***** October 2015 Mummies ******

The last couple days I've noticed I've got a slimey coating between my lips
Anyone else got this?
It's dead thick when I wipe it off!
If it's any consolation Mrs S I had an irrational cry over something that was pretty silly today so I know those hormones must be racing again or my bp might've gone up again - it tends to make me emotional I've realised.

We decided last night to go to a farmers market today and I found the address,etc great lookignforward to getting some fresh veggies - then when we got there after 50 mins drive and starving hungry& needing a drink we discovered it was no where to be seen - oops. By this point I'd got real bad braxton hicks and had a toddler crying wanting an ice-cream plus my o/h was having a go at me to get out of the car and ask for directions ....

so that was a disaster - we decided plan B to go a car boot 20 mins away - drove in silence :/ - anyway when we got there (phew) we all went straight to a burger van but I was so hounded by wasps that I had to run back to the car - they were on my sandwich and on my o/h lips eeeuuurrrgh! so I just sat in the back and burst into tears :( my o/h and little girl went on a bouncy castle so they were ok - but I felt it was all too stressy and plus mega braxton hicks making me just want to sit down :( what a shit morning so glad we are back home now!
I do really enjoy feeling baby move but sometimes its getting uncomfortable now she's running out of room.

I think most of us worry what happen if anything happens to us, its a natural to feel that its a very depressing subject so I don't think about it anymore, its very unlikely something could happen to both parents.

Hope your feeling better Stacey, I had a moment in the week my 5yr old went back to school, new class new one to one as she's got autism, I just worry so much about her.

So last day I've caught a bug from the kids, cant keep anything down, hope it starts to ease off soon x
MrsS I remember having the very same fears and tears when I was pregnant. We had to see the lawyer after baby was born and re-do hubby's will etc and it was horrible really horrible having to choose what would happen should we both die. Morbid but very very necessary. We also set up a life insurance policy so she would be taken care of. We chose my sister to be legal guardian for her. And will do it all again with this baby. It's not a nice thing to do but it's very sensible.

It's true when people say you worry about them from the day you find out your pregnant until the day you die, you just worry about different things.

I think we are almost ready for this baby.

I have found I have bought more luxury items this time because we have not had the outlay of all the more expensive necessity items. We have also chosen to name her Florance.xx
We have life insurances sorted
We have critical illness cover too so the other of us wont need to worry about the mortgage etc and we are set for money that way
But its more... What happens to al that money and Eli if we were involved kn a tragedy. Nobody ever expects or predicts it but it does happen
So for the money aspect if nothinh else id wanna know its put in trust til hes older and that it isnt wasted x
Ok, this is purely a bragging post - shared it in the fb group too :oooo:

I just finished sewing new cushions and covers for the vintage high chair we were given — I must say I feel rather pleased with myself as they turned out just how I wanted them to! :good: My pelvis isn't thanking me for sitting down by the sewing machine though, so the second set of covers I want to make for when these ones are in the wash will have to wait!




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I can never get pics on here
Theyre always too big and wont upload!
As for the thinking about morbid stuff like wills and life insurances... I get upset about that whether pregnant or not!

I'm the opposite of you when it comes to movements though, Gail. I love feeling her move, even though it's starting to feel a little uncomfortable now she's running out of space in there! I'm really gonna miss that feeling - but I won't miss the feeling of dragging a heavy bowling ball around all day!
I don't feel heavy or anything
Probably because i still weigh less than booking in
I just don't feel like the movements are nice. They just kind of give me heebyjeebys
I'll be lying there and they'll start. I think its more annoyance of their timing as its always when i lie down to go to sleep lol
Gail, its nice in away that your still lighter than pre pregnancy, less pressure after birth and you can enjoy baby without worrying about getting the weight off.

I feel that the growth as really slowed down in the last couple weeks, everyone seems really surprise when I say I'm due next month! I'm not ready for babies arrival!

Petchy- the highchair looks fab, your very talented, plus I assuming you can wash them in the machine when they get messy x
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Re guardianship I know how you feel, there is literally no one in our family I'd trust my kids with, so we've not been able to do a will yet until I feel comfortable with finding someone who would raise them how I want. It's pretty depressing so I do try not to think about it too much!!!!
I find the movements this time way more painful and strong than first time, so they are definitely uncomfortable and not pleasant at times due to how much it hurts me when it kicks! Saying that I love feeling them, I was so worried with my ds as his movements were so weak and sporadic whereas this one you know it's in there and you know it's fine literally 24/7 so it's a relief and quite nice!!!!
Yeah, I made cushions with outer covers to enable easy cleaning :)
I had a proper bad panic attack last night
Over a spider
I freak out normally thats nothing new
But this lasted an hour. Me screaming, hyperventilating, i cried so hard i was starting to make myself sick
It was totally irrational but I couldnt help myself
You should see my eyes this morning. Theyve puffed up so bad
Its not a normal reaction. At all
I didnt sleep al night for it even though he eventually kkilled it (i think the problem is he didnt first time and it ran away) so anytime i needed a pee lastnight it was lights on and running to the bathroom. :(
Oh no :( I think we may all start to go a little imbalanced towards the end. Hope you are feeling better now xx did your hubby rescue you? ....I momentarily lost it yesterday crying in the car but I'm feeling fine now.

I'm at the midwives this morning for a check up then tommo I've got scan and clinic with the consultant and also an appointment with out health visitor. Eeek wonder how she is measuring now?
Bubba had hiccups for the first time on Saturday, that was funny! The twists and turns are slightly uncomfortable but I love them, at least we know that its alert in there. The only thing I don't like is when I am out and about and walking, baby will move in such a way that its head on my bladder feels like an orange being juiced! I have to slow down for a couple of minutes, and as my OH puts it 'get my pregnancy swag on'. After that it eases though so I don't really have anything that is constant.

that being said, I think my hips are starting to loosen up again. if I wake up in the night I am physically stuck and really struggle to move :(
Gail, I would be the same!! I HATE spiders :( Had a huge one in the hallway the other week and was alone in the house! I couldn't even get my neighbor to help cause I was too scare to pass it in the hallway and get to the front door! And it was sitting way to high for my cat to get it x

Stacey, good luck with your appointments today! Let us know how it went x

Carrie, sorry to hear about your hip pain. I get sore back at night and I know how annoying and exhausting it is x
I've just been to my midwife appointment & everything is fine she was just a little concerned about previous c-section scar but I'm not feeling any significant pain there -she said to ring the hospital if I do. She said her head is in my pelvis (explains the pressure now) and in my notes it said 3/5 pp to brim I just googled that and I think that means she can feel 3/5 of the head so I'm 2/5 engaged - exciting :D scan and consultant tommo to see what they say
I been told any pain or discomfort in my scar area I need to go in for emergency section!

Glad everything went well with midwives, got mine tomorrow x
Glad all went well, Stacey! 2/5 engaged! That's good news, right? I have my appointment and scan on Thursday, can't wait! x
Ah, I forgot to report on the appearance of stretch marks around my belly button :mad:

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