**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Happy 1st Birthday to Little_angel's J!

Lots of love to you all

Srob - A did that the other day - slept through on a rare occasion and then took a ridiculously long nap! She must have been knackered! We were up most of the night last night though :(

We were away at my scan yesterday and so A's routine went totally out the window as we were in the car so much and didn't get home till 11. But something else is up with her as she was up 3 times between 11.30pm and 6am before she totally screamed the house down and I took her in with us! She is currently taking her third nap of the day when she is usually one long one or two shorter ones. I have got a stinking cold so I'm wondering if it is about to hit her too... I hope not because I feel awful!! She also has another tooth coming through and has been off her food all week I'm assuming because of this....I don't know what is going on! If it goes on much longer I think I will take her to the doctors because she usually loves her food!

In other news...A is going to have a little brother :) anyone who I have on facebook please don't say anything as I'm keeping it a secret from most people and telling them we don't know the sex, but you are all such good friends I had to tell you!!xx
Congrats on your baby boy Miss Y!!

They rock :lol:

(well for the most part lol)

James has been a complete nightmare for 2 weeks now - in terms of eating, sleeping and temperament.

I know he had a virus, I know it is leap time and he is also teething.

It is just so constant??? I could handle the not eating without the moaning, or the moaning without the temperature or the temperature without the clingyness, of the clingyness without the not sleeping but it is all going on at once. It is just so full on.

James is a very independent boy, he's never been cuddly or clingy so it's been a shock to see him like this.

I resorted to waffles and Skips today as he hasn't eaten much the past few days :wall2: :wall2:

On the upside I know this isn't forever and I am also kind of reassured to know he comes to me when he needs me. I never used to get cuddles at all so I have been making the most of them

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It really is rubbish isn't but at least you're getting cuddles! A is a bit more cuddly but she mainly just cries at me with such a look on her face that kills me - like she's begging me to make it all better but I just can't! :( xx
Ruth and la happy 1st birthday to your little ones, i did write it on fb but thought i would here too :) xx

Srob congrats on a little boy :) i bet yr soo excited xx

Nat have u looked up nightmares of this age?? Maybe its why everything changes??

Arthurs still poorly :( cery wheezy and gunk streams from his eyes, we 've been co sleeping as its cold and with his wakening just means im constantly not up.

I cant believe arthur is one this week :/ i keep forgetting its my bday 2 days before.
Are u all set for xmas?? What are you buying yr lo's?? Xx
P.s dr said to me taste buds change when unwell so give them tasty things. I find Arthur will suck a tomato for england and drink smoothies xx
James seems (touch wood) a bit better.

He still comes in with us though but I actually love sleeping with him... He's like a hot water bottle.

We've got him quite a bit for Crimbo.






Plus he has a Scuttlebug from my sister, several books (some musical, some touchy / feely)

I also got some clothes for him (boring!)



And some more PJ's



I had some M&S vouchers lol!!!

All I really want for him now are some big plastic cars...

He got loads for his Birthday as well...

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Hey girls

Not been on as much, lost my god damn phone, like a complete idiot. Anyway, we are good - Jackson is still recovering from croup, but back to his usual happy self.

He took 2 steps unaided the other day (to get to me) but hes not did it since I think he thought I was right next to him and thats why he let go of the sofa and went for it LOL.

Im starting to get into the stressed way of christmas/birthday mode now - have picked out everything to get its just a case of picking it all up but had quite a bit going on atm.

Ooh - and, I went for an interview on friday so heres hoping :)

Hope everyone and theyr LOs are well - Happy birthday Little_angels J!

After my moaning about A she has slept through 2 nights in a row!!!! She has never done that 2 nights on the trot...I don't know whether to worry that she's really ill or something, or to get all excited that we've nearly cracked her sleep!!!xxx
Hey girls

Not been on as much, lost my god damn phone, like a complete idiot. Anyway, we are good - Jackson is still recovering from croup, but back to his usual happy self.

He took 2 steps unaided the other day (to get to me) but hes not did it since I think he thought I was right next to him and thats why he let go of the sofa and went for it LOL.

Im starting to get into the stressed way of christmas/birthday mode now - have picked out everything to get its just a case of picking it all up but had quite a bit going on atm.

Ooh - and, I went for an interview on friday so heres hoping :)

Hope everyone and theyr LOs are well - Happy birthday Little_angels J!


So, rung the bus depot and.. ITS BEEN FOUND :cheer: so excited, actually hated this second phone from the minute I bought it LOL!

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Yay RM! That's great news! I once left my phone in the changing room at Debenhams idiot that I am but luckily they got it back to me!xx
I was shocked have lost my phone years ago on a bus and never got returned - i was gonna ask the driver today hes really nice i get him every day. So a wee box o choccies are in order for him I think.

Nat it looks like your well prepared lol, some good presents there.

So far we have bought arthur a tent and tunnel, a space pig hopper ride on, washable makers, pj's, a police flashin car, a noahs ark bath boat, jungle book dvd, and a hammer bench and a toot toot garage set, not going mad as his birthday is sat and xmas 3wks after xx
Rm aww great news on step taking :) its great to see isnt it, arthur tuck his about a month ago now and goes about 8-10 steps on his own now, but turns my tummy when he does lol

When wil you find out about the job xx
Still no steps from lazy bones!

He is a fab little climber though and can scale our 15 stairs in record time :lol:

I only let him do it when we are coming in, they are gated off from him but he loves his daily stair-climbing exercise lol.

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Hi all, we're back from our Center Parcs break - so much fun there! Anyway we got LO's hands imprinted and he took SIX unaided steps! It just came from absolute no where, one minute he was holding my hand, the next he was making a runner towards his daddy-o! Absolutely amazing!

LO sleeps are improving, but still not great. He's just waking super early now… at about 5pm :-8 Too early little man, FAR too early!
Aww well done for step taking!

We got A's first shoes on Friday so I am making her walk everywhere now haha. She was a total nightmare on the ferry home as it was so empty we just let her go for it but she is so quick! She doesn't even look back when she is walking, just locks on to something, or someone and away she goes. OH must have walked miles chasing her round the boat!

Nat - A also LOVES climbing the stairs - she yells "hi dad" all the way up them usually in the hope he'll be at the top bless her! We haven't got stair gates for the stairs yet as the courier managed to lose them but we need to get them re ordered asap as she keeps sneaking up the first couple before I've even managed to get off the sofa!

We have just put up some of our Christmas lights and I have pulled the tree out the box in the hope that OH will find somewhere to put it that Aela can't destroy it when he gets home! I am sooooo excited for Christmas...usually I would wait until December but I feel that I missed out a bit last year with A not even being born until the 3rd and then me in hospital ill so I am making the most of it this year!!xx
Hi Ladies,

Happy Birthday to the November babies over the last few days! I hope you all had a great day celebrating.

We have been so busy lately with being back at work and courses going on. Madison is doing so well lately and has come on loads since being in nursery. Sleeping through being one and her walking is getting better each day. We've had 8 steps from her before she topples into a heap.
I am not sorted for Christmas at all. I'm only getting Madison a few things as she got a lot of things for her birthday. So for Christmas she is getting nice girly bedding, sleeping bag, PJs, a few 18-24 month clothes and I am currently doing up a wooden toy box for her which I am going to paint up, put her name on and a little seat top I just hope it turns out, also getting her books as she loves them.

LO slept all the way through the night last night. So happy. Though mummy has got a bit of anxiety going on at the moment. With two weeks of disturbed sleep, I just spent most evenings just waiting for a cry to disturb the night… grumble.

The fella has got quite a few treats in store from his mummy for Christmas (not from his daddy though, he hasn't bought anything!).

Hopefully our LO's will be walking soon! Mine just seems lazy, he's happy to stand. When he walks, he obviously not realising he's doing it!
I'm in no hurry for James to walk, he is hard enough work as it is :lol::lol:


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