***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Ooh really good news Kh. Good babies for getting in position. How much did you rent it for? I might buy one and then sell it after x
Thanks, I was happy to hear/see that!!

I got it from my hospital so you don't have to pay for it! I put down £20 deposit and will get it back after delivery. There is no limit, I will return it once I've had the baby x
Went to Labour Ward today to rent a tens machine and since I've used the wrong entrance I accidently gave myself a privet tour of the facility :lol: Nothing special but looks clean and comfortable. It also looked very empty!

I had an interesting conversation with the midwife that was giving me the renal unit:
Midwife: I'll give you some extra pads since you are renting it early, it will help with back pain
Me: Oh, thanks. I can't say I get any back pain
Midwife: Don't worry, it will come
Me:..... eeee.... thanks? lol!

I seen the consultant last Wednesday
She asked if id puffed up at all or had any swelling
I said no
She was like... Ohhh but you will!
Aye thanks for that lol
They are just delightful, aren't they?! :lol:
I remember a few days after having Oliver....my cankles had cankles! Insane swelling...terrified me. All normal though FYI.

I have called in sick today and will do the same tomorrow...it was my last day tomorrow anyway. The piles are incredibly painful...the thought of having a baby now with that visitor down below is making me cringe! My first sick day since joining the company.

My friend had a little boy on Monday and we went to see him today. He is adorable. Can't wait to meet little Rowan now...xx
The piles are incredibly painful...the thought of having a baby now with that visitor down below is making me cringe!

BB, I am so with you on this! I secretly hope mine will disspear before I go into labour :shock:
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Fingers crossed for the both of us...blinking babies!

I've named it Henrietta! we are off on holiday on Saturday and GP told me to keep active. it is a thrombosed one so the pain will subside once the blood is absorbed. Made me feel better speaking to my friend who just had her little boy...she had one 2 weeks before baby arrived and it didn't interfere with labour.

Oh the glamour! xx
Ouch on the piles :( sounds awful! Hopefully they will subside before labour xxx
Henrietta, that made me giggle! On a Norwegian forum I'm on, they're frequently referred to as "Kurt". Someone started calling theirs Kurt, and now they're ALL Kurts. Maybe Henrietta will become the PF generic term? :P
Really good news Karolina. And don't let them scare you, I didn't get any back pain last time.

Natalie sorry about henrietta. Thrombosed pile is the pits but yes they get better.

Apart from being massive and needing a wee literally all the time nothing happening now. Occasional bh but nothing in regular runs. Consultant on Monday for a plan.
Thank God it's Friday!!!!

Busy evening for me, have visitors after work and a game of cards planned for later :lol:

Weekend will be dedicated to doing NOTHING!

I think I may start drinking rasberry leaf tea from Sunday, since I will be 37weeks then (full term ?!?!?) :dance:

How's everybody today? x
I'm having a chilled one today :) my little poppet is at nursery. O/h made us a cooked breakfast and I might go back to bed for a bit - then I'm having my hair done this avo with my mum. I'm reading about hypnobirthing as it's too late to book on a class now - my health visitor the other day said that in my district alone there will be 52 babies due to be born in Oct!! and that's not including the rest of the city eek it will be rammed at the hospital. Hope everyone else is having a nice day - hurry up and finish work you lot :P x
Oh girls I am so miserable today, this baby needs evicting! I have a list of complaints a mile long, sore groin, sore hips, sore under my right rib, my back, my wrist, can't ball my fingers into a fist and on top of that the worry I might have gest diabetes and won't know til Monday. Ugh!!!

Couldn't go to work today, I'm still in bed. Meeting my mum and mother in law for coffee later so at least that'll be a nice distraction. If I can get there that is.
Oh no littletwix here's a hug :hugs: hope you feel better soon it sucks when you have one of those days - I find them coming in waves now. It won't be long before we have our little snuggled up babies to coo over then all of this bit will be a distant memory :sleepy:
Thanks Stacey :) and when I say meet for 'coffee' it'll be peppermint tea for me. Reflux is another one to add to the list!

Baby hugs would definitely make all this better, counting down the days...
Oh no, Littletwix! It sound horrible :( Hope the baby gives you a break soon x

Only one week left at work but I have a feeling it is going to be a long one since all I am meant to do is to watch the tepm working :sleep:
I finish for work next Friday, and I cannot wait! My chair is getting uncomfortable, I'm running out of clothes I can wear, I am so fricking tired and I'm now tying loose ends so have pretty much nothing left to do!

swimming has disappeared for me, so exercise except for walking has officially finished from week 32. boo!

as glam as it sounds, my main issues at the moment are sore hips when trying to sleep, my back starts to hurt when I've been sitting for too long and *ahem* loose stools. beautiful!

my dad rang me from his holiday in Lanzarote last night to make sure I was OK and, in his words, still in tact lol! bless him!
Bump looks a bit different this week. To be honest I liked it better last week ;) x


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We're not having a fun time of it are we ladies??

Having Wednesday off work this week helped loads
Im glad im off then each week til i finish now
3 weeks left - 12 working days eeek
Although worryingly I've heard absolutely heehaw from HR about me going off on maternity. I dont know how much I'll be paid, whats expected of me or nothing!! I wont say no to them paying me my usual salary lol
I am a bit worried about the drop in pay... As an average after tax im losing over a grand a month for the whole year :(

I haven't named my piles
I havent looked at it. I pop it back in as if i dont its terribly sore Sitting down!!

My appetites coming back and my weights going up about 1lb a week now
Not sure if thats good or too much though

My antenatal classes start back next week so im looking forward to those :)
Woohoo, last day in work today! On 2 weeks AL before my mat leave officially starts. Can't believe I made it, last pregnancy I was in work one day & in hospital being induced the next day. Still a little anxious that I might suddenly end up with PE again, but hoping to enjoy few weeks off with my little girl before baby arrives.

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