I've been getting sometimes, what feels like constant B/H with hot flushes and increased heart rate for a spell - been having those on and off for a few weeks now. Some days I feel so heavy and stiff with pressure that I feel ready to pop, then other days I'm not so bad and have more energy.
I didn't have my own natural labour start at home last time either LJC from what I gather you don't need to go anywhere until your timed contractions are every 3/4 mins or 4 in ten mins but it would be wise to notify them when contractions start anyway so you are on the radar and they can get your notes etc...that's what I'm planning on doing anyway. I'll be letting my o/h know soon as poss if he is working or maybe leave him to sleep a bit longer if at home and I'm managing them ok.
My plan is for my little girl to stay with my mum so it's just me and o/h trying to get in the zone of things with the hypnobirthing technique during labour - I want to try and be as calm as poss - if my little girl is asleep I'll leave her in bed for as long as poss and if we need to rush off to hosp in the middle of the night my mum can just taxi it to mine. I'm hoping we have plenty of warning to arrange things once contractions start, ideally my contractions start at a reasonable time say 5/6am or something then my o/h can take my little girl to mums that morning whilst I'm still ok - but you just never know do you?
My yoga teacher(also a midwife) says it takes on average about 30-60 mins per cm to get from 1-4 when in labour then things speed up in active labour (after 4cm) - but then there are peeps who are already 2/3 cm dilated before they go into labour or people who get to hospital and are 7cm after a few insignificant cramps - everyones different which is bit inconvenient when trying to arrange childcare haha x