May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Happy 37 weeks Emily!

We have a washer dryer, I've had it for years as my first house only had space for the one. I've now also got another washing machine though, so that is handy to be able to do two lots of washing at once! I don't use the dryer that much but it is really useful when you need it. Luckily we have a huge landing with rails all round the stairs which makes a perfect indoor drying area all year round. I've also got a really hot airing cupboard, which I can hang things on a ladder to dry. I love the smell of fresh laundry!

Baby's room is nearly ready, I'm waiting for the changing unit to arrive, just gone for a simple trolley type so that we don't have to change on the floor (too old for all that bending) or the bed. Still haven't found any cute farm type art work I like, so that is something to keep an eye out for. Bag is packed for baby. Still not packed mine but the pile of things for it is now nearly complete and would be able to be packed in a minute if required. Not really sure what clothes I need for myself, how long I will be there and what will fit so that is really all that is missing.
Beautiful bump!
Anyone else's bh8 starting to get more painful?

Also in an attempt to start to pack hospital bag I looked up disposable maternity knickers.... the first hit i don't think will be too practical :rofl:


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I need baby clothes to add to the bag and clothes for me.
Maternity bras and pads then I think it's nearly done need to add some toiletries too. I'm so unsure lol I need to go through and do a proper list soon lol

Hubby finished painting baby room and I finished (almost bar one bag and whatever junk is under my bed) tidying our bedroom. At some point I'll need to change the light bulb in our room as we have gone without for coming up to 3 years lol
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I got any day now too.

I'm not holding my breath though. I think my little lady will either arrive on 5th May (and steal my birthday!) Or she'll arrive after her due date.

I just can't imagine that she'll be here early!

I also got any day now!!! Everyone I've seen today has said my bump has dropped and changed shape...I am also getting a bruised feeling at the bottom of my bump instead of the top....trying not to get excited >< xx
Aww bless :) I was thinking the 13th may stealing his great uncle (is thst right grandads brother) and great gandads birthday or may 21st our wedding anniversary x

Quick question.

Has anyones child had to have 2 teeth out? My son has to go through this next week and I'm. A mess thinking about it it seems so cruel and awful. (There's nothing wrong with the teeth it's down to over crowding) I'm so scared for him. :(
Cam hasn't had to have any teeth out but I have had four out when I was a kid (due to overcrowding!) and three wisdom teeth out as an adult. I would just explain what is going to happen so he's prepared but don't make a big deal out of it. I got all light headed last time and they had to tip the chair upside down for a few minutes until I felt better! It was so embarrassing, I felt like a right idiot!! Lol!!

I had 2 teeth out due to overcrowding but that was under GA as I was having another mouth op at the same time. I don't like the thought of him in pain afterwards and the thought of them pulling them out :( poor little mite. It's making me all panickey just thinking about it.
I got any day now too. I can feel her moving lower but still don't think she is ready just yet xx
Haha those disposable pants! I'm just taking the large ones I bought for pregnancy, I'm hoping that a bit afterwards I'll be too thin for them anyway, so may as well get the use out of them while I can...

I've not had any bhs. I got not quite yet on the quiz. Mine is lower, but seems on and off and has been like this for a couple of weeks now.

I had nearly all my baby teeth taken out as my big teeth were trying to grow but my baby teeth wouldn't fall out. I had to gum things to death for weeks afterwards. I had so many out they did it under GA. I remember coming round in the recovery room and the boy opposite me was covered in blood and tissue! I remember checking to see if I was too (I wasn't).
my bhs are getting quite painful now

my son needs to have 4 teeth out :( the enamel hasnt grown properly so they are crumbling away basically but I've been putting it off while hes not in pain :( cant bring myself to take him
At least it's seeming pretty common. It's no wonder dentist phobia is so common. Still don't like the thought of it though :(
Yes, BH is more uncomfortable now. Seems to come in phases. Also, baby's movements are more uncomfortable. I kept getting a pain down below earlier. Might have been my bladder. My bump is extending downwards. Ribs are getting jabbed too. I can't believe I've got weeks (months?!) of this left!
Yeah I'm finding movements are ore uncomfortable too. It's like whenever I get comfy she decides she's not lol.
movements hurt now :( maybe its because shes running out of space and i think the fluid levels go down now aswell. not looking forward to starting the school runs again on tuesday lol
Oh yes we've got to do that again :( my lad goes back on wed at least that's my last day in before 3 days off.

3 days in work 3 days off 4 days in work 3 days off 4 days in work then maternity leave yaay!!!!
Think my little lass may have moved\ be moving down a bit more as the pain at the bottom of my bump is much more today. Struggled a bit to cross my legs as it's too sore and it's very sore when she moves.

Hubby and I DTD last night and I woke up in the night with some period type pains but they've gone now.

Had another very disturbed night last night. Was up to pee quite a few times, period type pains and then I must have been snoring or something as hubby woke me to turn me over and then I just woke loafs of times to turn over etc! Ah well gotta get used to these disturbed nights eh as they'll be here for a good while to come!

i had my first decents night sleep in a few weeks last night lol feel so much better today!

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