May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Good luck for the scans tomorrow mines on Thurs. We don't really do vals day. But I got my husband the most romantic present ever.....
I brought our living room floor lmao. (I guess it depends on what you do on it lol)
Bubs was quiet today but I've still felt her quite a bit so I think she's getting used to my new shift pattern...
I walked past a full length mirror today and saw how bloody huge I was lol. Im sure I'm bugger now than I was at full term with my son. I hope that doesn't mean it's a big baby!
I've noticed I seem to want more cuddling lately, is this a pregnancy thing? I could snuggle up to him all day given half a chance!

I think it is. I've felt this way too. I've been more attracted to him and feel like I need more attention. Typically, at a time when he's been giving me less! I've tried to explain it to him, but it doesn't sink in. We had an argument last night as he made a joke about my appearance, which sort of ties in with some comments he's made in the past. I'm worried this will go on until the birth, and beyond.
aww not just me who had an argument last night then for valentines day!

my card got put in the bin and a huge argument over nothing! but now i feel terrible and i just dont know how long i can stick with this guy or why hes making me feel like this.

cried all morning sat at my desk at work, he was arguing about money, how i dont pay anything i do just when he gets his bee in his bonnet im worse than shit and this guy wants me to give up my job! hes having a laugh
Oh no why did you have arguments girls?? My oh has actually been ok since we moved. Our sex life isnt as good but i think he feels weird now the baby is bigger and my belly is bigger. Hes out friday with work and this girl i hate so dreading that and he asked me yesterday about a night out he wants to go to in april which i said is fine as long as baby isnt here by then because april is an iffy month if bubs decides to come early. Hes still got his way with his weekend away in march tho!
i made a joke about something and he flipped!!

he then admitted he had a rubbish day at work but no need to take it out on me - i just burst out crying being hormonal and things, he cuddled me and told me to stop, doesnt want the baby hearing his mam cry.

but i just feel so rubbish today about things, unappreciated etc. couldnt even buy me one flower for valentines. usually wouldnt be bothered.

i would hate him going out, he deals with this girl who i hate asked him not to contact her etc, but she still rings him etc she is a slut he tells me about what shes been up to and things and i dont want him around her - but now im at the stage where i dont care anymore what happens need to think of my little boy
Yeah i think I've got to that stage aswell with this girl she interferes in our relationship and he goes to her to moan about me and she gives him her advice even though she doesnt know me. Shes a pretty girl and they have alot in common with music and stuff so i do worry but kinda thought after the breaks weve had and stuff if he was going to be with her he would be by now. I offered to take him and pick him up friday night just so i know they wont be spending any longer together than they have to just hope hes not too drunk! Cant wait till he gets a new job then he wont be spending all his time with her and messaging her all day everyday i hope!

Hope you sort things out hun but your doing the right thing by concentrating on your little boy, even before they are here they always come first
Aww no :( Sorry you had an argument too. We had two! We had one in town before that and came home not speaking. Money seems to be becoming an issue with us too. As you know, I lost my job in December and I'm getting JSA at the moment. I'm living with my boyfriend for free and he pays for lots of stuff. I think he's beginning to resent me as he's made a few comments recently, reminding me of this.

I'm still in the spare room with clothes in bags. His most recent excuse was that he was ill so it was probably best I stayed here. He's a lot better now and I have mentioned that I need to move back to the main bedroom, but he doesn't say anything. He doesn't ask why I'm spending another night in what is now "my" room. He just disappears to "his" room for an early night. Last night he said he needs to build his energy back up now. There's always something.

I'm off to Scotland with him and both of our dads at the weekend, for six days! Dreading it to be honest.
Dovekie why are you sleeping in seperate rooms? I would hate that

The break away might do you good you never know. Oh keeps planning loads of stuff which is annoying me, nights out and weekends away. I just keep asking him not to plan anything yet till nearer the time so we know whats happening with baby but hes so stubborn and i have to like it or lump it basically
i earn enough but i have an expensive car etc that i pay for - which he is driving may i add i have his old horrible car as its bigger! i pay for the sky, i pay for the dog what ever she needs, everything for the baby i have bought he hasnt bought anything. if i have spare money i give it to him or buy the shopping etc but i dont bleat on about it!

wants me to give up my job, get a council house all paid for etc and im not willing to do that. all because his ex is living in his house which he has to pay the mortgage on because she wont move and pulls the oh your gunna kick your kids out even tho she works part time and will get help with rent etc! as ill be on maturity pay he cant afford to pay for 2 properties i said his ex needs to help but no she gets away with it; im just sick of being second fiddle to him!

men are stubborn and looks like me and you have one of the same!
I don't think they have the ability to put themselves in our shoes! My boyfriend's mate just came over for a cuppa. It turns out he works with pregnant women and runs antenatal classes! He asked me if my hormones were ok and if I'd been crying at the drop of a hat! My boyfriend missed that discussion, unfortunately.

On a different note, my belly seems to be popping every morning. It's so tight.
Sorry some of you girls are having such a tough time with your oh's.

We had our 4D scan today and it was lovely. She wasn't the most cooperative in that she had her hand up by her face pretty much the whole time but in a way that was quite sweet because Cam was the same when we went for scans with him! In fact he was born with his hand by his face!

Anyway, here she is (and she's definitely a she :-) )



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Aw emily lovely pic :)

Well my oh has come home in a foul mood ive sorted the whole house out today, washed and dried his clothes, did the shopping, cooked dinner and washed up and he pretty much hasnt spoken to me all night. Asked him what's wrong nothing as usual! But there is he just doesnt want to tell me. Hate feeling unappreciated
Been waiting for your update Emily :) Did Cam enjoy being at the scan? Xx
Not really no! Lol! He looked at the screen for the first minute or two but got bored pretty quickly and lost interest. The sinigrapher said that generally children under five don't really seem to get it and aren't all that interested.

So sorry your having oh troubles girls. I must admit my oh has been brilliant and I've finally reached the horny stage lol.

Bless him emily. What a good pic and great for the confirmation! I've got minetomorrow not a 3d one but I'm hoping for a bit more confirmation.

I keep on getting belly ache and tightening's I hope that's normal and not a sign she wants to come early I'm still in work 2 days before she's due lol.
Emily, that's a fantastic pic! Glad you got your confirmation on the girl too!

Sorry that so many of you are having issues with your OH. It's a real shitty time for that. My dw has been fantastic and the men I'm around are all so curious about what it's like to feel a little human moving inside you.

Had my scan yesterday. He's still being shy. They tried to get a 4D of his face, but his hands were ther again. Instead we got a kiss pic- lips and nostrils. Lol. He's growing well. The bright bowel was gone too! Consultant was very happy and believes he is absolutely developing perfectly. He was head down. Got to see his little feet again. He kicked the ultrasound wand a few times during the scan. Bleeding is still daily but has lessened quite a bit. They believe any of the bleeding now is being cause by the polyp, so that would me no mixing of our blood! Next scan is on the 29th March @ 34 weeks. On my way to see the mw now.
Went to John Lewis yesterday and no more deal on the bee3. They are out of stock and only have what is left in store, which will probably be on sale come March as the new Bee5 is being released then. Wondering if I should wait. Some people are still asking quite a bit for their used Bee plus.
Glad all your scans went well cant wait for mine on wednesday :)
Kabuk, that's great that all was well at your scan xx
Ery, I have read that can get Brixton hicks now, could it be that? I haven't had tightening yet, I didn't with my son either so don't really know what they feel like but I do get alot of stretching pains.

I do feel for the ladies who are having OH trouble. It is such a precious time and should be a lovely experience for each of you xx
Mothercare has a huge event on this month - started yesterday if you still need to pick up some bits.

OH was a completely different person last night, im on eggshells all the time, he was rubbing my belly, blowing raspberrys on it etc.

i dont know which person im going to go home to on a night the nice one or the nasty one!

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