Happy last day tomoz Stacey
Carrie, its not mad to think you can get back to normal at all. I've never been the most skinny, but "normal" size 12 and I got back to being just 3Kg over my pre-pregnancy weight and not radically different once I got back to a bit of zumba. Not sure how it will go this time though!!! Breast feeding didn't really help me lose weight as it made me totally ravenous all the time, and with sore boobies even strapped down in a sports bra, wasn't too keen on bobbing around. I did the recommended 6 months then stopped, and that was the turning point for me.
BTW, if anyone wants a Halloween maternity t shirt with a pumpkin on, PM me. As I'm not going to get into Oct, I'm sure someone will enjoy it. I made it last pregnancy, its a plain long sleeved maternity T shirt size 12-14 with an iron on pumpkin transfer in little beads over the tummy bit.