If it helps the ladies with c sections, I haven't had one and still getting the period type pains. I did ask my MW who told me that after your first pregnancy this is quite common in general, but def no brainer to get it checked.
Do you think you'll get offered a section date tomorrow Stacey or are you going vbac route?
I just feel like everything is getting geared up. Bump has dropped right down and with that has started up the horrible dragging feeling round the foof that happened last time when Jess's head engaged. Getting runs of BH that are making me puff and blow a bit. Definitely not constipated anymore, had a few ahem clearouts over the last few days.
Jess is really unsettled though, I'm dreading having to leave her to go to hospital, but then I think of you Barbara and try to get a grip! So emotional, crying at everything!
I've got consultant scanning/appt on Monday 14th to arrange coming in for induction, be either that week or the week after I think.