***** October 2015 Mummies ******

God! The immigrant's situation is awful... I can't watch the news either. I feel so, so sorry for them! :(
That photo made me cry last night. Doesn't help that my dad is staying and he reads and totally believes all the daily mail crap which is driving me mad. Nearly shouted at him last night, but trying to remember my parents are here helping me!! I love my dad but I hate that effing paper. I put it in the bunny cage and let them wee on it, gives me a quiet satisfaction!

It's my last day at work tomorrow :dance::dance::dance:
OMG, so ready for this now!

Midwife saw me on Tuesday and said she reckons I'll be around 2 weeks ish and hasn't booked me in again. I'm getting runs of painful BH (although she said second pregnancies they can be painful, rather than just tightening in the first), had another 3hr stint of them coming every 10mins and winding me up last night. At least I didn't wake hubby up this time... :roll:
Yay snap! it's my last day tommo too wahoooo!!! Ooh does that mean you will have your little one in 2 weeks fliss wowzers :D
I have 2 weeks left at work, it hasn't really set in yet. Every one at work seems to be getting a bit emosh about me not being here, and I'm more 'meh' about it lol. I'm one of those people that nothing really sets in 'properly' for. I don't think i'll 100% register I'm going to be a mummy until I'm in labour!!

I know my shape will unlikely ever be how it used to be, but I enjoyed getting myself in to the shape I was before I got pregnant, and I enjoyed having that shape for a while so I'm not that bothered. Because I'm so eager to get back to the gym and healthy eating etc, I'm going to enjoy trying to get back to how I was before.
The situation is dire :(, you're right stacey, the politicians need to step up to the mark and take control of the issue. Not all this in-fighting about who's going to take responsibility!

Fliss, I'm with you on the Daily Mail - the Daily Hate as I like to call it!

September babies are going to start rolling in big time now, eeek. Us next!! I had a look at the first page of the August mummies thread and a lot of them went early. I'd LOVE to go early but have a feeling it won't happen.
September babies are going to start rolling in big time now, eeek. Us next!! I had a look at the first page of the August mummies thread and a lot of them went early. I'd LOVE to go early but have a feeling it won't happen.

I don't know why but I have a feeling that I will go early! Remind me I said that when I'm 41+ and crying :lol:
if I follow my mum's tradition of going 3 and a half weeks early, even I could be a September mummy; ARGH!
Happy last day tomoz Stacey :)

Carrie, its not mad to think you can get back to normal at all. I've never been the most skinny, but "normal" size 12 and I got back to being just 3Kg over my pre-pregnancy weight and not radically different once I got back to a bit of zumba. Not sure how it will go this time though!!! Breast feeding didn't really help me lose weight as it made me totally ravenous all the time, and with sore boobies even strapped down in a sports bra, wasn't too keen on bobbing around. I did the recommended 6 months then stopped, and that was the turning point for me.

BTW, if anyone wants a Halloween maternity t shirt with a pumpkin on, PM me. As I'm not going to get into Oct, I'm sure someone will enjoy it. I made it last pregnancy, its a plain long sleeved maternity T shirt size 12-14 with an iron on pumpkin transfer in little beads over the tummy bit.
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I'm happy to announce that all the baby clothes and blankets have now been washed and ironed and put away! I am so happy I got it done and don't have to think about it anymore x
Happy last day tomoz Stacey :)

Carrie, its not mad to think you can get back to normal at all. I've never been the most skinny, but "normal" size 12 and I got back to being just 3Kg over my pre-pregnancy weight and not radically different once I got back to a bit of zumba. Not sure how it will go this time though!!! Breast feeding didn't really help me lose weight as it made me totally ravenous all the time, and with sore boobies even strapped down in a sports bra, wasn't too keen on bobbing around. I did the recommended 6 months then stopped, and that was the turning point for me.

BTW, if anyone wants a Halloween maternity t shirt with a pumpkin on, PM me. As I'm not going to get into Oct, I'm sure someone will enjoy it. I made it last pregnancy, its a plain long sleeved maternity T shirt size 12-14 with an iron on pumpkin transfer in little beads over the tummy bit.

no I hear ya Fliss, I'd love to get back to where I was, but if I don't completely then I wont get totally caught up in it. I know I will be doing everything I can to get back there so I'm confident I'll get close, and at the end of the day as long as I can get back in to my size 12 jeans I'm content, regardless of what the scales say.

Bugger the scales, they lie most of the time anyway!
Looking forward to everyone's updates over the next 2mths �� I get my section date in a couple weeks.

Definitely found the baby weight came off really quickly, last time I weighed less than pre pregnancy- don't think I've gained much this time but still got a few old pounds to lose. At the moment my appetite isn't great, normally I'm so hungry during last few weeks.

Yay to getting all babies clothes washed Karolina, one less thing to do now x
I know, it's heartbreaking seeing all these images on the news. I have volunteered to be a "refugee guide" - I live far far away from the main refugee centres here in Norway, but they still need people to help them settle into their new life when they have been sent to a local area for housing etc.

I looked through my old threads earlier, found my birth story from when my DS was born back in 2006. Kinda traumatic reading, hoping for a better experience this time round! http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/birth-announcements/6335-rubens-birth-loooong-one.html
I know, it's heartbreaking seeing all these images on the news. I have volunteered to be a "refugee guide" - I live far far away from the main refugee centres here in Norway, but they still need people to help them settle into their new life when they have been sent to a local area for housing etc.

That's so thoughtful of you, world would be a better place if there was more people like you!

I will have a read of your birth story, hope it is not too scary ;)
Remind me I said that when I'm 41+ and crying :lol:

Lol! I bet that'll be me too!

Well done on the washing, I have a few more things to get which will mean a few more things to wash but most of mine is done. Got more PJs and nursing bras in Primark on my break there. I also got two packs of humungous knickers for after the birth, sexy! Operation 'bag pack' starts this weekend.

Petchy, fair play to you for getting involved in the relief effort, particularly when you're so pregnant! I had a read of your birth story - yikes! it sounded tough (and long), but well done on it all! I haven't made my mind up on the epidural at all but if labour goes on too long, or it doesn't progress I know I'll definitely be looking for it.

Well jel that you're almost finished work Stacey - you won't know yourself when you're off :)
Cheers dudes I can't wait - have got lots to keep me occupied and can't wait for those afternoon naps :)

That's kind of you Petchy :) I have signed a petition - hopefully Europe will wake up now it's all over the media and upsetting everyone
The Syrian boy pic upset me too
But hes hardly the first child thats died whilst fleeing from their country
Think how bad it must be staying there that they risk their life to escape it anyway :(
A picture of a dead child shouldn't be what it takes for the entire EU to help these poor people... But i hope it's at least the start of a turning point for them

I've got 4 weeks left at work
Growth scan yesterday was absolutely fine hes measuring nicely and still a boy lol. Endocrinologist consultant was happy with my blood work etc too. But midwife agrees im still feelling very crappy and looking rough so reckons I should be open to maybe finishing work sooner if im starting to struggle more
I'll hold off til my kitchen is in at least. My house is hardly a relaxing environment lol

Im still convinced I'll be a November mummy but wishful thinking has me having him early with a nice easy labour lol. It really is wishful thinking though!!!
I like the sound of his due date. 21st October. Its a good birthday aint it?
I really cant deal with the thought of him being born on the13th. I just cant stop thinking about it. I cant bare the thought. Lol!!
Yay, well done for washing all the little ones clothes! I still have a tonne of things to do. The moses basket needs washing, pram needs cleaning and reverting back to newborn...I dont want to do things too early as still could be a while before little one makes an appearance.

Still on diet controlled for diabetes but have to ring tomorrow to give them my readings and then they will decide whether I need meds. Midwife says they wont let me go past 39 weeks...so wont be getting to 42 weeks (like I did with Oliver!) Had a huge rant at poor midwife yesterday as I have had no growth scans or meetings with an obstetrician yet...my "special care" has been me attending the hospital and having my glucose readings looked at by someone who knows nothing about pregnancy.

That poor little toddler on the beach...I find it difficult how the press can publish these photos. I have stayed away from the news (usually an avid news reader). I had a massive crying meltdown in work a few weeks ago when that little boy went missing and they found him trapped and deceased in an industrial site...my manager didnt know what to do with me.

I finish work next Friday and then we're off on a weeks holiday..cannot wait!
Mrs, glad the growth scan went well and LO is growing fine! Bet it was great seeing him again :) Mine is next Thursday.
I am not bothered what day she is born as long as it is not 4th October (my EDD) - I dislike number 4! :lol: x

BB, it sucks that you are not getting the growth scans done if this was meant to be a part of your pregnancy care! I would be moaning to my midwife to! Holidays, how exciting is that! I would love to get away before LO is born but afraid our finances are a bit stretched atm x

I was never big on following news, I always found it depressing... The less I know, the better I sleep! x
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I wouldn't be impressed with that either BB, make sure you get your growth scan! It's v important for GD.

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