May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Oh my goodness I'm so tired!! I made a valiant effort to tackle the lady garden this morning and then took Cam swimming. I didn't notice much difference when I was in the water except my bump felt a bit more squishy but when I got out the pool, I felt so so heavy and cumbersome! We were only in the water for about 40 minutes and I just sort of bobbed about in the learner pool but I'm so tired its unreal!! Lol!

Still, Cam really enjoyed himself and seeing as how in a few weeks he's going to have to adjust to being a big brother, sharing his mum and a lot of the focus being on his little sister, it was nice to spend some more quality time together. We even treated ourselves to lunch in the cafe afterwards!

Just had a nap and going to cook the tea but could do with a bit more shut eye to be honest! Lol!

I've just had a nap to but need more rest lol. Doc said my eye issue could be dehydration and tiredness.

I'm sure cam loved his mummy time. Next week I'm taking my son to see boss baby lol.
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I'm certainly feeling a lot more worn out this last week. I've not been sleeping too badly at all really but I'm finding that I need a nap in the afternoons now as by 3 o'clock I'm fighting to keep my eyes open.

I'm looking forward to having hubby home for the Easter bank holiday. He will be hopefully finishing off the garden (fingers cruised the weather stays good) and no doubt Cam will be out watching and helping so I'll hopefully get some time to put my feet up a bit more.

im so tired this week. im having to get up 3 or 4 times a night for tne toilet so it just feels like i havent slept! oh has gone out so i plan on having a bath and going straight to bed i can hardly keep my eyes open today
I'm finding I'm awake a lot too nikki but just through being uncomfy!! Comes to something when you think you might get a better nights sleep when you've got a newborn haha xx
Some nights I'm only up once but generally it's only a maximum of twice. That being said I do wake up at night a fair bit but unless I'm having an episode of insomnia I normally fall asleep again pretty quickly.

I got cramp last night in my calf muscle. I got it loads when I was pregnant with Cam but thankfully not had it much this time, maybe only three or four times so far.

I'm herring cramp all the time in my calves :( anyone else keep getting really bad backs? I'm having to use a heated blanket to gain a bit if relief!
Sometimes I wake up 10+ times in the night. I do think I will sleep better when she is here as I won't be in pain, it is unbearable sometimes xx
I had calf cramps, complete ceasing of the muscle throughout the 2nd tri. It has subsided now- that goodness. I've actually been off, but I'm still exhausted. I have been busy most days, but I think it's more lack of sleep. I'm not sleeping well and wake often. My lower back requires me to adjust often, which isn't easy anymore, and I get up to go to the loo at least 3 times. Then I can't seem to sleep past 7am. I'm dreading going back to work next week.

Making progress on things. Bedroom got a thorough clean and the next2me crib is up and the dresser has been turned into a changing table. I cleaned my bugaboo bee, so that's ready to go now. I've got measured and now have one nursing bra and will be ordering more. I have my shopping list for the items I still need for my hospital bag, and I'll get that sorted over the next 2 days. The kitchen is coming along nicely, so hopefully it means they'll be finished tomorrow. Painting, lighting, cupboard doors, counter top, appliances and cleaning still need to be done. And our washing machine will arrive tomorrow! Once all the kitchen things are moved out of the living room, then I can put together a storage unit that will hold all of the clothes for our little boy. I even got a breast pump with accessories, just need to sterilise it (got second hand).

I'm hungry, tired and my teeth and gums hurt. Went to the dentist today- all good there but some tarter build-up. My my gums have been very sensitive since tri 2 and they are killing me from the cleaning. Lots of bleeding when she cleaned them.
Sounds like we are all ready for our little ones to arrive. If my house isnt ready my body has almost had enough lol. Don't get me wrong I love being pregnant and savouring every last moment of my final pregnancy but at the same time. ... ow lol
My bump is really weird looking. Sometimes it looks square!

Last night I felt two strange vibrations in my groin. It felt like the baby was blowing raspberries. I don't think I've felt them before.

My hips are still keeping me up at night. I get about 4 hours undisturbed, then have to flip from one side to the other for the rest of it.

I'm feeling more calm at home with my parents. Except that we thought my Nanna was dying the other night and I ended up at the hospital all night with her! She's ok now, thankfully. I was so worried she'd miss seeing the baby. My boyfriend is visiting next weekend as it's my birthday. So we'll see what happens then.

Can't wait to see everyone's little ones arriving :D
Glad you Nanna is ok Dovekie, one of the things we are sad about is my Nanna not knowing about this little one, which would have been her first great grandchild as we didn't find out I was pregnant until the day after her funeral.

I'm actually sleeping ok, apart from that I have a cold and have been waking as I can't breathe, but it is starting to go now. I'm generally getting up twice in the night to wee, sometimes once, sometimes three times but mostly twice, which is bearable. I'm so stiff when I do get up though! It takes me a while to get going.

This week I've been exhausted. I am doing a lot though, the house is very nearly back together. I've got all the wardrobes to sort out but I can live with how they are and do them gradually once little one is here. I've been sorting a pile to go in the loft and a pile to be sold/charity shopped too, so that will thin things out a bit. Little ones room is coming together now! So excited.
So that's me down!! Can't wait to see who is next.. any guesses? Hope everyone is ok and getting excited about being full term! Happy Easter everyone :) xx
Dovekie, glad your nan is ok xx

It's nice when it all starts coming together isn't it snowbee? At one point I thought I would be getting baby's clothes out of boxes rather than drawers.

How are you doing Lou? I do wonder who will be next xx
I think you're next lisey :) or nikki knowing her history!

Glad your more settled now dovekie and glad your nan is OK x

I haven't told my nannas both have dementia so it wouldntvrealky sink in!
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I can't get over how cute Lou's little one is!! I'm also finding it weird to think that in my tummy right now is a little baby just like that! Like a real life, looks like a baby, actual baby!! It's making me so excited to meet her!!

I think either Nikki or Lisey next, although your bump has Sergio dropped Ery. Pebbles might be next though as she's due on the first! I think my little lady will keep me waiting and be late like her brother was! Hopefully not late enough to need to be induced though!

Ladies? Why do you think me? I bet I will go two weeks over now lol xx
I was going to say Nikki too! I am good, very emotional today, hormone surge coming with milk I reckon! Feeling overwhelming love for our little doll and thinking of Harrison x

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