May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Snowbee could someone with a smartphone do it for you? Its a shame to miss out just because you don't have a certain type of phone! Maybe say to the midwives as they give them out too in some areas x
my little man has days where he doesnt stop moving but then will have quieter days, not sure if its just where he is hiding as my placenta is at the front - could hear him dancing away yesterday at the midwife but i couldnt feel him!

i try and find which way he is lying but i cant tell he was breach the last scan i had
snowbee - email bounty they might sort it for you - i found them really helpful

i haven't got any packs yet as the stores near me are useless and dont stock them all the time
This little girl pretty much doesnt stop all day lol no idea when she sleeps! Ive just cleaned the whole house knackered now!

Oh just got a delivery of 4 coasters for me with pics on of us and the kids they are.cute :)
Thanks for the ideas I may well try some of them and see if I can get the packs some other way.

My little one tends not to be that active in the mornings, but I'm not sure if that is just due to me being busy and running about every morning. I am starting to feel a bit more movement in the last couple of days than I have previously.

We just do cards for valentines, then stay in have a nice meal and I usually make an extra chocolaty cake as that is husbands favourite. I've noticed I seem to want more cuddling lately, is this a pregnancy thing? I could snuggle up to him all day given half a chance!

I've just eaten a massive chocolate brownie (plus lunch) and my blood sugar is 5.6 (supposed to be under 7.8) so well within even having eaten a shed load of sugar?! I'm not sure my diagnosis is right.
im really light headed today keep going really dizzy.

im the same usually i like my own space, but i just want to be around him all the time and touching him (not in a sexual way) just like touching his leg with my feet or something just some contact with him.

i cried when he went to work over the weekend haha he works most weekends
Aw leigh! Im the same i dont normally cuddle oh when were falling asleep i like my space lol but the only way i seem to be able to sleep at the moment is me cuddling him from behind lol

Just got a delivery of roses, card and a balloon lol. Were just going out for a meal tonight im starving already!
i duno why normally im glad of the peace when hes at work on a weekend means i can clean! haha

oh you lucky girl! still nothing for me....
Usually, my baby seems to move all day, but he's been extra quiet recently. I ended up at the hospital today getting him checked out. How sweet, listening to his heart on V day :D He was fine. His heart was beating really fast at first. The midwife said he was moving around. Then it went down.

My BP was only 84/52 though. She said to keep an eye on things. It's low normally, but not that low!
Glad your little one is all OK dovekie xx

I got my matb1 form from doctors today as midwife forgot to give it last time. I am seeing her next week anyway so will get her to fill her part in. I didn't realise the form was so short? I thought would put intended day to start mat leave on it but there is nowhere for that! Do I write a separate letter or just tell them? Xx
No your MatB1 just gives a date of examination and the week you can expect your baby to be born. It depends on your employer I guess. Does your HR have a form that you fill out requesting to take mat leave? If not then a separate letter should be fine.

I'm giving my form in tomorrow. I've not put anything in writing about starting mat leave but I have said verbally. I assume if they need more they will ask.
I would imagine they'll need something with a mat leave start date on it in order to notify Payroll.

I gave my Mat form to HR weeks ago but not heard anything. I organised my maternity leave with my supervisor but I'll deffo be emailing HR to double check if there's anything more I need to do.

I feel about 23 episodes of movements per day ranging from the odd kick to multiple wiggles and rolls and goodness knows what else she gets up to in there! Lol! I got the kickscount app on my phone and find it so reassuring to be able to see her pattern of movements.

My belly button has popped right out tonight! Feels horrible! Lol!

Glad it's not just me. Although when so many say they can't feel movement when up and moving, I can. Not always and not as strong, but I do much of the time.

I have a scan tomorrow - 28 weeks! He was breech 3 weeks ago, so we'll see this time. I see the mw on Thursday. I really have no idea what position he is in. I can tell which side he is on, that is almost always obvious. The top of my belly seems rather flat- he does sit low, and even lower when walking for a while.

I notified HR before I had my matb1 via email, but it didn't become official until I emailed a scanned copy of my form and reconfirmed the day I wanted to start mat leave. Then I received my mat leave letter confirming SMP, my start date and my approximate return to work date (waiting on term dates for next year).
I don't have a HR department as it's a school. I will ask the business manager though. I just thought it would all be on the form.
Emily, your bubs moves loads. I think the most I have recorded is 16 on the app. I do miss putting some of the movement in though xx
She's pretty active although it could be more based on how I input it I suppose? If she kicked and I felt nothing for another 10 minutes and then she moved again, I would count that as 2 sessions. I wasn't sure how long to count as a session iykwim but that's how I started doing it so I'm sticking with it as it seems to work for me and I'm getting consistent numbers between 20-25 each day.

She's just been moving loooooads but I'm only counting it as one session as it was only a few minutes at most between movements. She's still going now!lol!

Hopefully she's getting into a good position for our scan tomorrow so that we can confirm she's def a she and get some nice piccys.

you don't have to tell them a date till 28 days before you intend to start mat leave, I did however let mine know as want them to have as much warning as possible to be organised.
I also handed my Mat form in this morning and got a letter detailing my intended pay and expected pay, I was impressed but also sad it seemed so clinical :( It doesn't take much to upset me at the minute.
Movement is still not consistent, I am worrying its not as strong/frequent as it should be.
I'm feeling so much more this time round (like now for example she has hiccups) as my placenta is on the back whereas with my son it was at the front so cushioned things more.

I would do the same Emily. If there was 10 mins in between then I would count as two sessions. My little one was non stop earlier, I think she wore herself out as she is only waking up again now. The movements were crazy. I love it though. Best feeling ever.
So it's tor 4D scan tomorrow :) so exciting, can't wait to see pics xx

Gesic, I think they say to monitor movement from 28 weeks as still can be a little hit and miss any earlier on xx

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