May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Snowbee the hiccups are really gentle and rhythmical movements and I feel them really low down.

I've just booked a 4D scan for Wednesday. I really don't think I'll get any extra scans on NHS and I need the reassurance that she's OK and she's a she etc. My little boy is very excited about it too!

Aww that's great hun x x so glad your son is going to get the chance to see her too x
I showed him some pics of 4D scans so he knows what to expect and he seemed excited to be able to see her like that.

I really hope she's cooperative and in a good position for us.

4D Scans look cool!

Do you think the egg has proven to my boyfriend that the fireplace won't be suitable to use next winter?

4D Scans look cool!

Do you think the egg has proven to my boyfriend that the fireplace won't be suitable to use next winter?

My gosh, that's hotter then I keep my house. I keep mine at 20C. That's more then sufficiently warm. The highest I raise my heat too is 22C on those really brisk days.

I have family history of diabetes. That's why I am having gtt.
Emily, so exciting about the scan. I am sure you will all love it.
I was offered a bimbo style seat but refused it!! Didn't know they were such a useful thing? Maybe I made a mistake!! She said she used it when first feeding her little one but I wouldn't use it for that as would prefer her in highchair out of dogs reach. What else are they used for?

I am shattered too. I wish I was taking mat leave earlier really but trying to time it so I can go back after Feb half term next year and that would only be one month unpaid. Not sure if we could manage 3 months of no pay at all for me. My OH does earn well but there are lots of outgoings and will be even more obv with a baby. I would happily start mat leave in a month if I could as my heart rate has been playing up quite a lot and it seems worse when I am worn out or have been doing too much xx
4D Scans look cool!

Do you think the egg has proven to my boyfriend that the fireplace won't be suitable to use next winter?

Mmmmm I want to be in your house lol. I'd be happy in the center of the sun lol.
Haha, his house isn't even cold. It's surrounded on three sides. I think I appreciate it more as I've moved from an old end terraced.
we live in a cottage - all open planned downstairs its freezing! had my egg on in the kitchen and it was showing 16 and the heating was on full blast!
Im always cold oh always moans because the heating is always on lol
So I spoke to my MW today about my anxieties and she suggested I see my gp who can refer me for further support and prescribe sertraline if I need it.

I've been referred for a growth scan next Thursday as baby is measuring small. I'm nearly 28 weeks and by fundal height she's only measuring 25 weeks.

My gtt and anaemia blood results have all come back normal though which is good news.

Wow that is warm! I quite like the egg it looks like the display is good and clear. Maybe I'll see if we can get one.

Emily great that your tests have come back ok, hope the growth scan goes well and shows she is a good size. I've heard so many people say the bump measurements aren't accurate at all but I don't know how accurate the scans are either? Anyone know?

Lisey my friends who recommended the bumbo all said it was really useful to sit them in while you did something, like laundry etc and they were easy to move about the house as they aren't very big. I'm going to get one as they aren't too expensive. Maybe I can even find one second hand.
Oh I had my gtt as I have pcos and that puts you in a higher risk category for getting it.
Thanks snowbee, I think there are lots of them around on selling sites. They have popped up alot on my Fb marketplace xx
I had a growth scan with Cam but for the opposite reason! He was measuring big and not following the curve on the growth chart. The scans aren't 100% accurate either but they are more accurate than a fundal height measurement. To be honest I'm glad we're getting the extra scans as it will help (hopefully) to put my mind at ease.

I dont think anything is very accurate because baby could be laying funny etc but i think the scans are a bit more reliable than the midwives measurements.

Hope it all goes ok

I want an egg i had one with my eldest oh doesnt think we need a room thermometer he thinks its a waste of money so might see if i can get a second hand one
Glad your getting more scans Emily! I soukd say a room thermometer is pretty important. I found this good clothing guide for what to put baby in.


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I got one on ebay. They are only 15 on amazon brand new. I definitely think it's worth having as it's hard to judge the temp of room xx
We bought an egg and the owl cover to go on it.

I ordered an electric breast pump today. I got the Nuby Digital from Amazon; it was reduced to £55 and has really good reviews. I want my OH to be able to do a daily feed so he's hands on.

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