Hi everyone
We've been a little under the weather here which is why I haven't been around much. J has had a cough and cold, but then spiked a high temp on Friday and the doctor diagnosed a near infection. He was completely miserable for a day or two until the antibiotics kicked in. Then he started cutting two front teeth just as he started to feel better. He's much brighter now, but still sleeping a lot of the day away, so we are pretty much housebound. He also gave his cold and cough to me, so I've not been feeling brilliant myself.
I think he's poised for a big leap in development shortly too. He's been cruising confidently for a while and occasionally forgets himself and stands unaided for a few seconds. He's also babbling a lot more this week and says dadada and mamama appropriately depending on which of us is holding what he wants!
I hope James is feeling better.
Congratulations Chloe and hope you had a good honeymoon.
Well done to srobs LO for sleeping through!