Oooo hello Cantstop!
3 of us on one day? Clearly our conception date was a wet/windy or boring one where we needed to keep ourselves entertained! Ha ha ha
Ohh i want a text buddy for when im over.. ill be using my english phone from april 1st
Hey Jodie
Hope your appointment goes well! I'm feeling good, very pregnant now, HUGE! Need to take a bump pic! Can't believe we only have March and April to go! I'm very excitable today think the sun helps too!
sun?? its crappy here in cardiff!
Hey Jodie
Hope your appointment goes well! I'm feeling good, very pregnant now, HUGE! Need to take a bump pic! Can't believe we only have March and April to go! I'm very excitable today think the sun helps too!
Hey pinky, yes appointment went well thanks, blood pressure fine, iron a bit low but no need for supplements or anything, hb fine, baby's head now down and to my right side, measuring 31.5cm so pretty much spot on! I'm feeling big too although I reckon my growth has slowed a little lately (I measured 31cm at my 28 week app). I'm also feeling v excitable but not very sunny here - I think it's because I have only 9 weeks to go - single figures in terms of weeks!!! Super exciting about meeting baby now! x
Hello fellow May-ers
Helen your bump is fab, I'm quite jealous as I think mine still looks dubiously like fat .
I'm feeling generally ok at the mo, less complaints so far in tri 3 than I've had in tri 1 or 2. Still managing to get myself comfy - will suddenly all fall to bits when I can't get my anymore though! Went to my first antenatal class today and it was about how babies are born quite social - it was lovely actually, made me even more excited.