**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Aww bless him, hope he feels better soon, xx

Arthurs on an inhaler too for wheezing but hes a mare to get him to breath from the chamber. Xx
Hello November Mummies. Hope we're all well. Super pleased James is on the mend.

My little man has slept through for three nights on the trot now and he's taking to having over a two hour nap during the day! Needless to say, I'm feeling very refreshed!

OH and I have been discussing when to TTC for No. 2 and have decided to wait for a bit longer yet. I'm feeling much happier about this, as we were originally going to try this month. I've relaxed so much more since deciding to wait, which shows I obviously was/am no where near ready for another pregnancy/baby!
Hi everyone

We've been a little under the weather here which is why I haven't been around much. J has had a cough and cold, but then spiked a high temp on Friday and the doctor diagnosed a near infection. He was completely miserable for a day or two until the antibiotics kicked in. Then he started cutting two front teeth just as he started to feel better. He's much brighter now, but still sleeping a lot of the day away, so we are pretty much housebound. He also gave his cold and cough to me, so I've not been feeling brilliant myself.

I think he's poised for a big leap in development shortly too. He's been cruising confidently for a while and occasionally forgets himself and stands unaided for a few seconds. He's also babbling a lot more this week and says dadada and mamama appropriately depending on which of us is holding what he wants!

I hope James is feeling better.

Congratulations Chloe and hope you had a good honeymoon.

Well done to srobs LO for sleeping through!

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Thats where the fun begins I had Jackson shouting mama from his cot for 20 mins on me to go get him the other night then he tired out and gave up LOL.

Hope you will feel better soon, everyones feeling it this winter.

J's cough is getting better thankfully. Mine is away and Im just bringing up phlem (sorry tmi lol)

We have a panto this week with the nursery, some christmasy one so Im quite excited.

Heya :)

So glad wee James is getting better Nat! I was in and out of the doctors the other week with A and a cough and then the antibiotics she had gave her a really upset stomach so I was so worrried she would get dehydrated. Had 12 dirty nappies in about 4 hours and she'd only drank 200ml in 14 hours! Was horrible her being ill. I hope Joe and Jackson are on the mend too!

Srob - I'm glad your LO is sleeping better!

A is really struggling with teething the last couple of days. I think it's her molars starting to come but last night nothing would help her. I read things like dummies can cause more pain when these ones cut and she is reliant on her dummy to get to sleep so it was very distressing for us both. Eventually I think the calpol kicked in enough and she was so tired that she had no choice but to go to sleep but I didn't really know what else to do! Didn't have any teething powder and never found a decent gel yet! I'll just be so glad to get all these teeth out the way - she's struggled so much with them all poor wee mite!xxx
My LO spent the night in hospital last night (and still there). He has/had croup. Looks likely he'll be discharged later this morning. The little terror WILL NOT sleep in hospitals though, I've only just got home after the second longest night of my life… next time my OH is doing the night shift. End of.

On a side note… croup is a scary noise!
Srob, sorry to hear this! Thank God you are going to be home soon though.

It is so common with little ones this age.

We sent 3 nights in the other week due to viral induced wheeze and it was horrid. Sadly it wasn't James that kept us awake but the fact he had hourly inhalers :shock: :shock:

It was terrifying and tiring and downright horrible but you get through it


Sorry to hear your LO has been poorly Srob. Hope you got home today and he's on the mend :)

How is James now Nat? Hope he's back to his old self now :) xx
James is dandy and hasn't needed his inhaler since last Thursday...

We ended up back in A&E on Saturday though as he had a fall and really smashed his lip (blood everywhere so I rang an ambulance)

If kids are under 2 and you call an ambulance they have to go to A&E... Even though paramedic was happy he was just fine!We were discharged within the hour though and it was nice to get a proper once over from the Pediatrician. Bub had a fat lip on Sunday but is fully healed now.


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Aw dear, he's really been through the wars! Aela managed to pull the high chair on top of herself earlier but luckily only got a scrath. Could have been awful! :( xx
Thanks all. we got home at midday, so it was not a long stint. The croup wasn't that bad in the end. We called 999 in blind panic and we got sent straight to the children's ward, by-passing A&E (we don't have a 24 hour A&E). He typically was croup-less by the time we got to the ward and after three hours they wanted to discharge the bean… but then he had a croup fest coughing fit and we were told to stay…. and then he had no further croup issues AT ALL.

He still has a phlegmy cough, but otherwise he seems okay. I am hoping there are no further issues, but I have a feeling it may well spark up again tonight!
Hi ladies.

These little November babies have been putting you through some tough times! Glad to hear they are all back to them cheery selves :)

Madison and I are doing really well and have now finished up for Christmas.
I had to keep her off nursery today as she had been poorly through the night she slept for 13 hours in the end and is now back asleep on me. Hoping she doesn't get a full on bug.

Other than that Madison is doing so well and I can't complain, such a happy little girl which is great. She is no longer a baby but a little toddler!ah!

Are you all ready for Christmas?

I'm still in 2 minds about what we are doing, we were staying down at our house just 3 of us but I feel like I want to go to Scotland to be with the family! Totally torn and driving oh nuts!ha

Sorry posted in wrong section. Will try again.
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Have you made a decision mrsw? The weather where I am in Scotland is horrendous - the boats keep getting cancelled as there have been such strong winds for over a week now! One of my friends is supposed to be getting back on Christmas Eve and our turkey is supposed to be arriving that day but we are not getting our hopes up!

I am just about ready for Christmas - just have OH's present left to wrap and mince pies to bake tomorrow. Going to take all the presents round to mum and dads later for under the tree as that's where we'll open the ones that aren't from Father Christmas. I had my staff night out the other night which was great fun and was at a party at a castle last night!

Aela is finally almost sleeping through the night! It's a bit hit and miss but last night she went from 8pm till 9.30am!! A nice lie in for OH and I. It's amazing! I thought we would never get to this point! Better make the most of it before baby no. 2 arrives and keeps me up all night again!

I hope everyone is well and enjoying the run up to Christmas :) xxx
I can't believe you hadn't decided MrsW - on the 20th December lol!

We'd decided months ago where we were going and both our options live round the corner :lol: :lol:

I am so boringly ready I am actually looking for things to keep me occupied.

I cheated a lot though and all our nieces and nephews have money... Also we're not having to cook dinner so that eliminated a lot of stressful shopping.

I had wrapped all James' stuff before he was in hospital.

I may brave M&S tomorrow as I need to return something and pick something else up, although I don't "have" to!

Bailey's is just waiting to be opened lol.

Back to work 2nd Jan though so its all kind of bittersweet


Merry christmas everyone lots of love amanda & Arthur xxxx
Merry Christmas ladies.
Wilson Arthur looks amazing in his wee suit.

I didn't see your replies on my phone (tapatalk doesn't show everything)!

We ended up in Scotland after me driving oh nuts. We have had such an amazing day and Madison has been a spoiled little lady from family and friends.

It took us a while to get to the pressies (he preferred his plate lol) but we got there in the end...


We had an amazing day. Had dinner at my Mum's, then went to in-laws so we got to see the whole family.

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