My dw and I don't really do cards, gifts or celebration. We've gone away once together a few years back to Paris, but that was only because it was half-term and had planned a trip away because of that. I'd rather be surprised and surprise her randomly throughout the year, which we do- usually when we realise the other really needs it because of work related stress.
My belly button has started to pop out too. I'm glad I took my belly ring out at 24 weeks. I could feel my regular clothes becoming too tight and thought it was best to remove it. At 25 weeks I had my first little pop, enough to put me firmly in my mat jeans. I can still wear one pair of reg jeans, but they are bigger than my normal size clothes, stretchy and low rise, so sit below mu bump. I'm going to venture into Oxford street this week for some over the bump jeans and a couple of tops.
I swear my little man doesn't sleep. Does anyone else feel movement almost all day long. At night, he'll settle a bit, but as soon as I get into bed and lie on my side he moves again. If I switch sides, he moves again. I guess he could also be moving in his sleep. He just seems like he never stops. Thank goodness it doesn't hurt. Some movements feel really strange, but mostly they just make me want to rub my belly since I can't cuddle him yet.