***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Yay to more people breaking up and getting dates for induction and things my due date is 3 full weeks away :o will be full term in 3 days
I tried to watch a scary film last night 'it follows' but realised I'm a massive wimp I spent half of it hiding behind my hand. I managed to follow the story - but I can't bear anything like that when I'm pregnant, I can't face watching one born either even though I love it when I'm not pregnant it's just too much at the moment. Feeling a bit sensitive - laalaa land , nice meadows, baby bunnies and such only please
Yay to more people breaking up and getting dates for induction and things my due date is 3 full weeks away :o will be full term in 3 days

I know, I'm thinking 3 weeks today I'll be in day 3 of induction or possibly had the baby!!! Argggggg.

Gail I finish up on Wed & not had anything from our HR either xx
37 weeks tomorrow! Crazy! Will be packing hospital bag today.

I can't watch horrors either, pregnant or not. Just a big wimp really :lol:

Yay for the induction dates, can't wait to start seeing October babies arriving :love:

I have contacted my Account and HR department to get an update on the payments for the next 9 months. They came right back with all the details. Sometimes you have to ask rather then wait for info.

Anyone else getting hearburn?? I started getting it last week and it is really bad today... probably the aftermath of eating cake at 11pm last night!
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Karolina I am the accountant for the company LOL!!! Our HR dept are suppose to give you a letter with info but they're useless at times lol.

I've suffered with heartburn for months, you can get Gaviscon on prescription xx
10,000 people work at my company
Its a generic email inbox I've had to go through
No names or phone numbers
I did get correspondence in July or start of August saying itll be dealt with start of September but I'm still waiting
I notified them at 25 weeks which is what the policy states...
But it also states to notify them when baby is born. But I've no way of notifying them then!
It all seems a bit sodding useless...
Why cant they have a phone number
And for my department... Our HR business partner is on maternity!
Gosh, Shelly that sucks! I would be on their ass constantly until I got what I wanted ;)

Hope it passes but if not then I will get Gaviscon, thanks x
I've been getting heartburn recently too
I rang the doctors and asked the receptionist to request if i could get rinitidine
The GP just wrote it up no bother and i collected it straight from the pharmacy! (i couldnt drink gaviscon)
I can see your how that would be difficult, Gail. Strange how they do not have a contact number... Hope they get back to you with more info :)

I am still hoping the hearburn goes away if I watch what I eat and what time!
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Karolina I've gave in lol!! I know I'm only getting Sat maternity so I'm not that fussed lol!!

Gaviscon has been a life saver!

I've just realised we only have this weekend & another 2 weekends!! Arrgggg xx
Ladies with heartburn - I've had chronic heartburn all the way through and acid reflux when I drop off to sleep sometimes - mines prob made worse by the fact I'm on asprin - but anyway they've tried me on 3 different things - first gaviscon and then ranitidine but now I'm on omeprazole and it's worked wonders! Now I can even have a nap after lunch without waking up in pain - and sleeping at night has improved loads - I'm actually waking up out of a deep sleep rather than 20 times a night. Might also be that I'm off work tho x
I tried to watch a scary film last night 'it follows' but realised I'm a massive wimp I spent half of it hiding behind my hand. I managed to follow the story - but I can't bear anything like that when I'm pregnant, I can't face watching one born either even though I love it when I'm not pregnant it's just too much at the moment. Feeling a bit sensitive - laalaa land , nice meadows, baby bunnies and such only please

Ha I watched that film a month or two ago it freaked me out!!! I normally love a horror but not when pregnant!!! Mind you I tried to watch Disney Up today and the first ten mins broke me utterly, I was sobbing so hard I was hyperventilating, my little boy was really concerned and hubby was laughing!!! I'm sticking to watching dinosaur train or transformers rescue bots from now on so as not to traumatised my wee boy any further!!!!
I've been getting heartburn recently too
I rang the doctors and asked the receptionist to request if i could get rinitidine
The GP just wrote it up no bother and i collected it straight from the pharmacy! (i couldnt drink gaviscon)

I got rinitidine and it's been a lifesaver I really know about it if I forgot to take one!!!I still use Gaviscon just before I lie down though as helps protect my throat a bit if any acid still manages to come up!!! Oh the joys these babbas put us through!!!
I'm having a chilled one today :) my little poppet is at nursery. O/h made us a cooked breakfast and I might go back to bed for a bit - then I'm having my hair done this avo with my mum. I'm reading about hypnobirthing as it's too late to book on a class now - my health visitor the other day said that in my district alone there will be 52 babies due to be born in Oct!! and that's not including the rest of the city eek it will be rammed at the hospital. Hope everyone else is having a nice day - hurry up and finish work you lot :P x

I did hypnobirthing with my first, I really rate it, I'm not into stuff like that normally but for me it really worked, and I enjoyed feeling so relaxed in the run up to the birth too! I didn't take any classes as there wasn't really any 4 years ago so all I did was read a book and do the Maggie Howell cd which is a tenner on amazon I think. It worked for me I don't think you need the classes to do it properly. Xx
What are we up to today ladies?
I'm cleaning the dust from the diy thats coated everything upstairs
And hubby is painting the kitchen!
Morning Ladies x

I will be doing a sweet, sweet nothing ;) Probably go for a walk, have KFC for lunch (i've been craving it sonce Tuesday!) and watch a movie or two :)
Sent hubby off to soft play with Jess this morning, bowling this afternoon planned :)

Trying not to be a miserable so and so but feeling so fed up. Baby is so low down now that I feel like I'm walking like a cowboy. No more runs of false starts tho, so all feeling like a bit of a wind up. At least if I'm out with hubby this pm, hopefully strangers won't be telling me I need to be at home!!!

Consultant tomorrow for plan. Getting heebie jeebies now which is new, I was so calm and in the zone last time with hypnobirthing but had no time for this so far.

Bunny, that first bit of Up always gets me, I wouldn't dare watch it atm!!!

Gail, I hope your kitchen is nearly done. Can we see some pics when its painted?

Stacey, I've been at the omeprazole for a few weeks now, ahhh, so much better.

Karolina, enjoy your KFC :), and happy fully cooked day hon!
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