***** October 2015 Mummies ******

I've just set the table for a birthday brunch for my OH :) He is still asleep though, and I don't wanna wake him on his birthday, even if my DS is very impatient and wants to do the whole birthday pressie thing RIGHT NOW ;) Later on we're having a roast with yorkshire puddings and all the trimmings - and then cake! Gotta have cake!
Gail, I hope your kitchen is nearly done. Can we see some pics when its painted?

I will but its way off yet
Its just a shell atm
The flooring goes down on the 23rd and not got a fitting date for the kitchen yet. Hopefully the week after. The joiner will phone me next week at some point to confirm dates!
We need to empty the livingroom to paint it too!!
Its all go in our house lol
The building work wrecked our hall wall and going up the stairs. So it needs painting (again) aswell . haha
Cheers - I have been reading the mongan method and have a cd I haven't listened to that yet tho - I'm usually quite good at zoning out and have liked the visualisations and breathing techniques used in preg yoga ..it all makes sense and I'm totally down with it and everything - yet last night I found a bruise near my hip and freaked out thinking I had internal bleeding (I haven't) then I lost some of my plug in the night and bolted out of bed to examine it then I was up ferociously googling haha ....now does this sound like the inner tranquil, aura of calm, opening lily flower essence of zen-type behaviour nope more inner neurosis haha - I'm sure once labour kicks in I'll get into it ....this waiting game is a real drag tho isn't it and I'm only 37 weeks!
I have the marie mongan cd and books but I got a full on one to one with a therapist (she was finishing her training and using us as a case study), and I'm sure this was the only way I did it properly :)

I'm definitely not tranquil or calm either Stacey. I'm half blaming my mw for telling me she thought I was going to go soon. Just looking at my mat notes and I was 3/5 engaged on 1st Sept, and pretty sure all the way since Monday. All the bloody false starts have driven me bonkers :wall2:.

Gail, I don't know how you are coping with all the DIY stuff going on, it nearly wrecked me when we did this to our house and it was just normal life to cope with then, no kids or pregnancies etc! Stay sane, it is worth it when its done. x
I have heard that it's really good at the time, so much so that recently a friend of mine can't even remember pushing - she described it as an out of body experience!

I know it's like they are messing you around with false hope Fliss :hugs: at least you are chipping away at time and getting nearer to your induction date. These last few weeks are a real test especially for poor peeps who go overdue - feeling the pain of some of the Sept mummies atm. But we will get through it - it's good to have a mutual moan on here and yes please I'll have some of that cake my way Petchy :D I scoffed down 2 big cinnamon buns from the farmers market yesterday mmm lovely :cake2:
I've so far let ds eat his cereal in front of the TV, while he watched dinosaur train with headphones on so I could have a nap on the sofa!!!! Such a bad mummy!!! I've got a whole chicken in my slow cooker as thought same as Petchy and treat my boys to a full roast dinner, got an apple strudel with ice-cream from lidl for pudding I can't wait lol!!!!! As for rest if day I plan on doing as nowt as possible, maybe some craft time with ds or a slow walk to the park!

Can't believe Karolina is fully cooked already and Fliss is engaged eeh October babies are gonna start coming soon I just know it :)

Ha ha about the freaking out, I was defo way more relaxed and in the zone last time, this time I'm having mini freak-outs and panicking that I've not got into the cd as much as I did last time, and as I had such a lovely birth I'm owed a bad one this time :rofl: paranoia much!!!!
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I have heard that it's really good at the time, so much so that recently a friend of mine can't even remember pushing - she described it as an out of body experience!

I know it's like they are messing you around with false hope Fliss :hugs: at least you are chipping away at time and getting nearer to your induction date. These last few weeks are a real test especially for poor peeps who go overdue - feeling the pain of some of the Sept mummies atm. But we will get through it - it's good to have a mutual moan on here and yes please I'll have some of that cake my way Petchy :D I scoffed down 2 big cinnamon buns from the farmers market yesterday mmm lovely :cake2:

Yep it was like that with me I was barely in the room I was so in the zone I have no real memories of the birth just that I didn't consciously push my body did it all for me and I was so surprised when mw caught the baby and put him on my chest, took me a minute to work out what he was lol as I thought I still had to push like you see on obem!!!!

.....now I want cinnamon buns.....
Its all going be happening on here soon, some of you Ladies are getting so close to meeting your little bundles.

I need to be ready by the 23rd - that's when there booking my section- could be anytime up to 15th, hoping baby stays put little longer as my lo starts nursery so hoping she be settled before baby arrives.

We just sorting our bedroom out again as, we brought a bed a few weeks ago and there was problem with it do had to wait for new parts. Tomorrow off shopping for baby stuff, we ordered our pram but need to get some newborn size clothing and I'm sure there's other things we need x
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hehee you never know it might all come back to you - and you'll have another calm one :) - lets get properly hippyfied and ask the universe for calm and relaxing labours ommmmmn. Although I do like some of the techniques I can't help but laugh at some of the positive affirmations - and imagine trying to focus Alan Partridge style when there are other distractions going on at hospital - my mate said all she could hear was the radio playing Elvis- a little less conversation a little more action whilst she was in labour -and it was totally off putting hahaha
Yes Bunnykins that is precisely the type of labour and birth experience I'm having this time! Sounds enjoyable! :D
Well my roast dinner was delish even though it nearly finished me off energy wise to make it!! Plenty of leftovers for nomming on at 3am!!!!

I've got a pedicure booked in to celebrate my first day of maternity leave tomorrow, so I'm spending all evening stretching and bending uncomfortably to sort my feet out! Lol its the equivalent of cleaning the house before the cleaner comes!!! Hubby is laughing at me!!!
Lol its the equivalent of cleaning the house before the cleaner comes!!!

Haha that is very true!

Well my day was unproductive but nice
Went to mcdonalds for breakfast with hubby. I just had porridge and an oasis. It was heavenly
Then popped over to see my nephew briefly but ended up staying there 3.5 hours!!
Then had leftover pizza from lastnight in bed watching an episode of House
Had a few hours nap ...got up. Came to mums for some sunday dinner (took me well over an hour to finish it lol)
Made lunch for at work tomorrow for me and hubby (tuna mayo and a nice salad etc)
Now im talking myself into scraping myself off mums couch to go home for a shower before work in the morning!!
Glad everyone has had a nice day.

Is anyone ekse having really low cramps/pressure pains at the bottom of their bump? It's pretty sore :( MW thinks head was only 4/5 engaged on Friday xx
Sounds like some nice chilled days were had - I've spent a lot of mine in bed! Think I'm making up for being sleep deprived now I'm not at work and my sleep/wake pattern is gradually going nocturnal. I remember this happening last pregnancy too.

I have those pains Shelly - feels like loads of pressure and very heavy - some times are worse than others, when I first wake up it's hard to move
I'm also getting lots of pressure in lower bump, I wasn't engaged at last MW appointment but here's hoping eh!
I had lie in till 9am, then waffles for breakfast. Today we took a trip out to Cheshire oaks & walked around while my little girl was asleep, when she woke we hit the aquarium, was an enjoyable afternoon, one of our few left as a family of 3!
Hubbie took our little one to see grandparents while I got roast pork ready, so all in all a very nice day. Unfortunately our washing machine has died at same time as dryer, so that's not good! First day of Mat leave tomorrow though!!!
Stacey are you sore constantly? It's not eased at all today! Fecking murder!! I think it's due to weight of baby. I must admit I'm suffering a bit today.

Just noticed when I was checking my notes that I' was measuring 38 weeks, MW never even mentioned it lol! Xx
Yes, I have these cramp like pains really low down too! I thought maybe I'd over exerted myself but they're still there. Had my first braxton hicks last night too, ouch! At first I thought it was the real deal and the face on my husband was classic! Sheer panic! He'd had a few drinks and was worried he'd be over the limit. Thankfully there were no more.

Sounds like everyone had nice and relaxing weekends, that's what we need :)

I'd a pretty quiet weekend which suited me fine, very long day tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to. In for gtt in the morning and my doctor will do another growth scan when I'm in there. I know I won't sleep well tonight...
So jealous of all you ladies off on maternity now *yawns*
3 weeks to go!
Last Monday at work for me!!!! Roll on Friday and I will be a free woman who is no longer required to get up at 6.30 am to go to work :D Saying that, couple weeks after that I will be a woman who no longer sleeps... :shock:

So I have confirmed that my heartburn and reflux are directly connected to me eating crap after 8 pm!
Morning ladies! Sounds like everyone had a nice relaxing weekend. Me too, hubby and I went to see some friends and had a lovely long walk at Bradgate park in Leicester. Wonderful.

I thought being off so early on maternity leave would go really slowly, but it's whizzing past! Helps that I have two boys to run around after I suppose.

At my age, the thought of getting up at 6am after no sleep is just not worth thinking about! Energy levels at an all time low and I've had a headache for days!! MW tomorrow.

Can't believe how close some of us are now! ���� I'm going for a Halloween baby though I think! ��

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