May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Snowbee last time I just signed up through the website and printed out a barcode or something to take into boots. I haven't even looked at the app. Most of the stuff they had the last 2 times was pretty rubbish. The teeniest pot of sudocrem you will ever see and packs of 10 wipes. Did get a really awesome petis filous spoon which was the best spoon we ever had for feeding wee ones! Seems to have gone awol now I think about it! X
Tiny sudocrem, sanitary towels and Bolognese mix this time!
Am I overreacting or is it normal to receive a V day card that says "Someone Special" on it, from my boyfriend, who I'm living with and having a baby with? There are lots of hearts on it. We have been arguing loads recently and things have been uncertain. Maybe I'm just being hormonal, but it feels like he avoided certain cards (girlfriend, etc).
i haven't even received a card or anything so count yourself lucky haha!!

i understand where your coming from tho, my OH usually gets me wife cards even tho were not married etc he calls me wifey, saved in his phone as wife.

id ask him out right! but it could just be hormones too, they are driving me bonkers at the minute crying at a drop of a hat!
I mentioned it but I felt bad, and he didn't really say anything. And yeah, I cried! I cry everyday, sometimes multiple times a day, sometimes all day!

My belly button is on the move. Seems to be poking out a little :/
i cry all the time let it out hun! just think hes actually made the effort to buy you a card my OH cant even do that for me

i suffer like you with depression and anxiety, and i do feel alone sometimes in this pregnancy the OH just doesnt get my depression and makes me feel bad for suffering with it!

my belly button looks to have stretched, oh are you gunna end up with an outtie belly button? how cute!

you have much of a bump? im still really quite small still in my original jeans!
This is mine and my husbands first valentines days since we got married but neither of us have gotten eachother a card or anything. We just took some reduced steak out the freezer so we can have a nice dinner haha!!

I have midwife today. Interested to see how baby is lying cos it's definitely not like my other two! Hoping it's not bloody transverse!! X
oh i know that feeling all so well, some mornings i wake and i say i tell him am feeling sad and he just has a go, doesnt try to cheer me up etc just says im miserable but it cant be helped

aww your bump is so cute dovekie! saw the midwife yesterday and she says as i was so tiny before i might not get the big bump and im tall too!

im not sure i want the mahoosive bump tho, hoping i will lose the baby weight quickly as i have a wedding 6 weeks after my little man is due!

aww your belly button will go back in tho! i think they look cute on a bump!
steak sounds like a perfect night to me!

who needs cards and flowers when you can have steak ! (one of my cravings haha )
I looked on the website and it says I have to download the app to get the free stuff, so no freebies for me.

I'm not fussed by the wording on cards, I've got my husband just a to my valentine one as I didn't like any of the husband ones. Not sure what he has got me as we do cards at tea.

My bump was easily still in my normal clothes until week 25 and now it has gone mad! Seems to be bigger every day! I keep looking down and seeing it, woah where did that come from lol.
I wouldn't worry too much over the wording. Some men are just rubbish at picking cards. I didn't get one and didn't get him one either. I hate valentines day. I am not the lovey dovey type though. Find it all a bit cringey. I got my OH a card last year as a joke that said "I hate you the least" on it lol. That's how romantic we are. He found it hilarious so all good xx
i think its more the fact that you have made the effort for each other :)

ee i bet your bump is lovely! my OH says it will just pop out from nowhere one day! i feel massive b
My oh sounds just like yours girls lol im made out to be a pyscho aswell but its just my anxiety really i have good and bad days. Havent had anything from oh yet but still holding out hope!

Had a dream last night that i had baby now! It was so real!

My bumps really popped out i feel so fat lol oh keeps reminding me im not fat anywhere else its just the baby lol
im holding out hope too! i gave the OH his present the other day so hoping for something when i get in.... i doubt i will tho lol

my OH tells me ive gone wide on my hips! ive not put weight on anywhere else but i do struggle to eat with having indigestion just feel full all the time
I went through a stage of feeling full all the time its not as bad now its just my spd and sciatica thats really getting me down going to see the midwife next week tho so will see if i can get some physio or something
I've not put any weight on other than the bump, I don't look any different from the back.

I've still not had any dreams about baby actually being here, I'm a bit surprised as I'm usually one for really crazy dreams, so was semi expecting some really insane ones about babies!
my indigestion really gets me down especially on a night when its tea time and i can only eat a few mouth fulls!

ive had one labour dream! the rest have jump been so strange and ive woken up laughing to myself! or something through the day triggers my memory of the dream!

ive only been weighed once and that was at my booking in
My dw and I don't really do cards, gifts or celebration. We've gone away once together a few years back to Paris, but that was only because it was half-term and had planned a trip away because of that. I'd rather be surprised and surprise her randomly throughout the year, which we do- usually when we realise the other really needs it because of work related stress.

My belly button has started to pop out too. I'm glad I took my belly ring out at 24 weeks. I could feel my regular clothes becoming too tight and thought it was best to remove it. At 25 weeks I had my first little pop, enough to put me firmly in my mat jeans. I can still wear one pair of reg jeans, but they are bigger than my normal size clothes, stretchy and low rise, so sit below mu bump. I'm going to venture into Oxford street this week for some over the bump jeans and a couple of tops.

I swear my little man doesn't sleep. Does anyone else feel movement almost all day long. At night, he'll settle a bit, but as soon as I get into bed and lie on my side he moves again. If I switch sides, he moves again. I guess he could also be moving in his sleep. He just seems like he never stops. Thank goodness it doesn't hurt. Some movements feel really strange, but mostly they just make me want to rub my belly since I can't cuddle him yet.
My bump is so flat at the front. It's weird! Deffo wasn't like that with my last one, can't really remember my bump with my first and I have no pictures.

Midwife just left - baby is head down but has it's back down my left side and its bum on my right side which is what I could feel but thought I must have the wrong parts haha! Glad its head down though. My other 2 were head down at 28 weeks and never changed so that's hopefully how this one will stay. X

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