May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

If you are ever in doubt Nikki, then give them a call xx
I havent really felt baby since yesterday should i be worried? Think ive felt the odd movement but normally shes on the go all the time

I would give your MW a call but in the meantime have an ice cold drink and something sugary to eat. That should get her moving!

Ive been remembering to do pelvic floor exercises when I go to bed but that's it! Ive noticed already they are definitely not as great this time round...with this cough I've had a few problems! Trying to remember to do them more often as my friend had a prolapse and it bloody terrifies me!! X
We wemt to the cinema and i felt her kick a few times so ive calmed down a bit x
Hi guys, hope your all ok. I've not been online for a month, busy busy xx
That's good Nikki. I have moments like that too. Sometimes though, I'll be worried and I'll not even notice him kick! I think I'm getting so used to feeling them. I feel like I just have bad IBS or something!
Shes been quite active tonight think she was just trying to worry me!
She probably had a morning nap or lie in lol.

My bubs is very confused getting used to my new shifts she was mad awake yesterday tried to "sleep" today but it was like she was just tossing and turning. It's really weird. Oh and I went swimming yesterday and got a very strong braxton hicks. I'm sure I only got them later on with my son!
I've just downloaded the bounty app and it says I can collect my mum 2 b and my free gift box from a boots store now so looks like I haven't missed out after all!
Ive been getting braxton hicks for a while usually if i do alot in the day! Finally 27 weeks today :) my little one loves it when im in the bath she always goes mad lol
Thanks for the reminder Ery. I just downloaded the app and will go collect both free packs today!

Happy 27 weeks, nikki!

Well, after lots of research, more than I should've done, I think I've finally settled on the Bugaboo Bee. We are going to get it second hand as we can't afford it new right now. I just don't see me really needing a carrycot, so the cocoon with work perfectly. As I'm in London and travel by public transport, something light is needed. I also considered the Babyzen Yoyo+ which actually folds to meet the requirements of a carry on, which reviews suggest really rivals the Bee, but I can only get it new and it really isn't much cheaper than the Bee3, so I've had to pass. I also looked at Phil & Ted's Smart3, which looks good and is much cheaper than the other two new, but It seems like there are a few more steps to getting the cocoon attached. Hoping to view a couple of the used Bees this week- it would be great to have our pram by the end of the week.

This little one is very very active. I really do wonder what is going on in there. There are a lot of rolling feelings and then massive kicks. Last night it felt like he was boxing in there- jab jab to the right and then jab to the middle of my tummy. He's much more reactive to my rubbing as well, which I love.
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Kabuk all my London friends rave about the Bee, so it should work a treat for you.

I'm now 28+2. Midwife today and everything was fine, I'm now being seen every two weeks by her and growth scans every 4 weeks at the hospital. All my bloods are still fine. I seem to be spending loads of time trying to arrange appointments and fit everything in!
Snowbee ive got my midwife next tuesday at 28+1 plus my scan and consultant on wednesday and then growth scans every 4 weeks till im 36 weeks after that! Im the same i cant fit everything in! Glad everything went ok at the appointment!

Im struggling to walk at the moment, i cant put all my weight on one leg at a time so im struggling with stairs in particular and just generally walking around. All ive done today is sorted one room in the house and been to town with the kids and it feels like ive walked 10 miles everything hurts!
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Kabuk we went for the Bee 3 and it's on offer in John Lewis at the moment so we brought the chassis package for £479 and seat liner then we got £250 worth of Mothercare vouchers at my baby shower at the weekend so we used those to get the cocoon, car seat adaptors and other baby bits we needed. Really impressed with the Bee it folds so easily, easy to maneoveour and the basket is nice and big :) So pleased with it.
Happy 27 weeks Nikki :)
Ah ery my mil got me some bounty bits at a conference she went to and it was so much better than when I had M, loads of travel sized toiletries which I've just chucked in my hospital bag lol!
I haven't had an update from work about my new chair yet. They were meant to call me Friday to update but still no word. Am signed off until next Wednesday but was hoping to go back earlier if they had sorted it. My pain has gotten so much worse since I've been off I'm not really looking forward to going back if it continues but it'll only be for 6 weeks max so at least I'll have an end date in sight lol.
Hope everyone is doing ok :)
Thanks MrsLM. I had a look online at the John Lewis deal, but the bundles are all out of stock. My dw loves the ice blue, but I love the grey or the red. I'm heading into central London this week to get some over the bump trousers and will have a look to see if they have the deal in stock there. If not, it's okay. I really don't mind an older version second hand- I can get an entire package with cocoon for under £200.

I don't know what this kid does when I decided to walk around, but I get uncomfortable rather quickly. He seems to drop and curl into the lowest part of my uterus when I'm out walking around.

Flat still isn't in order, but we will have our sofa on Friday! I'm hoping I get an email tomorrow to tell me that our rug will be delivered on Friday, too. I'm still sorting through everything. We really need to get bedroom furniture. We have nowhere to unpack out clothes until then. They sit in our suitcases and boxes. We still have boxes full of little things to get through. But I do have a large box of things that will be going up on freecycle now and someone is coming to collect these empty boxes on Saturday. I'll have my flat organised soon enough. Have to have it in order by Friday evening as we have family arriving.

I went to Boots for my bounty freebee, but they were out of the health & beauty gift box, but I did pick up the mum-to-be one. Hopefully the Boots I'll be near tomorrow will have it.
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Do you have to take anything in to get the freebies? If so where do I find it? (Please don't be an app as I don't have a smartphone!)
Ah Kabuk that's so frustrating I didn't realise it had gone out of stock :( I wanted the grey but it was out of stock when I ordered so we got the pink and then I ordered the grey cocoon from mothercare as the pink cocoon against the hood was way too much for me haha! Although surprisingly hubby quite liked it. He's such a mans man and quite muscly so the thought of him pushing an all pink pram was cracking me up lol.
There are also bugaboo selling pages on Facebook which have fab deals especially in the London area :)
Ah I bet you can't wait to get your sofa. It takes so long to get organised when you move doesn't it, I hate moving lol!
Snowbee I'm sure you can get them from Argos too and I don't remember ever having to use an app. Might be worth asking your midwife?

Very random I know but when going through the baby bits we found our silver cross car seat adaptors. They're for maxi cosi car seats and thought I'd see if any of you ladies wanted them before I pop them on eBay as I know a few of you have got a silver cross pram. Only selling them for £10 plus postage :) Thought you guys should get first dibs lol x
I got the mum-to-be pack from Superdrug. I was supposed to get gift box from Boots but they were out of stock!
MrsLM, grey and pink go well together. I'd never go for pink, but that's just me. I know so many people love the colour, but I just don't. I wouldn't mind a black and yellow one or the khaki green. But it looks like I'll focus on getting one second hand.

Moving is a drag. We still need to have our kitchen redone. We are hoping to start that by the end of March. Luckily we have a bench in the window that has cushions. It gives us a place to sit and relax, but only one of us can see the TV. That's fine, my dw does watch it much, so now I can watch my sports while she reads and she can't complain that it's distracting as she can't see it. ;)

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