in my belly :shock:

Anyone using a birthing ball? I bought one in correct size but my knees are still not lower tan my hips... maybe it need more air in it?

Started drinking RLT yesterday and happy to say that I love the taste of it :)

Roll on Friday!!!!!!!!!! x
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I think I'm going to buy myself a ball next week, our sofas are lovely and big and sinky, so not the best position to be sitting in really! I get to a point in the evening when I have to go to bed, because I get so fidgety its a nightmare.

Where can you get RLT from?? Is it something you can pick up at the supermarket, or do you need to head to a health food shop?
I got a ball, it just needs inflating... Been signed off work until mat leave now so today I'm just chilling and feeling lazy.

Bump pic 36+0...

Thanks! Will inflate today!

Nice bump, btw :) So jealous of you just chilling at home :)
I've bought a tens machine, birth ball, hot water bottle, heat pads, ice packs haha determined to sail through it this time!

Nice bump Petchy :)

I had a moment of thinking - ooh could it be starting last night as I lost more jelly and the pressure is getting more intense than ever but, low and behold - feeling alright again today (still pressure and b/h) but I can walk around easily..I think I should not think into things and just accept that there going to be loads of non-starters over the next couple of weeks
Its my 35w midwife appt today
I had to pee in those wee bottles
I can't see where im aiming anymore and had to just guess
Needless to say i more or less missed the bottle entirely but my hand got plenty :( lol #thirdtrimesterproblems
Mrs. peeing in a bottle is a nightmare!!! I will definitely pee in a cup next time and transfer it into bottle (gross, I know!)

Stacey, you are well prepared with all the gadgets :lol:
I am patiently waiting to lose the plug, kind of gotten used to being on knicker watch :shock:
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my MW apt earlier this week, I was able to fill the bottle and the sense of pride I felt was ridiculous lol!

my mum had a TENS machine that she isn't using which I've pilfered so happy with that!

I think I'd like to try and use distraction as my main pain remedy when in early labour; I'm such a fidget pants anyway, normally when I'm in pain I wander around etc so think it might be my best friend.
I was in tescos toilet
I didnt have anything else to pee into
Normally id do it at the doctors before going in to my appt but theyre doig renovation so the toilets are closed just now
Very glam lol
hehee hats off to your aiming skills I couldn't do it without a plastic cup!
No hats off then cos my aiming skills are shite haha
Last couple days I've gone back to feeling worried and nervous about becoming a mum
Too many unknowns and facing the unexpected
Just feeling totally out of my depth x
I had a moment of thinking - ooh could it be starting last night as I lost more jelly and the pressure is getting more intense than ever but, low and behold - feeling alright again today (still pressure and b/h) but I can walk around easily..I think I should not think into things and just accept that there going to be loads of non-starters over the next couple of weeks[/QUOTE]

Stacey this has been me for the past 2 weeks. All doing something though and better to get a few cm of cervix dilating this was I reckon.

Must do a bump pic before baby comes! 5 days max left. Eeeeep

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