**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Hi Everyone,

Nat glad work is going ok for you :) its nice to get some you time isnt it at work, ive been working nights on labour ward recently, i have an interview next week for the breast feeding team of south yorkshire and derbyshire, i really hope i get this, its lovely working with new borns and mummies but i feel i have so much to give in teaching with breast feeding.

RM teething is the route of all evil isnt it, arthur has 14teeth now and its been awful at times, we was up last night giving calpol as he wasnt well with his teeth, i cant wait till they are all through.

Srob great news on your little man walking, its such an amazing feeling isnt it seeing their first steps, i had tears seeing arthur walk, but its even harder work, oh lord, they never want to be picked up, then want to walk everywhere, journeys take twice as long lol, ladies enjoy your little ones not walking, while you can, i hoping this is the start of the weight dropping off lol.

chloe congrats on maybe having a brother for lyla, if it is a boy, be prepared for the high flying widdles and stiffies lol.

Congratulations missy on your engagement, thats great news, really chuffed for you, it does make me wonder if my oh will ever drop to the knee or if i have to provide him with 3 kids first lol.

As for the clingyness id just ride it out, if you push them away to soon and not show them affection you may affect their confidence in you and thats when they may get naughty and trouble making, its something i have to learn in my job with breast feeding, Just reassure them its ok and they should just then toddle off, i can send you a link if you want about ways to approach it?

Nothing new in our house, arthurs walking everywhere, talks quiet a bit now and stringing things together, my brother and his wife are having a baby girl, so my first niece is due in april, still fully breast feeding, and thats about it.

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That would be great if you could send me that link Wilson? Thanks.

I did have a quick look online about separation anxiety and saw that they said just ride it out! It's so frustrating when she's like it but I would much rather just put up with it now than cause myself problems further down the line. It's nice she wants to give me cuddles 24/7 but earlier she wouldn't let me put her down and it's really not helping my SPD! Oh well, no doubt I'll be moaning when she's a teenager and she won't come near me!!

Arthur looks so happy walking down the road! Aela absolutely loves getting out walking too - she seems to have an obsession with wooden fences - we always have to stop and talk to them!!xxx


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How cute are all the walking bubbas?!

Lyla still point blank refuses to :lol:

She will take one or two steps then sit down if she thinks she won't make it to you in that many steps. She will also refuse to stand if you try and stand her up again after she sits down. Just holds her legs up in the air. Not the most comfortable when sitting holding a 1.5 stone toddler slightly above the ground for more than a few seconds :lol:
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Aela would NEVER hold our hand when she was learning to walk. If we tried to get her to walk she would do that holding her legs up in the air thing too! Was so frustrating. She would walk with her walker though and then one day she just went for it and she's been an absolute nightmare ever since!!! Haha. She'll hold our hand now though although not for long because she's more or less running now and she knows I will just slow her down!xx
Yeah she will walk with her walker no problem! Little terrors these babies! :lol:
James was a 'later' walker chloe. ...

Even now I'd not trust him outside yet but I am going to buy him his first pair of shoes this weekend. He hates anything on his feet so I fear this is not going to go down well lol.

James is crawling less and less and walking more and more. He's getting there but def didn't take any steps until 13.5 months x x
I think it looks so cute when theyr so small toddling about - Im in no rush for Jackson to be running riot hes already into everything LOL he uses his walker up and down the place, can reverse it and turn like a wee zimmer then he can take like small steps between me and OH but I dont want to push him, he seems to be building confidence to walk himself.

Hope everyone is doing well, we had a reaaallly grumpy day yesterday. Jackson cried every single time he got put down. I was demented by the time I went to bed LOL. Lets hope today is better... xxx
I haven't taken my LO out any further than around the garden. But can't wait to buy some reins and go for a proper walk outside. He'll love it!
James was a 'later' walker chloe. ...

Even now I'd not trust him outside yet but I am going to buy him his first pair of shoes this weekend. He hates anything on his feet so I fear this is not going to go down well lol.

James is crawling less and less and walking more and more. He's getting there but def didn't take any steps until 13.5 months x x

I was really worried about how A would react to getting her feet measured and getting shoes put on etc. but she was soooo good and she absolutely adores her shoes! She brings them to me all the time to put them on. My next problem is that I need to measure them myself...I have bought the gauge but when we tried we were too slow! It would be a 70 mile trip and a ferry to get them measured properly as all the shoe shops nearby shut down! xx
I thought I was being lazy not getting his feet measured before now as we have to get on a bus .. 70 miles is insane!

James was a nightmare - screamed more than when he had his jabs :wall2:

BUT he did enjoy having a run around Clarks.

He was measured at size 4.5? His new shoes seem a little big and when we put them on though and he just didn't understand, he just kind of stood stomping on the spot :lol:

We finally had his one year check today, James is 23lb 3oz and 80cm long. 50th centile for weight and 75th for height.

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My little man wasn't fussed about having his feet measured at first, but I took him again last week and he screamed his little noggin off… only to discover he still has square feet (3.5, H!!). Ah well, no need to buy new shoes just yet!
A's feet were a 3.5 G but the F's fitted better. Can just tell shoes will be a nightmare for us as will need to order, try on and send back and reorder if they're no good!

Nat - A kept tripping over ger feet when she first got shoes and was very stompy. No such problems now though!xx
What are the letters after the shoe size?

I don't think the guy measured us properly to be honest?

They did check the width but didn't give me a letter?

I just ordered a gauge online so I can measure him without the stress of going to the shop!

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Strange. Did you get a wee "my first shoes" book? We have the width written in there. I don't know if it says it on the box...

Like I say though, we were measured at a G but when we were trying them on they fitted better in an F so I don't suppose it really matters unless you wanted to buy more Clarks shoes online. High street shoes don't measure widths really.

OH is off work Monday so it's gonna be my mission to get A's feet measured. Can't believe she's been walking around in shoes 8 weeks already!xx
Madison is a 3.5g now. Clarks have some amazing shoes online for girls, more choice than in store anyway.

I'm still waiting for Lady ms one year check up, they are running so behind here at the minute. I'm hoping for a referral for her feet as she still turns them in and I think it's hampering her walking on uneven ground :(
Nope they didn't give me a booklet or anything (its an outlet store, not sure if that makes a difference)

James seems to have giant feet compared to the rest of the little one's? LOL!

I'll remeasure them when we get the gauge and check the width too.

Does the width make a difference to what size you buy?

It does for my LO Nat, because his feet are SO wide. If I bought a 3.5… F for example, it would not fit. My little man having such wide feet, it's causing problems, as there aren't many H width shoes once you go up to Walker shoes.

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