**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Gosh im 23 in a couple weeks. I feel like a Bag of Bones.

Happy belated birthday xxxx
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:lol: I feel older Nat.

SPD is back with a vengeance worse than with Lyla. Think I might try and get some physio on the go.
I'm 28 this year. Though doesn't feel that old, and unfortunately I look about 15 instead of 28 (no, it's not a good thing looking young, I get unbelievably patronised - especially with a baby - I know people look at me and think 'teen mum, tut tut', plus I am shy so it's not a great combination!).

Got to crank the next Baby Rob out before I hit 30 though!
Happy belated birthday chloe..

Nat im 33 too and feel like 55 lol, oh well the face cream im using is doing its job lol

well ladies i can officially say that i am now a breastfeeding support peer, i got the job :) xx
I am so old I forgot my age this morning, I was asked what age Id be when my birthday comes, I was like ummm 24. LOL I literally feel anchient. I know the age isnt, so ladies who are older than me I dont see you as old. I just feel knacked. LOL

God only knows what Im doing for my birthday... Not working anyway, thats for sure. I never have worked a day on my birthday, its like an invisable law.

Hope the mummies and kidlets are getting on gooooooood.

Hey ladies. Just wondering, what shoes are your little boys wearing at the moment? My LO is in Startrite pre-walkers, but his feet have now grown and he's walking - so just curious really. Looking for any recommendations. I'm thinking of sticking with Startrite as I was so impressed and pleased with his cruisers, but I am open-minded to other brands.


Oh the glory days of my wonderful sleeper ended last night. The poor mite is absolutely full of cold, which meant mummy only got one hours sleep last night. Plus I am giving blood later, so I know I'm only going to feel worse later on. Argh.
Startrite are expensive!!!! It sounds like a budget shoe place so I was blown away by the cost.

We've just got a few pairs of Clarks.. he is still barefoot indoors and we've not been out much lately with the weather. We've been doing loads of indoor stuff (friends / softplay / swimming)

James had his first ay away from Mummy and Daddy today :shock: my sister now has him as OH has gone back to work!

All is going fine according to her last update

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My mum and dad put me in Startrite as a little girl, and when I got LO's cruisers from Startrite, they were actually cheaper than Clarks. As I said, the Startrites have been absolutely lovely for my lad and he loves them. I haven't read amazing reviews of Clarks shoes… plus I've been in two different Clarks branches today and each gave me different sizes for my sons feet… and then I went to a little independent store and they gave me a different size again! It's getting frustrating.
I bought the measuring gauge thing so I can measure his feet at home without him kicking off.... he hated it for some reason.

They had measured him spot on tho.

I'll see how quick his feet grow before we invest in any more shoes

Just thought I'd check in, how are we all? I've got most of you on FB but how is James doing Nat? Happy 16 months to him :) xx
Blimey Miss Y you are ready to pop!

How are you feeling?

We're fine, I am swamped being back FT but it is working OK for us all at the moment.

Our bloody cat went missing recently - she is a house cat - we found her after a few days but she has a bad leg and I've just had a £550 vets bill.

Thanks God for credit cards and insurance.

Hi ladies,

Missy..jeez baby will be here in no time! Are you all set?

We are not too bad this end. Work is very busy at the minute and oh works away in the week which I have been struggling with the past few weeks. I think M senses it and is throwing massive tantrums. We had to leave the shops today because she wouldn't stop screaming :( I was so bloody embarrassed and flustered that I couldn't cope.got half way home in the car and she was zonked so we drove back, out her in the pram again and she slept for a good hour and a half..I finally won the battle!

I find it so hard to deal with her when she is having a tantrum-almost out of my depth I feel sometimes.

Nat, I totally understand about being back FT. It's hard work and tiring but great to come home to a smiling toddler full of cuddles and kisses (if only for a short while in my case).
Poor Amber, I hope she's on the mend xx
Nat I'm sorry to hear about your cat! I hope she makes a speedy recovery :) I'm glad it's working well for you being back at work - is it still your OH looking after James or has he gone back to work too now?

mrsw I sympathise with the tantrums. Luckily we've not had any meltdowns in the shops but I took A to playgroup and she started screaming the place down...and then part of the ceiling fell down!! Hope it was just coincidence haha! At home I find it a bit easier to deal with as you know people aren't judging you but even at my mum and dad's I feel like I ought to do something to stop the tantrum rather than go with just ignoring it. A has started hitting us whilst having tantrums so I'm a bit stuck whether to tell her off for that or not because obviously it is giving her attention which is why she's doing it in the first place!

How is pregnancy treating you? You must have a scan coming up soon!! :)

We are just about ready to go which is lucky as I am fully cooked today! It's gone so quickly this time but has definitely been harder because I've been so knackered with looking after A! OH starts 2 weeks holiday tomorrow so looking forward to getting a wee rest before this one arrives. We still have no names so I need him to hang on a bit longer while we think of some! Haha xx
It's so lovely seeing this thread back on the first page!

Hope your all doing well and LOs aren't being too much trouble!! Lyla is such a little madam sometimes its scary how old she's got all of a sudden xx

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