May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

I got the owl cover too. Was only 1.25 in tescos and looks so cute xx
Rachel, we are planning to do the same. Feeding time is bonding time and I don't want my de to completely miss out on that. I haven't bought one yet, but have to wait until payday to buy anything.

We have our design consultation for our kitchen today. I hope we come up with something we like. It's not a very big kitchen and needs more storage space. Might get rid of the radiator and put in a plinth heater. I can't wait for that to be done- then we can fully settle in.

Had a dream last night about going into labour early and my transfer of care not being completed. I really wish I didn't have to change hospitals.
Is newborn size clothing the same as up to one month?

Here's all of our donations of newborn/one month. Do we have enough?!!

No, I think newborn is up to about 7.8lbs and 1 month is up to about 10lbs usually.

I'm starting to freak out about labour and beyond mow I can feel how big she is lol. I know I've been through it before lol. I've just forgot some basics! When should we start doing our pelvic floor exercises etc lol. We are also having a name crisis. We've had Erin Rose for the past 15 years but now we're leaning toward Anya Willow.... it fit's with my son's name better... but I'm not sure which name choice I'll regret more lol. It would be so much easier if we having twins lol
You should already be doing pelvic floor exercises. I'm so shit at remembering, I've done it about three times since my bfp!! Lol!!!

They are both really pretty names! Tough decision!!

I didn't even know we were supposed to do pelvic floor exercises!!!
Both your names are pretty ery xx
I know I need to do them, I just totally forget all the time!

Nobody told me!! I didn't before had my son either. Just afterwards xx
If you do them in pregnancy it's supposed to help with birth, help reduce the risk of prolapse and mean you'll recover quicker and be less likely to suffer from urinary incontinence afterwards.

Just doing a few now!! Lol!!

My pelvic floor is OK after having Cam. The only time I ever have a problem is if I throw up and even then it's not every time! Thankfully!! Would have made Tri one interesting with the continuous puke pee combo! Lol!

I find the pelvic floor muscles uncomfortable to exercise. My lower belly starts to feel as though it's being sucked in and squashing the baby! I haven't done many yet either.

The big name debate is still going on here too!
I do the pelvic floor exercises when I remember.

Our names list is getting longer, but we aren't any closer to choosing one. I think we'll be sticking with a list and then hope when we finally get to meet our little man that one of those names will seem to fit, although there is one that my dw really likes and it is starting to grow on me.

My bump is hurting again, and is itchy at times. I'm assuming that it's growing. The growth rate really picks up now, doesn't it. I'm feeling the weight of him now and bending over is a no go. Picking things up from the floor and even putting on my shoes is uncomfortable now. I'm not even that big yet. The ligament pain in my hips is now bothering me. But I do love all the movement I feel and how he responds to my rubs more often now.
My pelvic floor muscles are fine since having my son but obv don't want a problem after this one. Need to get clenching lol xx
Considering I rarely did them ever with Cam, I think they're pretty good. Like I say it's only if I'm being sick and even then it's only if I'm wretching violently. Not so sure I'll get away so lightly this time but hey ho, we'll see! Lol! There's always tenna lady eh?! Lmao!!

I havent really felt baby since yesterday should i be worried? Think ive felt the odd movement but normally shes on the go all the time
If you're worried then call your MW for advice hun.

Give her a buzz now and she'll tell you what to do.


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