***** October 2015 Mummies ******

I lost a little of my plug last week, but nothing since. It does regenerate, so I don't think it's a sign labour is imminent in my case. 35 weeks today - a milestone in the sense that if I were to go into labour now I could deliver at my local hospital, and not be airlifted or taken in a speeding ambulance to the nearest hospital with a NICU (which is a 3-4 hr drive away). Hoping she'll cook until week 37 at least - but having said that: any time after 37 weeks, she is more than welcome to arrive!
This is a milestone indeed, Petchy! I am with you on that - anytime after week 37 my LO is also very welcome ;)

Gail, I really enjoy being pregnant. I didn't enjoy Tri 1 so much but after that I found being pregnant a nice experience x
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Nice one Sharmon :thumbup: that's 3 of us in the VBAC without induction club then - good point you've raised about going into hospital soon as labour starts think I'll just double check that with my midwife in a few weeks but get everything prepped anyway. I'd much rather be able to stay at home and try to get in the zone in my own environment rather than all the hustle and bustle or waiting around for other people at hospital - obviously when it all kicks off I'll be better off in hospital.

I haven't lost any plug yet ..my range of feelings keep switching between feeling dead stiff, huffing and puffing with braxton hicks, or super dizzily tired, or really hungry/thirsty all throughout the day. Overall, I have enjoyed pregnancy and like the movements but it is becoming really tiring now. The thought of having another 4 weeks to go is excrutiating!
Karolina, I lost some plug 10 days ago, don't think it means too much. Gail, I only assume plug if different colour and blood streaked when comparing to the normal dc!

Thought I was in labour last night:roll: Had 2 big clear outs then had a low down pressure feeling really intensely for a few hrs, felt like after they broke my waters last time. All went away with paracetamol and hot water bottle in the end.

Today been fine, but got persistent lower back pain and feels like a bowling ball stuck up my whotsists. Bump has dropped right down which has made the heartburn much better.

Hope everyone is coping who is still working, its soooo hard in the last few weeks.

It's good to hear about all the vbacs planned without induction :-). I was thinking too it's good no one has a breech baby either, had 3 in my gang last time and all reluctantly had elective sections. Jess was breech til 35weeks and got her to turn by doing swimming pool handstands!
Pah ha ha :lol: just found my new lady garden trimmer I've bought for some self maintenance comes with a vajazzle kit :lol: No wonder the woman at the til gave me an odd look. :shock:
Gotta love vajazzle kits. I think. Lol

Midwife might appreciate
Put an arrow towards your mini of where baby has to come out haha

You sound like labour could be soon though fliss xx
Eeek Fliss sounds promising! I hope she doesn't turn breech! There's no way in hell I'd be able to do a handstand in the pool.

I dunno if it's constant pressure or a continuous braxton hicks but been feeling it today - I keep having hot flushes with it too - not been able to manage much as I've needed a nap every couple of hours - I'm crackered!
Hi guys. 33 weeks today. Anyone had sharp shooting pains right up inside? Just had a few and they really hurt. Took my breath away, hope I don't get any more :(
Hi guys. 33 weeks today. Anyone had sharp shooting pains right up inside? Just had a few and they really hurt. Took my breath away, hope I don't get any more :(

This is delightfully known as fanny daggers....
Yup Vegas
Get used to them
They make me jump!!
This is delightfully known as fanny daggers....[/QUOTE]

Ha ha yep that's them. God they hurt! Got me thinking how I'd cope with proper contractions and I'm thinking not too good ha
Well it seems I've fanny daggers, rib daggers and the worst for me has to be bladder daggers - ouch!

Even though I've three weeks left in work, they've taken quite a bit of my work off me already which is amazing. These next few weeks shouldn't be *too* bad. Finding it so hard to concentrate all the same, can't stop googling random stuff about gestational diabetes and big babies - wah!

Hope everyone is well today x
I did a bit of a tally on the August and July mummy pages. In August 14 were early, 14 were late and in July 12 were early, two on their due dates and 9 late! Pretty much 50/50!

Now what was I saying about not being able to concentrate in work...?!!
I had the growth scan minutes ago, the baby is perfectly fine, measuring slightly above avarage but nothing to worry about. And....... the head is all in my pelvis!!!! No wonder I've been getting this uncomfortable pressure down below :)

Now waiting to see consultant x
oohh the joys of fanny daggers! my OH knows when I'm getting them because I whistle until it goes away!
Great news karolina :) sounds like the little one is getting ready for her big exit!
Went to Labour Ward today to rent a tens machine and since I've used the wrong entrance I accidently gave myself a privet tour of the facility :lol: Nothing special but looks clean and comfortable. It also looked very empty!

I had an interesting conversation with the midwife that was giving me the renal unit:
Midwife: I'll give you some extra pads since you are renting it early, it will help with back pain
Me: Oh, thanks. I can't say I get any back pain
Midwife: Don't worry, it will come
Me:..... eeee.... thanks? lol!
I had the growth scan minutes ago, the baby is perfectly fine, measuring slightly above avarage but nothing to worry about. And....... the head is all in my pelvis!!!! No wonder I've been getting this uncomfortable pressure down below :)

Now waiting to see consultant x

Feel your pain. What's consultant saying?

Took Jess to a music class this morning but struggled getting on and off the floor!
I had the growth scan minutes ago, the baby is perfectly fine, measuring slightly above avarage but nothing to worry about. And....... the head is all in my pelvis!!!! No wonder I've been getting this uncomfortable pressure down below :)

Now waiting to see consultant x

Feel your pain. What's consultant saying?

Took Jess to a music class this morning but struggled getting on and off the floor!

Thanks! She said all measurements are looking good and the baby is growing at a nice, steady pace. She doesn't need to see me again whoop whoop :) x

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