***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Impressed that you are getting stuff sorted. I have recruited my mum to help get baby stuff sorted as husband isn't so.sure what needs to be done. Frustrated that I cant get anything sorted. Hope its not a last minute tidy job when I get home.
Youll just be glad to get home I think georgesmum

Khtw the scan wasnt great. Nothing exciting
He was back up for a start but theyre so big now you can see them all in on go on the screen anymore lol
Just random blobs that only the sonographer seems to recognise!
Really?! I was hoping to get another good look at her next week! Damn! Maybe they will at least catch the face :lol:
Ha, I remember the late growth scans last time being a complete anti climax!!

Stacey, how was your last day? Its just sinking in for me that I'm done :lol:. Come Monday I will be lady of leisure!! Ahhhhh!

Barbara, how are you getting on?

Happy weekend to all xxx
Happy weekend! I shall do NOTHING :lol:
Hey it was lovely we had a big fuddle and two other teams joined in so there was plenty of cake and strawberries! Yum! I had some lovely gifts and flowers and everyone was being super nice...it feels a bit surreal tho like you say I'm not sure if it's properly sunk in yet maybe it will next week....how was your last day?
Well its nearly 2pm
And im still in bed

The electrician is in the kitchen fiddling about with the electrics
So im just up here out of the way
I can no longer spend any time in the living room its too messy to look at! X
I think I'm going for a nap in a min I can't keep my eyes open zzzz
how was your last day?

Mostly doing my appraisal so a bit stressful, but now the bugger is done, it feeeeels gooood!

Yours sounds fab.
I think everyone had forgotten it was my last day, last time I went on mat leave there was a whole big deal, felt like a baby shower, this time I got given a hastily bought bunch of flowers which was a bit crap, but I know how stressed and tired everyone is, trying not to take it personally!

Just been to a second hand baby/toddler sale in the village and got some amazing things all for less than £40 including a spare buggy for my parents to have, playmat, changing bag, loads of hardly worn gorgeous clothes and some breast feeding bits for me :). Feeling very happy with my bargains and just washing the clothes while hubby has taken Jess out for the afternoon.
Bargain fliss
Id never find good deals like that here!
Fliss - Oh bummer sorry it was all a bit of an anti-climax perhaps they don't want you to go! I have been on a count down for the past 2 weeks and there's sheets up to have a gamble on my babies date and weight, etc so hard to miss. They are relieved as people have been thinking I'm going to pop any min. Good one on the bargains I might see if there's anything around my way - the NCT sometimes hold baby events
Morning ladies! x

One week left till full term :shock:
I've still got 3.5
That's still kinda scary though!
I was thinking that yesterday too Karolina!! I can mind saying to my hubby, that's us 1/4 way there, only 30 weeks to go! Where did 25 of theses week disappear too!!!

How's everyone today? I feel bug & clumsy! Lol xx
I've just had a sob/barny

We were talking about pensions, life insurance and creating a will...mainly for divvying up assets and where baby would go if we both died etc
Morbid i know but worth discussing
We couldnt agree on anyone
In my eyes nobody in his family would raise Eli how id like. I straight up dont like their parenting styles or how they manage finances or their lifestyle - its totally incompatible with ours
Im probably just hormonal and touch wood we die old and wrinkly and kids all grown up
But I've really upset myself at the uncertainty of a slight possibility happening
I'm a mess
Mrs, no wonder you got upset! Maybe it's best to leave it until your hormones get back to normal? We won't be doing that for a while yet, it's way too depressing! x

Shelly, it is mad that we are getting so close!!! I just met with my friend and the first thing she said to me was: do you realise you could have the baby this month?! :lol:
1 week left at work for me!! Very happy to be finishing I'm so uncomfortable and tired so looking forward to the rest!!!
God youre all so lucky finishing up so soon
I have4 weeks left
4 weeks!!!!
Its basically a month. That feels forever still

I'll try not to think about it anymore
Dying scares me generally. I cant think about it. I get anxiety over what im leaving behind. Who would care for my pets etc
In my eyes nobody is good enough except my mum but shes too old and cant cope. Im just depressing myself thinking about it really. I'll blame hormones
But hes not even born yet and already im worrying about him. About him having to live without his parents cos weve died of all things!!

Its not just me though is it?
Does anyone else get themself in a tizz over stuff like this?
In general I try to avoid subjects like this... the less I think the better I sleep! x
Do all you girls like baby moving?
I dont
And its every time i try to settle that he decides to have a disco lol

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