***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Sara, it would be so awesome to be born on Halloween! I can already see all the Halloween theme birthday parties :lol:
Oooh, bradgate park! Brings back memories - I used to live in Leicester :)

Off to my GP in an hour, I hope she signs me off for the last nine working days before maternity leave actually. The past two weeks of slowing down has done me a world of good - both for my pelvic pain and the general fatigue.
I've seen the consultant this morning. All the false starts haven't been completely in vain, now 2cm dilated :). Had a sweep and feeling crampy and sick now, we'll see where this goes today... last time my waters went 4-5hrs after consultant did sweep. Consultant thinks I'll have baby this week, but booked in for induction next Tues if he's not put in an appearance naturally. He's 8lbsish now!

Its suddenly feeling very real :shock:
I'm in my last week at work too, yaaay! I'm so tired I've never felt anything like it.

Just been to see the MW and she measured me as a week behind. I don't really understand this, gonna ask my MW at my puff puff pant pant class tonight.

me and OH went for a walk yesterday. and it took me so long and I got so hot and bothered, it really agitated me actually as its polar opposite to how exercise normally effects me. If I wasn't pregnant, I'd probably argue with him as to why we were doing such a short distance! oohh I cant wait to be active again :(
I've seen the consultant this morning. All the false starts haven't been completely in vain, now 2cm dilated :). Had a sweep and feeling crampy and sick now, we'll see where this goes today... last time my waters went 4-5hrs after consultant did sweep. Consultant thinks I'll have baby this week, but booked in for induction next Tues if he's not put in an appearance naturally. He's 8lbsish now!

Its suddenly feeling very real :shock:

What?! Flis, that's BIG!!! We may have our first 'October' baby this week?! Aaaaa! So exciting! Can't believe you are 2 cm already :shock: Good news about baby weight tho x
I'm in my last week at work too, yaaay! I'm so tired I've never felt anything like it.

Just been to see the MW and she measured me as a week behind. I don't really understand this, gonna ask my MW at my puff puff pant pant class tonight.

me and OH went for a walk yesterday. and it took me so long and I got so hot and bothered, it really agitated me actually as its polar opposite to how exercise normally effects me. If I wasn't pregnant, I'd probably argue with him as to why we were doing such a short distance! oohh I cant wait to be active again :(

Few more weeks and you will hopefully be able to start your exercising routine again :)

Speaking of work - do you also find it difficult to sit in your chair? I have to often get up otherwise baby is giving me painful punches!
KHTW, work were really great and got me a new chair that you can practically adjust every single bit of. I do still keep getting up and wandering about though. Baby gives little wiggles to the top of my bump when I'm sitting down, so its kicking me in the bottom of my boob lol!

Fliss that's crazy!!! exciting but crazy! gotta keep us posted :D
I was so relieved she didn't say he was like 9-10lbs, had a bad dream last night about that!!

Can't believe you're still at work Karolina, you are a trooper. No wonder you're uncomfortable!!

Carrie, it doesn't sound unreasonable to slow down a bit now lol!
no I think I've earned to slow down a little now; its only been 4 weeks or so since I finished at the gym so I've served my time lol!
Ah flisstebbs that is so exciting! Will keep a close eye on this thread!!!!!!!
I could do with a punching bag at present. Maybe a big empty room to let some of this frustration out.

So we had the growth scan this morning and baby has gone from measuring at 10th percentile to below 5th. He is tiny. Not seen a doctor to discuss what this means so ofcourse I am here worrying my socks off.
Can't believe you're still at work Karolina, you are a trooper. No wonder you're uncomfortable!!

Work is really manageable, only recently I am finding it difficult to sit on my office chair for longer periods of time... Oh well, 4 more days to go!!! :) x
Eeeek! it's all starting to happen! Fliss, that's so exciting that things are moving along for you! Wouldn't it be great if you went into labour on your own accord?

So many of you are on maternity leave already, it's making me very jealous...

Was in for my GTT this morning, apparently no news is good news. If I don't hear from them by 4pm, I don't have GD, if I hear from them I do.

I also had another appointment with my consultant. Didn't get a full growth scan, just a mini one. All looking good and his head is halfway engaged! that would explain all the aches and pains really low on my bump.

My little guy has been measuring big all along too, no concrete plans for induction/section just yet, but I'll definitely be going in early. She's going to do another growth scan next week and that she'd check my cervix at 36 or 37 weeks (why can I not remember???? baby brain!) and she'll make a decision on the plan then.

Next week she's going to give me a note for work, I'm not going to be able to take two full weeks before I go in because there are work commitments I won't be able to get out of, one week beforehand should be plenty. My guess is I'll work until the 25th September and then I'll be induced the 1st/2nd October. Can't come soon enough!

Happy Monday everyone! x
Oooh lots of news! Sorry to hear some babies are measuring a little behind but they stop and start with growth spurts so hopefully things will average out again soon.

Great news Fliss very exciting! Will be checking in daily keep us updated with any more signs, etc can't wait to see our first Oct Mummies baby pic aaaah :swaddle:

I feel so massively heavy today and having loads of pressure! But I'm really hungry too I'm ravenous but feel far too big to eat!

Myself and o/h listened to the hypnobirthing cd last night and after a couple of giggles managed to get into it and both found it really relaxing :)

I feel like I'm stuck in a state of flux - just wandering about the place in-between bed, bath, entertaining my daughter and the kitchen - I've been going out for walks, shops etc but can only manage it for a tiny bit. Can't wait for things to get a move on now - if any of you ladies start off before me that will keep me occupied though :D (looks at Fliss)
Sounds like you're in a similar boat to me then littletwix. They checked cervix on me today to see what is happening and how favourable induction is vs section.

Stacey: Enjoy. I used to put the hypnobirthing cd on at bedtime and hubby always used to joke about how he was calm. relaxed and could feel the breath going all the way to his womb by the end!

Barbara, sorry to hear about your little tiny baba, no wonder you're worried sick. I take it you are still in hospital so will get to talk to a dr today? How's the BP? Probably not the best after that news I guess. xxx
Very similar! It's reassuring to hear they only made a decision on induction vs. section for you this week. Based on my appointment dates I'll know when I'm 37+2.

Georgesmum, you poor thing, you must be sick with worry, these growth scans can be out by as much as 20%. Try not to worry too much, it sounds like they're looking after you very well in there xxx
Barbara kick up a fuss
Youre hardly feeling 100% as it is so if baby is looking to be measuring a bit smaller id insist something is done
You dont want baby not getting enough from the placenta or anything

Fliss how exciting
Its crazy to think your baby could be born this week and I've potentially got another 7weeks to go!!

Im slowing down a lot too
I have to have breaks going up the stairs at work
I tend to move over to let people overtake lol

Tiredness and hunger are really bad today
Is 8pm acceptable enough to go to bed?
Biggest problem is more that im gonna feel like im at work all day then home more or less straight to bed x
Bloody hell Fliss can't believe baby is more or less on its way, I'm so excited can't wait to start seeing the babbas appearing now!!!!

Georgesmum I know it's hard but try not to worry, although I do feel that they shouldn't have left you hanging like that especially with your blood pressure it's pretty appalling to be honest. Hopefully you've heard something by now and it's positive news xxx
Wow, loads of news here today! Fliss, it's crazy to think you might have a baby very soon! It's not even October yet! Holy shit, that's made me realise I've not got long to go either!

Barbara, big hugs to you! Hope they give you some information soon. Must be awful being stuck in hospital like that :(

I saw my GP earlier. She's signed me off for the next two weeks, so that's me done with work now until August next year!!! Have to go in to tie up a few loose ends tomorrow, and hand in my sick leave form, but then that's it.
Barbara I'm not surprised, it took me 3 weeks to get an answer from my hospital as to what they were doing, don't give up & keep at them - hope BP levels out!!

Fliss how exciting!! I'm wonderinb if they'll check my cervix prior to being admitted to be induced!! Your baby could be here soon!!!

Littetwix my induction date is the 2nd Oct, in @ 8am on 1st for prepping :)

I've just finished work & that's been me from 8am this morning!! I'm surprised @ 37 weeks I can still last that length of shift lol!! I'll have 2 more of the same this week before I finish up!!

The countdown is on!!! Xx

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