May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

It's just so in considerate of them. If it was just like five minutes to drop the kids off and unpack the car then I wouldn't mind but they've been there hours! Still there now! They could easily park elsewhere but apparently have to park as close to the house as humanly possible!!

That's just annoying. People do it to us occasionally too and it is annoying as with my sons disability, we have to go in the car, he can't manage public transport so if someone blocks us in then we are stuck. I would definitely say something, esp with being full term. I think it's just rude anyway, I know they can park legally unless you have a dropped kerb but I just wouldn't do it regardless xx
That's just so not on. I would do everything I could to not park over someone's drive dropped kerb or not! We get big delivery vans for the shop parked across my drive but it's rarely for very long so I can just about bare it. When it happened regularly I started going out to my car when they parked blocking me in and watch them squirm and apologise I'd then drive round the block for a bit before coming back lol. They rarely do it now!
My neighbours have been parked across the entrance to our driveway for like the last two hours!!! They keep on doing it!!! Takes the piss!!! What if I was in labour and needed to get out quickly?!!! Grrrr!! Will have to say something next time I see her and remind her I'm full term and baby could come any time so we need to be able to get out quickly!!


Really not ok - that would really annoying me. Have you managed to chat to them? Xx
Snowbee, that's sad. It'll be my Nanna's fourth, but she hasn't met the other three due to family wars! So I've always hoped she'd still be around to see this one. I've still got three grandparents.

I've felt shit the last couple of days. I'm feeling sick a lot and uncomfortable. Also getting some belly pains. Meh. I hope this doesn't carry on until the birth.

Nice bump Betty!

I've just had a couple of days of pain and sickness- seems to coincide with baby moving a bit more and having less room. I feel much better today so hopefully you will too xx
Not yet but I'll mention it when I see them next. We've got a dropped curb too so they really shouldn't stop there! My actual neighbour doesn't drive, it's her mum that ferries her and the kids around and parks there. There's plenty of parking a bit further down or back out on the road before ours and if they parked there it would still be less than a minute from car to front door but they insist on parking as near to the house as possible!

im going to try missyeovil. im seeing my consultant on wednesday after my growth scan so im going to try and lay it on thick and see how early i can get it. another 3-4 weeks of this depresses me especially when i cant even do things for my kids because i cant walk. im using my crutches now to help me get around and to take tne weight off but the bigger she gets the more pain im in but i know they like to keep them in till 39 weeks unless its a medical reason so we'll see!

Is severe spd not a medical reason then? You poor thing, I can't imagine how I would cope xx
That is so not okay. I would be out there every time making noise about it, especially being so close to birth. It's just inconsiderate and rude. I never understood how people could do that. Where grew up in the states we had lots of one way street and had a police officer who lived in the area who would double park on these streets for a good while to visit his mama, blocking the way through for anyone trying to come down that street or parked behind him.

Final bits being finished up in the kitchen today. Then it can be cleaned and we can do a little bit of shopping to add some colour to it!
I had a horrendous night last night. Was so thirsty before bed and throughout the night so it was a two hourly cycle of getting up to pee and get a drink! With a good glug of gaviscon thrown in for good measure! Hubby got up with Cam though so I slept in until around nine which was nice.

On a dropped curb as well?! Blimey that's so naughty. People are so ignorant aren't they!? Do they know how pregnant you are? Xx
They asked before when I was due although it was a while back so they've probably forgotten. Mind you, you can tell just by looking at me that I'm heavily pregnant!! I'll definitely mention it when I see them next as the last thing I want to be worrying about when I'm in labour is having to knock on the neighbour's door to get them to move the car!!

Wow 5-6 toilet trips! How are you actually managing to get any sleep? I had a phase of going every 2 hours, but luckily it only lasted a short amount of time. I'm up to about 3-4 hours at night now, which is great.

I would do what Ery did, every time they park there make to go out and make them move. I don't mind deliveries or dropping off or picking up as it is really difficult to park in some places. However our road is massive with loads of space and I still get people who are going to the house around the corner park right opposite my drive, so we can't get in or out. I can't understand why they don't park to the side or even around the corner outside his house, we aren't short of space at all, there must be a good 30m of space to the side that hardly ever has people parked there and would be out the way of everyone!
We have the same problem with our driveway. We have a church at the bottom of the road and the worst offenders are the church goers which I find mildly ironic. My OH pointed out to one woman that she was parked across the driveway (he was washing his car at the time) and she actually said "oh, I didn't realise it was a driveway"! So the dropped curb, open gate and parked car didn't give it away then!
Haha Rachel! People are so insane at times. We used to live opposite a church on a single track very narrow road and once I had to go into a wedding and get guests to come out and move their cars as we needed to take a horse to the vets and couldn't get out. There were several houses further down they had all blocked in too, it wasn't just us. The worst one we ever had though was the police actually left a car blocking our road for nearly 18 hours, we had a massive queue of people trying to get in and out and what if there had been an emergency? Idiots.
The police? I get so mad at this kind of behaviour! Especially whilst pregnant!

Believe it or not I'm actually getting better sleep after my surgery than I have for months despite the toilet trips. And i find the trick is to keep my eyes closed then once I'm back in bed I'm straight back to sleep, it's glorious! Xx
i dont think they class spd as a medical condition its just something you have to put up with but im going to see if i can get it down to 38 weeks. that means ill only have to get through another 2 weeks then
Omg my dryer arrived! OK it's a bit deeper than planned but meh but Omg look at my washing pile already it's never been this small!!!!!!! Ever!!!!


  • 2017-04-15 15.08.33.jpg
    2017-04-15 15.08.33.jpg
    367 KB · Views: 18
By comparison this is what was considered small before (I'm sat on my bed for idea of scale)


  • 2017-04-15 15.13.02.jpg
    2017-04-15 15.13.02.jpg
    459.8 KB · Views: 20
Omg... towels...... don't take 3 days to dry..... and...... they come out soft not like cardboard!!! I can... I can wash my bedding before it gets to a state it's so manky it's a bio hazard..... only drawback. ..... all my drawers are full!

I don't know why people with dryers don't buy their dryers cards in their birthday and have candle lit dinners with them.


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