I have absolutely no idea why I've dragged myself out of the house to work this morning; I'm like a zombie! Up 5 times last night and when still in bed I couldn't sleep or get comfy at all. GGGRRR! Came home from work yesterday and went straight upstairs to run a bath, nice little soak helped the hips and back a bit.
Finally had my first parentcraft class last night. I feel slightly more daunted, but also much more informed and comfortable at the same time, bizarre! We were made to sit in a circle in terms of how many weeks we were, and I've spent all this time thinking I had quite a big bump, I actually haven't at all! There was one lady in the group at 30 weeks, and until she spoke I was adamant that she was having twins. good job I didn't ask lol!
Its annoying isn't it MrsS, I so want to wear loads of stuff that shows off my bump, but some things just shows its a slightly odd shape and I feel so conscious of it. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks it will 'even out' as we all hit the overdrive growth spurt...